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Posts posted by Bogof

  1. Which gear to be in when cornering and sometimes I feel I'm just taking the corner so that I'm going into other side of the road nearly for some sharp bends !


    How much training have you had? Cornering isn't something you can easily, or successfully, learn online to be honest.

  2. You want to watch a video of a corner? Bit boring isn't it?

    Someone stuck up a vid of a traffic cone recently which was relatively entertaining.


    That was me.

    I'm trying to get a video of a fully functioning traffic light, but every time it goes red the camera stops recording.

    OP: What particular aspect of the corner do you want to see?

  3. Hello everyone.

    Im new to motorbiking and have a question about the CBT. I want to get into motorbiking but have never ridden a motorbike before, how do i pass my CBT? I plan on getting a yzf r125 to bike around in but first i have to pass the CBT, I have a Full UK driving license so i know the basics of driving on the road, its just that i dont know how to ride a bike, Will they teach me on the CBT, I know nothing about riding a motorbike, just that I could probably stay balanced on one as i can cycle.



    It's Compulsory Basic Training so yes, they will teach you to the required standard before issuing your certificate. Find a local trainer and get it booked.

  4. Some insurers do require a bike to have cover in its own right to be covered under a 'other bike' extension this is because the 'other bike' extension only offers third party cover whilst riding so if you were to park up and get off the bike it would be uninsured.


    Moot point since the continuous insurance requirement means that it now has to be either insured or on a SORN. If the latter, then it's illegal to take it on the road.

    Insurance requirements should be covered in the driver/rider training curriculum, as they may crop up in the theory test.

  5. thinking about it, its probably all changed since i was as lad... but we always used to rent scooters and ride about in shorts and t-shirt and flip flops with no helmet. No doubt banned by the European fat cats.


    I believe you'll find that helmet use is a statutory requirement in all civilised countries. For good reason! :wink:

  6. If ever we join Europe properly, it'll be interesting if European helmet laws get applied here in the uk.

    I've has great fun on holiday with scooters and no helmet.


    Which part of European helmet law do you feel would be interesting?

  7. Should helmets be compulsory when riding a motorcycle?


    Yes. If a rider is injured it affects others too, not just the rider.

    There is NO doubt that helmets save lives and reduce severity of head injuries, so they should stay compulsory.

    As for MAG, they should continue to represent the interests of those that fund their activities. Alternative groups exist and may promote alternative views and opinions.

  8. Got brand new 14 plate car yesterday :D

    Less than 12 hours later, a bird has shit all over the bonnet :evil:


    Don't you hate it when a date ends like that? :P

    Just realised I have roughly 3 weeks left to complete roughly 6 weeks work. Erm... f**k it! :shock:

  9. So the poxy metal dust caps have siezed on the valve.

    Any tips on how to get them off so i can toss them away and put air in my tyres?



    If all else fails just break them off and if necessary fit new valve stems.

    And make sure you check tyre pressure more regularly in future to avoid a repeat performance :wink:

  10. as long as its the right colour and size and spacing its legal

    It has to be reflective.


    Think thats only if first registered after 2001.


    You think wrong, unless you mean where 2001 = 1st January 1973

    Number plate design specification

    Vehicles manufactured after 1 January 1973, must display

    number plates of:

    reflex-reflecting material;

    white background at the front of the vehicle and a

    yellow background at the rear of the vehicle; and

    the characters must be black.



  11. The retension plates/springs that sit in the calliper before the pads go in, should hold the pads from touching and rubbing on the disk..


    Retension plates/springs don't exist in this context. Anti squeal shims do exist. Neither will hold pads away from a disc.

    To the OP: You can't set a gap. If the brakes are not binding then you're looking to cure a problem that doesn't exist :)

  12. The opening date is 1st June (Saturday). I’ll be going down as an ex-Thanet bod/contributor to the project and wondered if anyone else fancied the ride out and a look-see (I know a really good place for chips on the seafront!).


    Unfortunately I'm not able to get there during the summer, but I would love to visit the tunnels.

    I clearly remember riding the Tunnel Railway as a child - we used to get off the mainline train at Dumpton Park to ride the Tunnel into Ramsgate - which, given the tunnel railway closed in 1965, makes me feel a little old

  13. ( or even performance plus or iams)


    Are they not both cat food brands?

    To the OP: Ride in the manner that makes you feel comfortable. There's plenty of summer ahead to allow you to develop your own style.

    What feels right to you is way more important than what looks right to others, imo.

  14. So, I have a supermoto but the licence plate is around 3-4 inches from the back wheel(with a passenger the licence plate touches the wheel easy), and my question is can I cut around the licence plate and take the excess of, is it legal? I included a pic to help.

    I don't see why not the letters will be the same size but I don't want to risk it.

    Or should I decrease the suspension sag of the bike?



    It's illegal - Leaflet INF104 tells you all you need to know


  15. Well annoyingly they don't even have the courtesy to print you the questions you failed on, so I am unsure exacrtly what they where (another way to scam money from you).

    Can anyone please advise?


    Here's another way they have to scam you.... oh wait, it's FREE


    Can't really get any better than using the DSA website itself, and all at no charge :wink:

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