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Posts posted by Bogof

  1. I'm going to be a pedant here. Nobody pays road tax. The roads are maintained by the local authority.


    I'm not a pendant usually, but...

    No they're not (necessarily). Major roads are maintained by the Highways Agency, minor roads by local authority (usually) acting on behalf of, and as agents of, the Highways Agency.

  2. And if you have a centre stand run the bike, put it in first, spray on the cleaner, and then put the tooth brushes on the chain. Let it run through for about 10-15 seconds, repeat once or twice depending on how bad the chain is.

    Turn the bike off, then by hand wipe it down with a rag, then flick it back on or not, you don't have to and apply a nice even coat of lube. Job done :thumb:


    I find it hard to believe that people still recommend risking serious injury to clean a chain.

    Top tip: If you're really that bothered about it being dirty... Buy a new one, save your fingers! :lol:

  3. Going back to the Aldi gear - I seem to recall that their helmets aren't actually certified to meet the legally required safety standards... Worth checking the label before buying something that may amount to a full face bicycle helmet :P


    If that were the case it'd be illegal to sell them


    Safety helmet standards

    All helmets sold in the UK must either:

    meet British Standard BS 6658:1985 and carry the BSI Kitemark

    meet UNECE Regulation 22.05

    meet a European Economic Area member standard offering at least the same safety and protection as BS 6658:1985, and carry a mark equivalent to the BSI Kitemark


    Source: https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-helmet-law

  4. so i may as well filter down to the front and just as i check over my shoulder and start to move out the idiot in front decides she's going to block me off -.-


    I never ever filter to the very front - too many drivers dislike having to concede "pole position". It's pointless anyway, since you can easily overtake them as soon as the lights change.

  5. Hi folks,

    I'm about to embark on my Theory and CBT prior to my main training/tests. I have a 27 year old pink paper licence with Car (group A) and Moped (group E).

    Does this work as motorcycle provisional for DAS or do i need to swap it first ?


    If you have an old-style paper licence, you must take your signed driving licence and a valid passport when reporting for test (Theory, Mod 1 and Mod 2). Not sure about CBT but would imagine the same restriction applies. If you have no passport, your only option is to get a photo licence.

  6. Old Billy O'Fallen has a nap for thinking he's a ghost. He usually always wears the same white sheet over his head when he wonders on up to the house up the road through the woodland and across the small bridge...

    Well one night after getting totally pissed Billy went home and threw a long white sheet over himself and then began his ten minute walk through the woodlands where he comes across another man who happens to be walking in the other direction and "Booo! I'm a fecking ghost..." old Billy snarls at the other man who then replies "Nice to meet ya Billy I'm married to ya sister!"


    OK, you win

  7. Not sure what's wrong. I have an old gsx 750 es. Starts first time and ticks over ok. Serviced last week, new plugs,oil,filters etc. Goes well up to 8000rpm but no further in any gear. Anyone have an idea why this is happening


    Maybe it's restricted?

  8. And for the record you don't need 3 bikes as you only need one. You have the option of either using one of the school's bikes for the test/CBT or your own, and apparently for the A2 test now you can do it on a bike with a max of 92 BHP? I'm sure I read that posted in another topic on here before (If I remember it right I also quoted it...Will look for it now).

    Edit - Found it :)


    Once you pass your A2 restricted motorcycle test, you can then ride any motorbike or scooter of your choice, providing that you have restricted the power output to a maximum of 35kw (46.6bhp). However, European Legislation states that you can only restrict a bike for the A2 test which had an original the power output not greater than 70kw (93.2bph) according to the original manufacturer's declartion.


    Providing it is restricted etc etc. So you can test on a 35kw, which can be a bike of an original output (before restriction) of 70kw.

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