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Posts posted by Bogof

  1. as you are over 17 years old once you have passed your cbt you can ride up to a 125cc bike just make sure that your eu licence has got motorcycle provisional on it


    I think you'll find that the provisional entitlement(s) ceases at the border.


    You cannot drive to another country on just a provisional licence or certificate.


    Source: http://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/vehicles/driving/validity/tourist_en.htm

  2. I have dark grey epoxy, plastic welding cement, and a soldering iron.

    Any ideas on how I should sort this out?



    Once you've glued it into position...

    Cut a few short lengths of fencing wire, about 40mm will do. Then on the reverse, use the soldering iron to melt the wire into the plastic. This'll minimise the flexing of the repair and increase the likelihood that it'll last more than a week.

  3. Hi,

    For the U-turn manoeuvre does it say anywhere within the DSA (DVSA now) standards or guidance or test criteria that the U-turn must be a ride? I've checked what documents I can find and nowhere does it "actually" say a U-turn ride. It specifies it for the slalom and figure eight and slow ride (obviously) but not the U-turn?


    You're out of luck...


    U turn

    The candidate is required to demonstrate low speed balance, control and effective observation before and whilst riding a U turn within a defined restricted space.

    The candidate should be asked to ride a U turn between the two marked lines, as if they were riding on a public road. The candidate should take effective rear observation. Touching but not crossing the lines should be regarded as a rider fault, crossing the lines would be assessed as a serious fault. A significant loss

    of control would be assessed as a serious or dangerous fault depending on the circumstances. If not

    already positioned correctly the four blue cones that form the controlled stopping box

    should be re-positioned at this stage


    Page 71 of this https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/252099/dsa-dt1-standard-operating-procedure.pdf

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