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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Bogof

    wont idle WITH chokd

    It may or may not be a fault. If the bike starts and runs with half choke, then use half choke. I'd mention it to the dealer next time I visit for any reason, such as when dropping the bike off for a service, but I'd not make a special trip for it
  2. Don't waste your time, or the opportunity, in trying to argue s14(2) fitness for purpose as it's likely to fail at the first hurdle - you have been riding it, therefore you have shown by your own actions that it is fit for the purpose as a means of transport. You'd fair better with a s14(3) satisfactory quality argument, citing the various faults and deficiencies that would not have arisen had the machine been of satisfactory quality. Leave aside the repair and/or servicing issues as a separate line of argument/negotitation. Arguing that the original machine is clearly of poor quality is your best chance of getting the manufacturer to roll over. Suggesting that the dealer displayed incompetence in trying to put right the original faults adds to that argument. Bringing into play the dealer's faults just confuses the issue so let that rest as a Plan B at the outset, using it when/if the first pitch fails.
  3. 5 - V5, insurance certificate, MOT 6 - spare bulbs
  4. Yes you can. In fact, you CAN pass the test with no training whatsoever (if you can overcome the tricky bits liek getting a big bike to the test centre etc) but you'd be well advised to get the training first. Average cost seems to be between 300 and 600 ukp depending on area
  5. Do you have a UK licence at all? If not, you won't have the paper counterpart to your licence and won't have Provisional Group A entitlement so you will be unable to sit a test in the UK for motorcycles. If you DO have Provisional Group A, then you need to pass a Group A test to gain full motorcycle entitlement.
  6. User DeeJ used to make them, and maybe still does? http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=36231&p=674665&hilit=tmbf+stickers#p674665
  7. Nearest Halfords is a 4.5 hour round trip from here so it'd have to be a substantial discount to make it worthwhile
  8. DAS without a doubt, as it opens up more possibilities. Good luck with it, whatever you choose to do
  9. But it IS a prerequisite to gaining a GB driving test with the DSA. Catch-22, no? We're talking government departments so logic, and a sense of fairness, have no part to play.
  10. That is almost correct. The CBT syllabus and the training body are DSA approved, so the process of obtaining the training is also approved, but it is NOT "a DSA driving test". So I wasn't splitting hairs, but you had missed the point. As already said, provisional entitlement is not transferable. The criteria for obtaining the counterpart were clearly set out in the letter quoted earlier. Wanting to undertake CBT is not a qualifying route for obtaining the paper counterpart as it is not "a GB driving test with the DSA".
  11. You have to do CBT before you can start DAS training. It's Compulsory Basic Training so it's not an optional thing... use the voucher, get your CBT certificate, then start DAS. And good luck!
  12. It's not added to your licence. Once you have completed Compulsory Basic Training you get a separate certificate which must be produced alongside your photocard and paper counterpart when presenting yourself for test as the certificate validates the entitlement on your paper counterpart. CBT trainers will need to see your paper counterpart in order to check that you have the provisional entitlement before they can take you on the road.
  13. The CBT is not a TEST, and the training is not conducted BY the DSA
  14. Fair point, but if you're ready for the test then you should be ready to ride on ALL roads in ALL conditions, not just those that you know well And consider yourself lucky... the nearest motorcycle test centre to me is a 5 hour round trip (as is the nearest KFC)
  15. Maidstone isn't a motorcycle test centre. Look here http://www.dft.gov.uk/fyn/practical.php?directory=true&county=Kent#directory
  16. Just noticed you're in Kent. I can highly recommend Dexterity based near Ashford. My son, my brother and I all trained with them in the last few years. As a bonus, they now offer DAS training on a Ducati 696 http://www.dexteritytraining.co.uk/Ducati_Rider_Training.htm
  17. At least I answered the OP's question instead of simply having a pop at someone.
  18. DAS, simply because it opens up more options. Once passed, you can still pootle around on a 125 if you like.
  19. Looky here http://www.puch-m125.org.uk/
  20. It IS possible to pass the tests without further training, my son did it a few years back. However, the whole point of training is that you acquire skills that are likely to keep you, and us, safe when you're on the roads. Your choice entirely as to whether or not that is important to you.
  21. That price sounds an awful lot for a single day! Why not call them and ask what is included in that price? I only paid that much for 5 days including both tests.
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