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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. £30 to £50 That's more than the price of a slap up meal for two, I think! Now I just need to find someone to slap and somewhere to eat .... But you would have saved the cost of the chain tool. So that leaves about enough for a McD 99p cheeseburger
  2. If the bolt is really tight, then it's likely that there's a spacer (thick washer) missing. I'd take the bolt out and pack it with washers to minimise the sideways play. Or get a new brake lever. Check out what parts are supposed to be there in a manual or parts list.
  3. Don't be nervous... with winds like that you'll sail through the test
  4. I suspect you'd find that riding like Rossi on test will get you a fail pretty quickly Best of luck for tomorrow, hope the weather holds for you
  5. That was rhetorical due to the supporting argument. Noooo.... really?
  6. Ha nice to see someone roll out that old pointless decaying chestnut, lets lump in obesity, smoking, any of a million other accidents, infact lets not use the health service for anything afterall its not like we pay for it, oh hang on seems we did including your broken arm! I believe that the state has a duty of care which with road users are safe roads by construction, signage and the legal system punishing those who blatantly put others at risk by say drink driving. I also think we have a duty of care to the state by behaving responsibly and not putting ourselves at an unnecessary risk so burdening the NHS. If state = society, agreed 100%.
  7. It's not just personal risk if they rely on the National Health Service to patch them up
  8. Bogof

    import ligts problem

    I'd start off by checking your earthing points, particularly around the flasher unit
  9. Way more than 10% crash. The 10% figure are KSI stats. Car drivers around 20% crashing in their first year of driving. http://www.jaama.co.uk/News56.aspx
  10. I disagree. The current system leads to 10% of riders ending up dead or seriously injured in their first year of being a full licence holder. That is NOT acceptable in my view, and if restriction is seen by those better qualified than I in matters of road safety as being a positive step in reducing that 10% figure then so be it. And funnily enough, I am one of the 10%. I passed DAS and bought a VTR1000 11 weeks later. It bit me due to my inexperience and broke my arm. I was lucky in that my serious injury wasn't more serious. Many others don't share my level of luck.
  11. Best post in the thread so far (apart from mine, obviously)
  12. You might want to check the legalities of displaying L Plates when you have a full licence, I'm pretty sure its an offence to display them if you hold a full licence for the vehicle that you are driving/riding. The exception to this rule being driving instructors. I think this is where the displaying of P plates for new drivers came from (not sure if this is an option on a bike). It's not an offence. The Regulations say "should" and not "must". The only time you "must" is when you take the car on a motorway (and even then most instructors don't bother removing or covering them) http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1996/2824/schedule/4/made And P plates are not recognised here yet. http://www.driving-schools-uk.com/p_plates.php
  13. Someone, somewhere, sometime... may find this of use... joke/jōk/ Noun: A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, esp. a story with a funny punchline. Verb: Make jokes; talk humorously or flippantly. Synonyms: noun. jest - fun - jape - gag - trick - pleasantry - lark verb. jest - jape - banter - lark - kid - josh
  14. Couldn't possibly comment Bogof That's the problem with people that stereotype, they're all brainless idiots.
  15. That's a bit harsh, although I am inclined to agree with the sentiment. I passed DAS and 11 weeks later I bought a VTR1000 Firestorm. The insurance cost me less than £20 more than the GSX600F. Does that make me a *****?
  16. Yes. My son did it on a ped, and rode his geared bike as soon as he got home.
  17. Bogof

    CBR 125 CLOCKS

    My CBR400RR is in KPH, has NO sticker, and recently passed another MOT.
  18. Bogof

    bike smoking

    Try Nicotinell patches
  19. Contact the test centre that issued the pass certificate.
  20. Erm, lots if it's needed... the bike will overheat when it gets to fan temperature if the fan doesn't switch on
  21. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23967154/IMAG0243.jpg The Old Sheppey bridge http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23967154/IMAG0242.jpg and the New Sheppey bridge
  22. Fix the fault with the fan. There will be a thermostat connected to the fan. Check the connection is sound (my son's wasn't) or the fan won't work (his didn't). It'd have to be siberian cold conditions to make much difference.
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