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Everything posted by xMachina

  1. I don't do well in test situations either, I was convinced I was going to fail mod 1. It's as easy or hard as you make it, I made it hard for myself and still passed with no minors. Honestly, its not as bad as a lot of people make out. If you think you made a mistake just ignore it (as best you can) and move on. There is nothing there designed to 'catch you out', it really is just a basic skills test, albeit in a rather unnatural feeling environment.
  2. You are seriously over thinking it - BREATH! Mod 1 is a series of simple maneuvers, the size and layout is irrelevant really as you have way more space than you need to perform them. Unless you are practicing on the bike you are taking the test on its not that bigger help either as you will be learning habits that may not transfer to a different bike, balance points, lever pressure, engine revs, etc. My advice would be make shoulder checks an automatic action, after that just ride the bike and don't look at the cones!
  3. Not sure on that, the styling looks a bit confused.
  4. Managed to squeeze in another couple this morning and freeze my ass off in dense fog that cleared pretty quick thankfully!
  5. You are all wrong. It’s to allow time for a cup of tea and a biscuit before you get your hands dirty.
  6. Thats like putting champagne in a Lambrini girl.
  7. That is a nice exhaust. I want a new exhaust, maybe I can try this. Wife: why have you spent a ton of money on an exhaust? Me: left a lock on my sprocket. Wife: so why did it need a new exhaust? Me: it’s a bike thing, you wouldn’t understand.
  8. Musical smugness is one of the worst kinds of smugness. It's like when people say a band you like aren't real 'insert genre here' or mock you for listening to a band or genre. Initially it used to wind me up, but then I realised just how much these people are limiting themselves. Or the people who want to quiz you over what colour socks the bass player of the band you just said you like wears...
  9. Damn, that's pretty impressive!
  10. I'm not from Shrewsbury but my advice would be don't worry about it and take each junction as they come. Don't start yourself worrying about certain roads/junctions as its just added pressure. Ride YOUR ride.
  11. Meh, its no 'Check out my Subaru'.
  12. Drunk on a plane cracks me up, video is awesome to that!
  13. Hopefully the reference isn't lost.
  14. Got a big country collection, that will be back out once we have some sun.
  15. Anyone else have terrible taste in music? I have a tendency to listen to very wide spectrum of music but I think this may have lead to everyone else around me at work thinking I may have lost it. Yesterday I was mainly listing to early 90's Norwegian black metal (Mayhem, Burzum, etc, - most people will probably think its just noise - well it is!) but this morning I've got 30's/40's jazz on. Oddly the jazz is getting more funny looks than the black metal! I think this afternoon we will be heading back to the 90's for some happy hardcore, because its Friday after all.
  16. Holy thread resurrection batman! A necromancer walks amoung us.
  17. Well mate, you know there's only one to stop them... Sorry, couldn't resist. I'll get my coat.
  18. Road or Powers? I'm looking at getting some new tyres and I currently have Pilot Road (1st gen so they're old now), great tyres so I'd like to stay with Pilots.
  19. I'm guessing owner ('some facts' and 'for the record' are a bit of a giveaway, how could you know facts if you aren't involved with the company?) and after a quickfire 3 post rant we will probably never hear from them again. Personally I avoid companies that pull fake crap like this like the plague. If you genuinely want to have your side of the story heard at least identify yourself as the company in question not pretend to be a customer.
  20. Man that sucks, other than the impressive war wound glad you’re ok.
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