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Posts posted by NearOn

  1. I work hard in a fairly good job but I certainly won't be in the position anytime soon to pay for things like houses, bikes, cars with cash. Renting with a small family it's impossible to save even for a deposit on a mortgage. Go back 20 years and you could get a decent house for a good price. Now for a new 3 bed box house it's over £200,000 in this part of the UK.

    We are due some inheritance soon which of course no one wants family to pass on but unfortunately for me and many others is the only way to get a deposit together.

  2. I think you will get it easily. A few years ago even during financial state country was in, my other half was approved for a 4k bike on her part time pay and average credit score. I was quite surprised but they want the custom.

    Also try noddle credit report, is 100% free forever and provides you with just as much information as the likes of others.

  3. Come off at a decent speed, textiles won't last 2 seconds. In terms of crash protection, nothing will compare to a good set of leathers. This has been tested and I believe it was comparable to denim in respect to how long it lasts on a slide...

    If I'm going on a ride where I intend on giving it the beans... nothing else will come into my mind.

    For day to day commuting, I don't mind wearing textiles. Mine aren't very good though - poor quality (RST blade).


    I've found RST leathers to not be poor quality. Be interesting to see compared to another make which is 400 pounds more what the difference would be in an accident. I'll soon be purchasing RST textiles to commute in too as feel they offer quality for a reasonable price.

  4. where are these pics then?!

    My little one was born in October 2014. He's starting to develop into a real character now. I'll bet you're really looking forward to just playing with her (that's pretty much all i want to do when i get my 35 mins on an evening!)


    I get about hour and a half, and then most the weekend give the misses a break. I enjoy it as we only plan to have one and don't want to miss out on anything, really enjoy how how much more he can do now he's 19 months, amazing hearing him copy sentences now.

  5. I went from cycling 20 miles a day (losing 2 stone in 8 months) to a fat slob. i really need to get back into exercise - but I'm too damn lazy. Also i hate that sensation when you first start exercising where your recovery takes a full 6 hours!


    I similarity did a lot of biking last week, not those distances but a fair way for me, ate heathy for the week too, and I annoyingly was 4 pounds heavier after that week. Weighed myself at same time of day and everything. I know shouldn't be measuring after just a week but felt pretty deflated after all the effort I put in to start with.

  6. One of the best feelings ever being able to go home with them. Our little boy was born in Dec 2013 a month early and had breathing difficulties on his arrival, nearly a month spent in intensive care and then he came home. Can't imagine 6 months, you must be so pleased.

    The daily routine of going in the morning and leaving him at night was awful, each day hoping the doctor had good news. Have to say our hospital in particular were amazing and we met some amazing staff and other parents in far worse situations than ours.

  7. Good luck with going back. I've done it a few times and always hardest bit. For the last year I've done

    little exercise and I too want to get back to it. But with a toddler and work not possible to go to the gym currently, so am using my garage of an evening to start with.

    I got to 15 stone nearly 2 years ago and now at 16, I'm 6ft but ideally want to be 14 stone, let's hope we can do it.

  8. It was the current system when I started school in 88, that was 27 years ago. You guys really must be old if it seems new :cheers: only messing! But yeah for me it started primary school which was reception then year 1 to 5. Then walked across the road to secondary school which was year 7 to 11 and then choice of staying for sixth form 12 to 13.

  9. Does seem rather odd it's made in 03 and on an 06 plate, sure it isn't a personal number plate or

    Imported to the UK in 2006? I certainly would have questioned this before buying it.

    In regards to the choke, on both hornets I've owned start with full choke, after a few minutes turn it off, simples. If that isn't working, the idle screw might need adjusting first before looking further.

  10. I have found it all a bit strange too. Like you said if going to steal that amount of stuff, you would have planned how to get it out of the country and all of you disappear. Why go to such great extent to plan the actual robbery but not what happens after?

    They knew they were quite chilled about it all at the time and therefore likely the police would have plenty of evidence to track them down. It's like they have just been waiting to be caught.

    There is something else going on there but unsure we will ever find out. Hope they make a movie about it anyway! Perfect role for Michael Caine!

  11. Maybe the ex is more worried about other drivers causing a accident with the bike than your own ability to ride it. I know it's a risk we all take but that's always been the way I've seen it. And yes I know we all take risks in every part of life that could lead to a accident or worse but just trying to see it from their point of view.

  12. I go to Greece on holiday usually once a year but can honestly say passing my bike test there never crossed my mind. What is the reasoning behind it? Long wait in the UK? Easier testing standards?

    My other worry would be Greek drivers are absolutely dreadful!!! Signs mean nothing to them, leathers mean little to them and just general road sense is lacking. I could make a very long list of the near misses we have had out there due to other wreckless drivers.

    So stick with he UK for your bike test.

  13. I took my test in about 2007. I was 50 years old at the time. I already had my CBT and was riding a 125 scooter so I took and passed my motorcycle theory test. When I passed that, I did a 3 day course and took and passed my test on a 125 manual bike. That allowed me to ride bikes on a full licence up to a certain power. At the time, I had no intention of getting a big bike - I just wanted to ditch the 'L' plates, get cheaper insurance, not to have to keep taking the CBT every few years and carry pillions on my 125 if I wanted. Within 18 months I bought my SH300i which I still have. After two years it automatically allowed me to ride any size bike. I bought a Burgman 650 in 2011 and in January 2014 I chopped that in for a FJR. I don't think I remember this mod 1/2 being around at the time. Do they still do the 125 upgradeable test that I took or has it all changed?


    I don't think they do the 2 years on a bike under 33bhp and then can ride any bike now. I took the same route but via passing the MOD1 and MOD2 in 2009 on a 125 with just CBT training, no extra, and then had a "restricted" hornet for 2 years. Though from personal experience (writing off my FZ6 abroad) I would recommend getting training as I feel I would be a better rider if I had gone down extra training. This is something I will be doing before my next bike.

  14. Jack Daniels is the cure! Get a bottle and drink it neat. Thats how I dealt with it last time I had it.


    Why didn't I re check the thread last night?! Got a whole bottle of JD, know what I'm doing tonight now :)

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