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Everything posted by Sheep_onna_Bandit

  1. You can still get there for the evening pi$$up, surely? You're bottling the skule uniform thing ain'tya?
  2. Ooooh ya fair weatherists! I had a great time on Tuesday in the lashing rain, trying to keep my visor clear, soaking gonads through my wetproofs . . . . eeeugh! A light shower would be a luxury!
  3. Just do the A38 thing hun, you'll be fine (or as it's from Brum, yowl be foine)
  4. Yep, same here in Notts mate. It was flamin' glorious in Findern this morning, sat with a cuppa on the patio at 6.30am with the dog gambolling around the garden like a mad thing. Marvellous!
  5. Down the Alvo bypass? Could stop at mine for a cuppa then Seriously though, it seems like a reasonable route, could take the old A6 through Shardlow as it's a bit more scenic with some little twisties on it before the Shardlow straight mile. Come out at the Donny junction on the A50 and go from there perhaps. We'll decide on the day lol Saturday might be showery but hey, it's only wet water, and there ain't no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!!
  6. Bugger, can't get the route to load up! Am guessing it's going to be A38 to Toyota Island then A50 towards M1, then either through Donny Village or up the Donington Services road past the airport entrance. I've been volunteered/have volunteered as tail-end charlie for this ride out so if you find a rusty Harley passing you, you're in the deep doo-doo!
  7. Sounds like a plan! I'll get there and stock up on MacDognut's bestest Ratburgers before we set off! PM'd you my mobile number BTW!
  8. Good News! Mrs Sheepy is able to drive again, so I'll be able to meet up at MacDognuts at Markeaton Island on my bike. What time are we looking at, cos Mrs S and the mini-sheeps will want to tag along the ride-in in the cage, only problem is Slogger Sheepy has a paper round to do before they can leave
  9. Will have to do an Angus Young kindof thing for the Saturday night lol!
  10. Could meet up at the Village Green in Findern where me and Mrs S reside (me part-time), really annoy the local Chav Collective, like! Just off the A38 before Derby!
  11. Skewl uniform? Oh my Gawd, I bin left skule for 25 years, no chance of having that (although I think me dear ol Dad still has a scarf!) Mrs S will be well up for some uniformity though I reckon! Ah! That's a French Maid's one though
  12. I'll be taking the small peeps so won't be on the bike but would still be upfer meeting up at Donny Park with anyone going! Timings for our arrival depend on whether or not Junior Slogger Sheepy has a tennis coaching course in the morning or not. I guess I might be able to pop over for the ride in then nip home and do the Dad-style duties if need be!
  13. Could be tempted myself. Will see how Mrs Sheepy and all the little Baa-lambs are for the Saturday!
  14. Ah! Your absence is forgiven young man. I hope that everyone's coming through the sad experience OK. Riders stand was totally dead on Sunday, we sold about 50 tickets all day. Monday looked a lot busier, but the crowds just weren't there to be honest! The bike this year, by the way is a "Pearl" coloured Ducati 848 rather nice too, it is.
  15. ADULT MONDAY £23.00 - £24.84(incl booking fee) ADULT WEEKEND £29.00 - £31.32(Inc booking fee) ADULT CAMPING £15.00 - £16.20(Incl booking fee) Race day is on Bank Holiday Monday. Saturday and Sunday tickets only available on the door, the prices are as follows: Adult (Saturday) - £10.00. Adult (Sunday) - £13.00. Child (5-15) - Free on all days. Weekend ticket = Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Grandstand tickets will only be valid with a valid entrance ticket. Children - under 15 Car parking is free of charge and in adjacent fields for larger events. Tickets are non refundable and non transferable From the Donington Park Website http://www.seetickets.com/doningtonpark ... tidonningt
  16. I doubt I can make it this Wednesday as looking after Mrs Sheepy's brood as she's not exactly on her feet after her Op last week. Recovering well, all things being equal but a hystericalectomy ain't no laughing matter
  17. Sadly, I should bump this now for those that were planning on the Welsh Wales rally (bloody do-gooding tarts that cancelled it). So, if you're upfrit, let me know!
  18. Seriously sad state of affairs really, as I was looking forward to the Rock&Blues. It really does look like there's moves afoot to alienate bikers of all types on account of the alleged fued between HA and Outlaws. So when are they going to ban football matches just in case someone gets knifed, or outdoor music festivals for the same reason? What a load of BLX. On a positive note, does that mean that there might be some peeps free for the BSB instead? I'm working at Donington with Junior Sheepy in tow on the Sunday (for RfH) and going to the race on the Monday.
  19. Sheesh! Anyone wanting to meet up (if anyone can make it, that is) drop me a pm and I'll send you my mowblee number to arrange a meet-up somewhere on the infield!
  20. that Wells place, in't that in Welsh Wales where men are men and Sheep are scared? One reason for me not attending then !!!
  21. Seeing as Mrs Sheepy will still be off her feet after this afternoon's operation, I'm taking the two smaller versions of Mrs S' offspring to Donington for the BSB race day on the Bank Holiday Monday. I know, it's probably going to honk it down with rain, but hey, they'll enjoy it I think! Anyone else planning on going? Could do a TMBF meet-up at Donny perhaps?
  22. Nice to see our little band of peeps last night - shame I had to dash off, but hey, QB is right, it was heaving there. And who was it in that Woppyflopter? The only attendee that the Fuzz couldn't do for speeding or having small plates
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