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Everything posted by Sheep_onna_Bandit

  1. 'cos I've been off work after my first round of hoppyrayshuns recently, I've not managed to get sponsorship (although Sheepy Junior has got some for riding pillion). HOWEVER: I am planning on raiding the local pub's qwizz night at half eight on Sunday night dressed in all my Pudsey finery with an accompanying bucket for a collection. Fingers crossed we'll collar a few quid that way!
  2. Excellent! We're planning on using the train, so don't forget the Gluwein, Akeface! Whoo-hoo!
  3. Have to check Mrs S' shift rotas at t'hospickal first, BUT We have a provisonal YES (in car for the evening only, unless me and Junior Sheep can get out for the ride during the afternoon).
  4. Oooh oooh, looking at the dates, there is a slight possibility that I'll be able to do at least the Matlock to Bassett's Pole leg, depending on how well I recover from the operation next Tuesday. I'll try to get some coverage arranged for the Matlock Bath meet, or perhaps if we could do similar and arrive on Derby Market Place again for a brief sojourn again . . . will have to see what the planning brings! IF (and it's a big IF) I don't recover from the op in time, we'll still get involved (I have my wee boy that weekend and Mrs Sheepy might be persuaded to drive the cage with us all in lol). Fingers crossed though.
  5. Sadly still off the road so won't be able to join you lot but wait until I am up and running around again!!!!!!
  6. Hey hey Gang! Glad you all enjoyed yourselves, wish I could've been there with you, but things are what they are at the moment! Me and Mrs Sheepy will be up in Whitby from 30th July for a week, so if anyone's up in the area, PM me and let us know!
  7. I think that after last weekend's shenanigans we can all pretty safely say that MFN is a prime location for our first proper rally. It's the Dog's Danglies really, and they do look after you, I mean the owd dear who was out doing bacon butties at sparrow's fart in the morning . . service or what?
  8. Tsk tsk.. Not much of perv your uncle then eh? All talk.... It is, I believe, to do with the whole western theme they have going in there... thers riding boots / saddle / helmet and stuff all around. "Wild West" style shooting irons and rifles. I think the idea was to get a deep southern ranch effect going at one point No he's not The Wild West stuff is from the old "American Adventure" theme park that used to be literally just across the road from the Ilkeston entrance of MFN. One of the sound guys who works their bigger gigs went to the auction there after the place closed down a few years back and basically bid on a load of old bollocks to take down to MFN. Strangely, it kind of works somehow!
  9. Stop wiggling woman, you're putting me off my work here!!
  10. Maybe creating a corall of all the tentees/camperees with extra shelter would be an idea, make some sort of TBMF commune where mucho beerage is undertaken
  11. We'll have a Gazebo with us so some shelter will be available in the middle of the field at least! Getting eager myself now! Mrs S really looking forward to it!
  12. Oooh that reminds me that I need to dig some clobber out. Now where's my old AC/DC albums so I can model misen on good old Angus?
  13. I'll be dropping my mate off at MFN on Friday evening (early-ish) and heading back home for the Village Fete kick off party in the local - whoo-hoo! Me, Mrs S and junior should be arriving mid morning Saturday and staying put until Sunday pm.
  14. We'll be heading off after the big race as Slogger Sheepy has GCSE exams on Monday so he needs to get his last minute frantic flap revising done lol
  15. We've got one additional coming from Manchester on the train! My mate Si (of Whitby Town Supporters Club) normally helps out at the DOC but this year he's decided to join the throng at MFN for a change. Bike mad, but not a biker (work that out).
  16. Dammit, I only have a vampire costume. can I come as a Nosferatu Prefect or summat, or shall I see what I can find . . . . . oh, hang on, I reckon I might just have something that'll cut the mustard for uniform! Not saying what just yet though
  17. The question is now . . . . Who's doing some sort of fancy dress? I'm going as a biker
  18. Quick question . . . . How many peeps are taking their smaller versions of themselves (Offspring). We'll have at least one with us, and were wondering if he'd have any other small-ish peeps around if his age (14)?
  19. No cars next to tents, and yes, it's a treck! Take your own bog-roll Be aware of dodgy geezers thieving from tents, keep your valuables with you. Oh and take loads of dosh too!
  20. Me me me me me me me me me and all the little sheepies too. Well, not quite all, Junior Junior Sheepy Junior won't be there Mrs S will be driving the cage and meeting up with whoever turns up at MaccyDognuts at Markeaton Island, I'll be on 't bike though.
  21. We might have a newbie in tow tomorrow, depends on whether he can get a pass out from his boss (the wife) and bring his BSA out for a run. Could add to the bike numbers on the track maybe!
  22. Mrs S is sorted. She has a St Trinians get-up somewhere in the attic - wahey!
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