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Everything posted by croup101

  1. were there for the sat sun too riding down on friday after the other half finishes work cant wait
  2. anyone off to the motoGP in june? cant wait going down on the bike if its fixed in time
  3. hopefully i will be able to make it just depends on work! keep us posted as to dates
  4. looking for advice on buying some kevlar jeans seen some on ghost bikes called Route One Pacific Coast Motorcycle Jeans anyone purchased these and know if they are any good?
  5. TC - 01 Littlecat - 02 Mealexme - 03 iWannaGoFast - 04 Augustburnsred - 05 Stu - 06 mojo - 07 iiisecondcreep - 08 Susieque - 09 techno - 10 Bogof - 11 rennie - 12 yorbandit - 13 Keith565 - 14 whitedevil - 15 Silverspring - 16 nman1 -17 Rebel Rach - 18 Green - 19 GOG - 20 Bonniebird - 21 Throttled - 22 Randomobject-23 Tango - 24 Nellie - 25 MickeyGW - 26 Mk5Centurion - 27 Craig-28 Bumble - 37 Byangoma - 40 R1Barry - 41 Voodoo - 46 Remy - 54 Decor58 - 58 Timmy Tiger - 69 Boothy - 93 Polecat - 101 UK190 - 190 corsa120 - 649 Dave33 - 650 pinki-88 - 666 Devans - 749 (See what i did there) JamBerryKing - 777 brewster - 840 Jota - 888 croup101 - 755
  6. mine is clean so far through sheer dumb luck i think. was doing 85ish on the motorway a while back and had a cop car flash his lights at me and waggle his finger at me on his way past so i did the palm up sorry gesture and slowed down, next thing i know the blues were on and he went charging off lucky me
  7. anyone know of any rideouts or events over the weekend for remembrance day in the yorkshire area was hoping to attend something as the weather doesnt look at all bad
  8. i had one too that managed just about 60 on a straight road but they do tend to be a little slow off the mark. used to do my head in as i couldnt overtake anything unless i was going downhill with a strong wind behind me and sails on
  9. base layers, got mine from lidl cheap as chips but do the job well, nice textile jacket with liner i got a buffalo rocket jacket and buffalo samurai trousers, oxford chill out balaclava (with neck tube when the temperature drops) rst waterproof boots and bike socks, then spada enforcer gloves which keep my hands nice and warm for about an hour or so. its all about preparing and wrapping up tight. i used to commute from leeds to sheffield last winter in temperatures of about 3-4 and only just started to feel the cold when i was arriving at work. also found that wearing a pair of trakies over the base layers under my insulated textiles works wonders too.
  10. my winter kit includes a buffalo rocket jacket, buffalo samurai trousers, spada enforcer gloves and rst waterproof boots, only time i got wet was when i forgot to fasten the jacket up properly i have a set of bmw leathers that are rainproof and they are mind bogglingly good at keeping out showers, got caught up in orkney with a complete downpour and only my alpinestar gloves got soaking wet.
  11. what do you call 20000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea????? a good start what do you call a piky in a box? safe innit
  12. two words BUY THEM!!!!! they are ace, not too bulky nice and warm and the visor wipe works well, best pair of winter gloves i have purchased. there on the ride best buy if you google ride magazine and look at the products test there the top gloves under £65
  13. me and nikki will be there on the friday, with a nice staff discount at the holiday inn hotel cant wait if anyone wants to stay there let me know should be able to get rooms for around £50 and there is a free shuttlebus not going now money too tight always nxt year
  14. thank god for that this was going on far too long without a helmet joke
  15. ive had two caberg helmets both leaked i thought the first one was because it was a flip front helmet but i bought a full face one and that one does too, i think it may have something to do with the sun visor mechanism. has anyone else notice this with caberg ones?
  16. croup101

    BMW K75S

    my first big bikeand what a first bike, bought it from the fiancee's step dad it had been locked up in a garage for a while when i got it, picked it up from orkney rode it around up there and managed to blow an indicator fuse, just as we were about to board the ferry the tail light went, rode it from gills bay all the way to barrow in furness when the cluch cable snapped, recovered it to the hotel fixed with temp cluch in the morning got it home fitted a proper clutch cable and it has been my workhorse ever since, have done about 10000 - 15000 miles on it so far and it sailed through its mot with advisories for the rear suspension and tyre, not too shabby for a 26 year old bike! rides like a dream smooth as silk, ok so its not a sports bike and doesnt throw you off the seat with acceleration but its comfy grips the road like glue, feels like it could go another 100,000 miles too. great bike for tall bikes i can ride it for hours without feeling uncomfortable, panniers fit a decent amount of stuff in but not big enough for a lid, top box the same, pulls like a freight train even when fully loaded complete with tank bag. on avarage i tend to get at least 205 miles out of a full tank which costs around 20 squid. weighs quit a bit so not recommended for those who want a light bike to move around in the garage lol. light works well on night trips (better than my car to be honest) wind proofing is rather good too and handles sided winds quite well. think thats about it all in all a great bike to ride.
  17. im looking at getting some of the short leather cruiser style boots as i would be able to wear them to go to work in and during work. They have to be comfy and presentable, as i work in hospitality so cant just wear any old boots, does anyone have any suggestions?
  18. i had the same problem when i got my first pair of boots i was riding in my heavy walking boots then swapped to the bike boots and had lots of fun trying to change gear, i think its just getting used to them, the more you use them the easier it will become, i doubt it has anything to do with the lever
  19. croup101

    gs550 engine

    hi all, anyone know if a gs550 engine would fit on a gs650 frame? looking at transferring it accross as gs550 frames seem hard to find
  20. i use the centre stand on mine most of the time because if i leave it on the side stand it smokes like grass on a bonfire
  21. thanks for the info guys, bought the bike last year so not sure when the fluid was changed might go for that option first. front brake works fine although it does squeek a lot does that make a difference?
  22. i have an issue with my rear brake on my bmw k75s, when i apply it too hard or use it too much it becomes spongy and doesnt work. do i have dodgy brakes or a bigger problem?
  23. up for squires today if anyone wants to come
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