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Everything posted by Korben

  1. Wow, not what I was expecting!! Looks like they are pushing themselves into this market.
  2. What weekend is the next bank holiday? They all seem to come at once to me?
  3. Sorry Bundle. This time next year when I have the confidence and experience to take a pillion and when you don't need it... I would offer. Sorry.
  4. Nah, not off work unfortunately. I am meeting Willow at her house at 6pm, so come and join us mate.
  5. Love handles sound like a good idea for pillion riders, but as I don't take pillions yet I would not know. I don't really feel the cold too badly, so I can't have much of an opinion. I would recommend the following though. My neck gets cold in cold weather. I bought a "Cold Killers" Balaclava with neck wind protection. It works perfectly. I simply do not feel anything on my neck. I would also recommend for the summer a light balaclava (Silk, or cotton, or even these clever ones that wick heat away from you, whichever you prefer) to wear under your helmet. This stops your helmet getting that stale sweat smell so quickly. I tried a pinlock anti fog visor and hated it. Everything just seemed dull and blurred. Saying that I think I am the only person who does not like using them so what do I know eh? To stop fogging I put washing up liquid on the inside of the visor them wipe it off until you don't see it anymore. Works a treat for me. Take whatever you want from that lot and feel free to add to your list. Good idea this thread!!
  6. They are on the bike sharing the biking experience. Of course they should!!
  7. Your choice mate, but put something from Honda on the list!!
  8. Wish I could mate, but need to save some of that money thing I hear people talking about all the time.
  9. What time mate? You got that picture of Willows next bike up yet?
  10. follow A61 from clay cross to chestrfield, at round about where you turn right for motorway turn left towards city centre, and then turn roight toweards calow hospitatil at next roundabout......past the hospital ....up the hill an just after the brow of the hill turn into shop on riught. i think Yep, you were drunk Debs!! How do you spell the word "right"? Is it: right, roight, or riught? EDIT: WTF is a hospitatil... Sounds painful to me!!
  11. Well arn't we all just a big fat bunch of no use!!!
  12. Can't help mate. Nice bike though and welcome to the forum!!
  13. Gimme gimme gimme!!! It just thuds at you. Gives the bike a real presence. For me to be 15 metres in front of you and be able to still hear it over the sound of the wind and my bike makes it just awesome!! You're more than welcome to have a go if you're insured... but you bin it, you buy it Fairs fair, but I doubt I am insured on anything other than my own!!
  14. Gimme gimme gimme!!! It just thuds at you. Gives the bike a real presence. For me to be 15 metres in front of you and be able to still hear it over the sound of the wind and my bike makes it just awesome!!
  15. That's me out of ideas then.
  16. It's probably the thingy bit that takes the temp of your engine. Normally cheap to replace. Thermastat or something. If you have not guessed I ain't technical!!
  17. Had some woman texting in front of me at traffic lights the other day in a MX5 with the hood down. Lights changed and all the cars in front of her moved and she sat there typing away. Pulled up at the side of her and revved the nuts off the bike. Brought her attention back to the road. Can't stand it either mate. Wanted to grab it out of her hand and chuck it!!
  18. Count me in. Can someone point out on a map where tother shop is? Never been to it. Won't be drooling over anyone though.
  19. Evening all. Home and knackered!! Fun day. Good to meet Daffers, and good to see the rest of you. Award for best sounding bike goes to Daffers!! What a beautiful sounding machine!! Those of you out on the raz for Bex's birthday have fun!!
  20. Could you give me a pointy on a map? Should be up for it!! Not had icecream in ages!!
  21. That's pure evil Willow. Pure evil!!
  22. Urm........ No. She is a proper skinny tiny lass. Doubt she even weighs 7 stone.
  23. I dunno... It's like you are all a big bunch of filthy biker types.... Oh yeah. You are.
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