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Everything posted by Korben

  1. Can you let me know where exactly this is so I can work out a route etc pwetty pwease (or has it already been posted and I've missed it ) Ey up trouble!! Link removed because I am dumb and posted the wrong thing!! Hope this helps!!
  2. Guess I am a no for this then as well.... I will be out riding tonight though, so if anyone fancies a pootle around, then PM me.
  3. Sounds good mate. Going to PM gingerninja and his mate. See if they are up for it.
  4. Nice one. Will be my first decent ride out in a month!!! Got to take the bike for it's MOT tomorrow. As long as it passes I will be there!!
  5. Hi All Anyone up for it? Will be there from about 7pm all being well.
  6. Awesome photo's Phil. Wanted to get out to this, but yet again life stepped in and told me no chance!!
  7. Yep, up for this. Might well have someone else with me as well.
  8. Probably have to count me out QB. Far too many things to do tomorrow. Just about had enough of life getting in the way of me having fun!!
  9. That your bike in your Avatar? Have been known to go for the early ride first thing myself so might see you there. Got a white Honda Hornet myself. Can't promise anything, all sorts going on tomorrow!!
  10. Anyone up for anything. I am thinking Matlock, C&F, or generally just riding around.
  11. Just all kinda bumped into each other last night. I arrived first and parked up so SK and Ginge could see me easily then QB found us followed by Jewel and Bex. Next time you go grab a couple of mobile numbers out of the contacts section. Shouldn't be a problem finding each other then.
  12. TBH mate, I have no idea. Might take you up on that offer!!
  13. Home safe!! No Problem Debs!! A few people there tonight. Met Jewel for the first time as well which was a pleasure!! Not a bad night weather wise as well.
  14. Will be there at 7pm myself. See you later!!
  15. Weather looks ok. Met office website says no rain until about Friday. BBC News website On it's 5 day forecast it's claiming rain for today and tomorrow. If you look at the up to date 24 hours forecast though you find that not a drop of rain for the next 24 hours!! It contradicts itself. Stupid!! All being well, I should be there tonight!!
  16. Who's needs a camera when you can draw that good You mean that's not a real picture. Wow!!!
  17. Are you lot all somewhere else at the moment? Look like it's about to pelt it down here!!! If it does not improve I will not be going tonight either. Plus footie is on....... Wait's for flaming for liking a puff's game.
  18. Wowser, old thread!!! I actually went to get one from the shop I bought my bike from and was talked out of it. TBH, it's a 5 minute job to lube the chain after each ride. If you rack on the miles on a regular basis, ie commuting then they are not a bad idea, but weekend / occasional bikers like myself, it ain't worth it.
  19. Evening Phil Just going to meet at MFN tomorrow, but if anyone struggles with finding their way let me know and I will be happy to meet at Ikea in Nottingham. Close by and easy to find. Lastly, if the weather ain't great, I won't be bothering!!
  20. For me, a guy called Josh has probably inspired me more than anyone else. Click on the link in my signature to read his story.... Long story, but fecking amazing!!!
  21. bumpy rumpy!! Come on Newbies, join in. We are a great bunch you know!!!
  22. Put myself down as a yes, but not sure as a friend has invited me to a wedding either on that day or the Saturday. EDIT: Found out I am free!! Will be there!! Looking forward to it.
  23. What, when and where?
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