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Everything posted by Korben

  1. Cheers mate, looks a good un. Once we get a date, I will contact them about availability (Hint Hint - date needed) TBH I don't mind the 8 to 10 miles..... thats 8 to 10 miles of riding
  2. Been brought up with proper manners me!!
  3. Well I was not going to be cheeky and ask for just one, but if he is I will take tother one mate!!
  4. Ahhh bugger. That means I actually have to look for things now!! Going to look for a little B&B type place where hopefully they will be able to shove 3 bikes in the garage for the night.
  5. Right Lads and Lasses, I have said I will be doing both days and will be staying in the area overnight. I will be finding some B&B / travelodge or something near to the area. Once I have found a few I will post it up if anyone wants to do the same. nman1, cheers for the offer of the floor, but I am what I suppose you would call a fussy sleeper. Need a room and bathroom to myself and a good bed to sleep in. Plus I snore louder than a 747 taking off!!
  6. Certainly. Following the faster guys to the Cat was certainly an experience. They soon lost me though I would especially like to thank Phil Gale for doing well.... nothing other than riding in front of me on the way back from The Cat. Watching Phil certainly helped me with cornering technique, speed, lean and general riding skills. Thanks Phil, even though you have no idea you did anything!! My friend who text me half way through the day asked me what I was up to. When I said I was drinking coffee and tea and eating cakes with a bunch of bikers, her dirty mind came back with "Sounds a bit kinky to me" She is a weird lass!! Yep, bring on the next one!!
  7. Here you go mate. The lad got some good photos!! http://themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=10491
  8. Bloody riding school I learnt with made me do a hill start on that hill on my CBT!!! Nailed it............ 3rd time I should be up for this!! Sounds like a laugh!!
  9. Hi snow^y Welcome to the forum!! Drop into the Newbie section, say hello and tell us about yourself. Loads of people from your area and around your area.
  10. Bloody well did. It looks like the next 5 days has nothing but rain!!
  11. Home safe as well. Took a very long route home as I was having so much fun on the bike. Great to see lot's of new faces, and of course the usual ones. Been a great birthday as well for me. Big thanks to Willow and Akey for letting us all pile in to their house. I hope for your eldest daughters sake you get rid of the man sweat smell quickly Should have a few pics from The Cat & Fiddle in the Gallery in a bit.
  12. Just a quick warning. Between 10am and 1pm showers are forecast so waterproofs if you have em. Rest of the day looks good though!!
  13. Hi Willow Are you collecting everyone's cakes from the fish pond car park again, or are we taking them out on the ride?
  14. Hi Mate Anyone who is willing to get to the Midland region that weekend will be at MFN http://themotorbikeforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=7973 You should go mate. Looks like it will be a laugh!!
  15. Willow, if you want me to pop round for a chat, I would be happy to. FC grab my mobile number out of the contacts section, and drop me a text if you get your bike sorted mate.
  16. Korben

    bike alarm

    Hi Debs Well their is a distinct lack of anything on the web about this, but on one forum I found one guy who said to call him about removing the alarm, so he might know a bit more as well. His website is http://www.kevsbikes.co.uk/ That's the best I can do I'm afraid. Hope it helps.
  17. That's a shame Bundle. Maybe next time. I am off every other Friday so am out when the weather is good!!
  18. Going to be around on the bike tomorrow. Clay Cross, Matlock, Derby, that sort of area. If anyone fancies meeting up I should be on the road from around 9am to around 2pm. Happy to meet anywhere at any time in that area.
  19. Korben

    Key issues...

    Does anyone else see Dave Lister from Red Dwarf? Just me then eh?
  20. Nice one Pumilio. Well Vicki and Willow are basically big kids (And not that big either), so I am sure yours will be welcome. I am pretty certain that Vicki is bringing her little ones as well.
  21. Hi Gary I know a couple of Suzuki's can benefit from a Fender Extender on the front wheel because when it's wet the wheel can spray water into the front spark plug. Not sure if this affects your model though. Nip in to Newbies and say hello mate!!
  22. Korben

    bike alarm

    Have you got the model of the alarm?
  23. Korben

    Key issues...

    Probably a helmet lock by the looks of it. That tends to be a common spot for them.
  24. Aye. We all have a different point of view, but at the end of the day we all get something different from biking. I think it's more of a spirit thing, that like dragolith says, cannot be defined.
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