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Everything posted by klingelton

  2. could never get the fecker to work properly on mine - but then i didn't have the instructions and didn't really have the patience. Then one day i was getting the bike on an axle stand and crushed the fecker. it was never going to work after that so i spend an hour or so removing it and cleaning. about 2 days after that some douche stole my bike. so not the greatest story about them - but i've heard mainly positive things - especially from those who use throughout the winter.
  3. the "always on" is a feature of the grom. I'd say the fact they don't stay on now is because there's a short somewhere (broken wiring). you will need to go and get that checked out.
  4. I parked on that same hill once. I had visions of me doing exactly that. anyone who parks on that hill thinks the same thing! Glad you enjoyed squires though!
  5. I share your sentiments entirely, however ... http://cdn.stripersonline.com/8/8b/8b58e76a_STUPID-PEOPLE-STUPID-3okf15.jpeg Yeah, i forgot one thing when writing that sentence... People are dicks.
  6. driving home the other night and a car came 50% across the central markings into my lane and drove directly at me causing me to take evasive action. The reason he did this was because of a bicycle on his side. Had he slowed until it was safe to over take, everything would have been fine. I just think, when presented with a cyclist, some people's brains fall out of their ears and they do stupid stuff. I think if people apply a modicum of common sense, segregated cycle lanes won't be required as cyclist, motorcyclists, drivers and pedestrians would be able to live in harmony. I think it's possible, but everyone in a car is too self centred for that to work. Often they're misguided also, believing cyclists should cycle so far to the left that they're scraping their wheels along the curb, and herd cyclists to said curb when they are taking priority. anyway. to the point. Can't we all just get along and save the cash and space of segregated cycle lanes to spend on something more useful?
  7. Should have added, but i'd side with tango... probably something to do with the side stand.
  8. did you get a minor for the slide? or did they let you off since you controlled it?
  9. that flash is an engine management code for something, although buggered if i can find what it is on the internet or the haynes (i had a YBR 125 for a while, so had the haynes). ring up your local yamaha dealer, who will be able to tell you what the code corresponds with. edit: adding helpful information!
  10. congrats fozzie! The queen will be calling soon with your MBE!
  11. Get geared are not cheap. Go next door to J&S who are a world cheaper and on the same estate! J&S will be cheaper even with teh 15% off at get geared!
  12. definitely take your time. ask twice if you want to make sure you have no doubt at all. take a deep breath before starting each manoeuvre. remember those shoulder checks! above all - you can do it!
  13. I'm pretty sure your employers can enforce you to take holiday when it suites them. Most don't as employee satisfaction is of utmost importance. I'd lump it for now and start looking for a new job.
  14. when posting on Facebook, same as anywhere - remember you're essentially stood on a soap box in public shouting at people that pass by. don't post anything on Facebook you'd be uncomfortable saying or showing in person.
  15. Good work! walk before you run though, it saves on those spills!
  16. I could read the comments on that video for hours!
  17. spotted that. and watched some of it. stopped watching when the presenter travelled to a woman in order to "not dissuade the interviewee from getting a facial tattoo." i.e. dissuade the interviewee from getting a facial tattoo. not something i would personally do (face, neck or lower arms) but each to their own i say.
  18. klingelton


    Too true. However if it gets that bad for me, I'm more tempted to slow right down or stop rather than proceed when I can't see. I know I'm in a minority, but the last thing I want to do is kill someone.
  19. Over the christmas break, I got myself a tattoo. I've been promising myself one since I was a teenager - but refused to get one then in case it was a fad. in my early 20's I didn't have enough money. in my late 20's I was "choosing". so in my mid 30's I've finally done it! My little one was in hospital and I wanted something to take with me always. So I had his hand print tattooed on my chest. What tattoos do people have and what are the stories behind them. Also what were your experiences with having it done? Those who don't have them, what are your thoughts. have you ever fancied it or just hate them and would never mark yourself like that? Finally - It's opened a flood gate in me and I'm now planning a sleeve. What are your plans for your next ink?
  20. klingelton


    did he say i didn't see you because the sun was in his eyes? I know the sun is low this time of year, but it's no excuse! sounds strongly like he just wasn't paying attention. Glad you're on the mend. hope the bike is ok. don't forget, purists would say you should probably get a new lid after an off. might want to get him to pay for that as well.
  21. my father in law is that very same. He also lectures you if you drive with anything less than 2 hands on the steering wheel.
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