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Moving to new area... bike noise & neighbours

Guest marcel

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This is a long post lol, feel free to skip right to the bottom for the questions i'm asking!


Over the next 2weeks i will be relocating to another area to a much nicer house (but cheaper ofcourse).

I've spent countless hours & days researching postcodes (cheap insurance / low crime estate etc..) ; i've looked at too many houses to count. (So don't bother asking me to search again lol)[emoji25]

I've got a shortlist of 5 houses which i really like & all are in a relatively quiet streets/areas (no more riding past 100 kids playing footie in the street!!![emoji33] )

This week i will look at them all ; speak to letting agencies ;make viewings etc..


Lets say if you're a biker that's moved next door in a quite area. How do you make sure neighbours wont call the council?[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

I dont start my bikes at 5am everyday but sometimes I get up at 7am & let my bike warm up for 10 mins before setting off.[emoji40] [emoji40]

Somedays i will be outside starting/switching off bikes when im working on them (project tinkering or for regular oil changes)

Where i live my whole street dont give 2 shits if they hear bike even 1am coming home lol. There used to be some funny kids on mopeds racing around here but not anymore. So i'm the only biker on the current estate haha [emoji12] . My current house has a backgarden which helps too (since i have 2 big sheds to work inside sometimes)

So like i said:

- how do you deal with neighbours ?

- would you work on your bike on the front-garden?

(Some of the houses on my list are "back2back terrace")

- would you work on the bike in the STREET where a car is normally parked (next to your house obviously)

- do i really need a backgarden?

(I'm not a gardener & my bikes will be indoors at all times or in secure rented garages if im away.)

- does it help if you bribe or befriend neighbours as soon as you move in?

(If they are not already aware a biker is in the area)

- ever had the police knock your door for making noise at 1am?[emoji15]

(Sometimes i go for a long night ride then return home at 1am lol)

Let me know your thoughts! [emoji106]

This is all new to me as it will be the first time i've moved in years lol (i was driving cars before i joined the bike life 4/5 yrs ago!)

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how do you deal with neighbours ?

I dont see why it would ever be a problem unless your bike is obnoxiously loud.

- would you work on your bike on the front-garden?

- would you work on the bike in the STREET where a car is normally parked

No, because its not a good idea to advertise you have a bike to the scum of the world.

- do i really need a backgarden?

You need somewhere SECURE.

- does it help if you bribe or befriend neighbours as soon as you move in?

- ever had the police knock your door for making noise at 1am?

Again, im not sure why this would be an issue? just dont act like a nob, reving the bike for no reason, going too quick in built up areas, etc..

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There is nothing worse than *any* motorist warming their vehicle up for a length of time like that early in the morning!

After 15 seconds on average oil is circulating around everywhere normally, in less than a minute the oils temperature is at the start of its optimal working range. Switch the bike on, put your gloves and helmet on, do all the usual checks like phone/wallet/keys. Get on the bike and it will have been around a minute. Job done.

Other than that, don't be a nob. Get somewhere you can put the bike, like propping up a shed in the garden etc and you'll be fine.

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As said, there's no real need to "warm it up" before you get going. Start it, lid an gloves on, ride off.

Be friendly to your new neighbours - pop round and say "hi" when you move in and say you like to tinker and tell them to feel free to let you know if the noise is getting on their tits.

People are far less likely to get the hump if you're reasonable with them.

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No need to let it warm, just get on and ride it


If it's fuel injection sure, I can't start my bandit up and ride off straight away... well i can but it struggles till its a bit warmer.

As for noise, as long as your exhaust is reasonable and the noise isn't abnoxious (straight through pipes on a harley) you'll be fine. Maybe speak to your neighbours and tell them you ride a bike and sometimes you leave at 7. Personally that's not that early i leave my house at 6:20 and i have a scorpion exhaust on it, the only reason i've left the baffle in is to not annoy the neighbours.

Don't leave the bike sitting there to long warming up mines usually 5 mins while i get my kit on and off i go. most people it will probably wake up and they'll doze back off.

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I've not had an issue with a neighbour yet...but the only warm up that my bike gets is the time that it takes me to put my gloves on (an then a gentle ride for the first few miles!)

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I seem to have a knack for moving in next door to other bikers :thumb:

Plus there's some utter knob who commutes to the train station (behind my house) every day on a Harley with Screamin Eagles, so the noise from my (very very quiet) bike is a drop in the ocean.

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As above really.

When I'm on days its 05:00 hrs setting off and on nights getting home for 06:00 hrs ish.

Just be sensible.

Don't rev it's nuts off

Don't be chucking spanners about at daft o'clock.

You'll be right.

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Lets say if you're a biker that's moved next door in a quite area. How do you make sure neighbours wont call the council?[emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16] [emoji16]

If your bike is on the road when you start it, then it is nothing to do with the council. It is then classed as normal traffic noise. If they really get annoyed about it then they would have to phone the police and report it. In which case the police would have to hear your bike, and so long as you have a legal and not falling to bits exhaust, there is no problem.

I dont start my bikes at 5am everyday but sometimes I get up at 7am & let my bike warm up for 10 mins before setting off.[emoji40] [emoji40]

a few minutes warming up is all any engine should need tops. 10 min is rather excessive unless you have an old classic?

So like i said:

- how do you deal with neighbours ?

Never had a problem with them due to the bikes.

- would you work on your bike on the front-garden?(Some of the houses on my list are "back2back terrace")
We work on our bikes either in the garage or on the drive. I do occasionally take mine round to the back garden to wash it however.

- would you work on the bike in the STREET where a car is normally parked (next to your house obviously)
Only if there was no other choice.

- do i really need a backgarden?(I'm not a gardener & my bikes will be indoors at all times or in secure rented garages if im away.)
Depends on the front garden/garage space

- does it help if you bribe or befriend neighbours as soon as you move in?(If they are not already aware a biker is in the area)
Why bribe them? you are doing nothing wrong. Just be nice.

- ever had the police knock your door for making noise at 1am?[emoji15]

(Sometimes i go for a long night ride then return home at 1am lol)

Nope, but then I don't go on night rides.

I think you are over thinking things. Unless you are the boy racer equivalent on a bike then I'm pretty sure you will be fine. We moved into a pretty quiet area. Initially our neighbour who we sort of share a drive with was a bit annoyed that one of our cars is always parked on the street (narrowish, curvy road and a driveway only big enough for one). Once he noticed that we do not keep one of the cars in the garage cause we have bikes there he changed completely and now friendly and always says hello when we see him. Everyone else has been fine, apart from the old guy trying to get money off us for doing the "communal gardening" (there is none).

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Thanks guys for the replies & surely enough im not one of those people who acts like a speeding nob around the area.

The bike has carbs ; the manual SAYS it MUST warm up with the choke on for about 5mins (enrichening makes the bike rev at 5,000 rpm which in turn makes it very loud!)

I do have a loud race can fitted on but the baffle is never taken out because i dont want to draw too much attention. Its already loud enough with the baffle in lol.

When i take baffle out, the noise isnt louder but dear god, the whole street shakes! [emoji15]

So i wouldnt want to shake someones house at 6am for 10mins lol.[emoji40]

Yes I can just get on the bike and ride ; but believe me it runs very very rough until it gets to hot working temps, especially winter.[emoji25]

As for gardens; yes i do like to tinker with the bike a lot. [emoji375] [emoji374] [emoji373]

But some of the properties i looked at do not have a back yard [emoji25]

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Find a place with a garage, maybe just one with the garages in a block.

When I had a 2-stroke that needed 3-5 minutes of warm up time when started but that was due to an extremely temperamental set of characteristics. So I just pushed it to the top of the road, fired it up, replied to texts etc and then rode off.

So I suggest you get it out of ear shot too!

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Find a place with a garage, maybe just one with the garages in a block.

When I had a 2-stroke that needed 3-5 minutes of warm up time when started but that was due to an extremely temperamental set of characteristics. So I just pushed it to the top of the road, fired it up, replied to texts etc and then rode off.

So I suggest you get it out of ear shot too!

Believe from where i live i tried even 2 distant cities for houses with garages. There is none! For my budget im only limited to these:

-Back2Back Terraced with front yard

-End terrace with front yard

-end terraces but no front yards (just public street parking)

I did see more than 50 properties online with garages. But they were party of chavvy apartment blocks in bad areas. Some garages where shared amongst the cul de sac of apartments.

I dont want apartments/studios/flats, just a full sized house lol.

Maybe i'll just buy a *bike tent* work on the bikes in privacy then foldup tent when done ?

Urgh! I hate house hunting now lol[emoji16]

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If you don't mind me asking.

Where do you live?

It says yorkshire in your profile

Im on Tapatalk, i cant change that but i will login to PC & sort that.

I live in an area called Thorpe On The Hill, which is actually the border between Leeds and Wakefield lol.


However my current search involves houses in Leeds/Dewsbury/Wakefield region.

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Got to be honest.

I'd try like hell to find one with a garage.

I know I couldn't leave mine on the road over night. Lol

Zero chance! Like i said in 1st post; my bikes stay inside the house all times or secure rented garages if im away.

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Get a detached house incase they moan your TV is to loud :roll:


Good one! lol. Im sure they would be tired of me watching GP races on BTSport haha[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Im really lucky.

On the right of me he rides, we talk about bsb/motogp and honda.

Left is a biker and comes on trackdays with us.

Guy behind me is a petrol nut. Hes on about supercharging his v-max.

And the guy on the end of my drive has a bike but dosnt ride it much.

Nobody complains about anything lol

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Im really lucky.

On the right of me he rides, we talk about bsb/motogp and honda.

Left is a biker and comes on trackdays with us.

Guy behind me is a petrol nut. Hes on about supercharging his v-max.

And the guy on the end of my drive has a bike but dosnt ride it much.

Nobody complains about anything lol

Sounds like you live in paradise.[emoji25]

Definitely *lucky for some*! Lol

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Generally leave about 6:15am. Only had 1 neighbour across the road moan.

I used the car for a week and he overslept. :lol:

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