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Chest infection.


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After a bit of advice please boys n girls.

So I began to feel ropey Tuesday night at work. Deteriated through Wednesday and attended the Dr on thThursday morning.

He diagnosed a chest infection and subscribed anti biotics and rest.

I was due to be on days this weekend but knocked on the dr insistance.

Anyway since Friday I have got a lot worse. I am struggling to breathe and are very short of breath etc.

Been stuck in bed now for 5 days n getting worse rather than better.

Any suggestions?

Home made remedies?

Already doing the honey thing. R kids a bit of a tree hugger n swears by this £17 jar honey (broke me bloody heart)

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Yeah that's a concern.

Lisa (much much better half) been on to me mam who many years ago used to be a nurse.

She's convinced I now have pneumonia.

I'm going to try get in the docs in morning.

It's only 200 yards away. But in know there is no way I can walk it n can't drive cos I don't know what planet I'm on...lol

Either going soft or panicking myself.

Feel really bizzare.

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:stupid: if you're having trouble breathing go see the doc. After 5 days of antibiotics it should be getting better.

Can no one take you? I wouldn't advise driving either :lol:

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Yeah sorry.

Plenty folk can take me n taxis r 10 a penny round here.

Just having a witter and a moan I think.

Aren't a good patient as I don't normally get ill.

Broken bones etc I can handle but this is stressing me out.

Doing diet a world of good mind. 4 slices of toast a day since Thursday. Back to my fighting weight in no time.....lol

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Well not eating isn't going to help! And neither is doing nothing so off to the doctors with you. I am really really good at nagging so it's in your best interest to go just to shut me up :mrgreen:

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I know what you're saying about a and e Tango but the breathing has been the same now for 36 hours so is not deteriating.

Plus I bloody hate going casualty. Always feel like you're wasting their time.

It once took me best part of 24 hours to rock up to casualty with the most blatent broken wrist ever (when it swelled to the size of my thigh) . And yes I got a right rollicking. ...lol

To be honest. I'm more stressed cos I can't seem to do the usual stuff.

Right laid here in the attic room (she chucked us out of bedroom days ago)

Can't even do crossword. Now im no genius but the mirrors xword takes no longer than 30 mins max. Still on fridays....lol

Then I've googled pneumonia. So I'm now convinced I've got it :-D

And now I'm babbling. ...lol

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In any case call 111 and ask proffesional advice. If they say a&e then get yourself there. Pneumonia isn't nice and can be very serious if not nipped in the bud. Pleurisy can be just as bad but f**k off painful.

Get checked mate, don't be a hero and sit on it ;). Remember, you pay your N/I and its your right to have peice of mind...

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Would agree (and I'm normally a don't bother the docs unless you're dying sort of gal)

Give the out of hours docs a call and see what they say. It sounds like a possible chest xray and maybe IV antibiotics thing so chances are they'll want you up the hospital anyway.

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Get down A &E mate. I was the same years ago and ended up with fluid on the lung and pneumonia. I spent a month in hospital with a fluid drip in my lung lining for a week.

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Sorry to respond so late, was just having a last minute check before bed and saw the thread. I'm a pharmacist, antibiotics should start working around 48 hrs after starting the course, which should have been Saturday morning. Difficulty breathing is a major escalation and you should definately seek further help. As a minimum, phone the NHS 111, but if you're still havingb trouble breathing now (its a couple of hours since the last entry), I'd say get to A&E, the antibiotics aren't working, you may just need different antibiotics because you have a resistant infection. You'll struggle to get into your docs tomorrow am anyway so the position will be no better and you may well be worse by then.

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Hope you've listened to the advice and phoned nhs24/went to A&e. Difficulty breathing should always be looked into by a professional.

In September I had a rather horrible chest infection. Lasted nearly 6 weeks and felt like I was constantly being kicked in the chest by a horse and the more I coughed the more I couldn't breath. Antibiotics did nothing. Shortnes of breath was only kept at bay by taking 200mg of Ibuprofen every 2 hours (under doctors orders).

Hope you are feeling better soon!

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It is difficult to say that you have this that or the other as we are not Doctors.

However, without wishing to cause alarm, I had identical symptoms to you last year which I thought were down to quitting smoking withdrawl symptoms (Shortness of breath, tiredness, loss of appetite etc) and it turned out I had suffered heart failure,

Shortness of breath (apparently) is 99 times out of 100 fluid on the lungs wich (apparently) is often down to the heart not being able to pump properly. It transpired I also had what is caled a silent heart attack at some stage in the past which I was unaware of.

The point I am making, al be it badly, is that there are many conditions that have similar symptoms and we can all pontificate on what you may or may not have, but the only person who can make that judgement is a qualified medical professional.

I spent 4 weeks in Hospital and had 28kg of fluid drained off my chest. If it is persisting, I really would recomment geting yoursef down to A & E, for something like this you are not wasting their time.

Better to be safe rather than sorry :thumb:

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First of all thank you all for the concern shown, it was truly heartening and to be honest really moved me.

Secondly I apologise for the in hindsight somewhat needy correspondence (the meds do some very strange things) as it was very much out of character.


Just got back from the hospital.

I have as they term an extremely bad chest infection.I have had all the ECG and x rays etc.

Me being a thick engineer was under the impression a chest infection was just a bit of flu etc and did not fully understand that they can be quite severe.

The struggling to breathe etc is down to the fact there is an excessive amount of mucus struggling to get out and with this severity is relatively normal.

So all in all happy days ish.

Been told it could be a long time clearing but is not life threatening.

Was supposed to be on nights weds and Thursday but this is impossible which believe it or not I am pissed off about as I do like my job.

One happier side note.

We are due to go on holiday 2 week today to cape verde and was concerned about the impact flying would have. Been told provided I feel fit enough to go then air travel should not make the infection deteriate further.

Anyway thanks again all.


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