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Pudding Run Part 4 - 6th June 2009

Guest Willow

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Techno u been before... if u get to the garage u gone too far, turn round!!

willow ... have u taken those clothes off my bed yet!! lol xx

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Penny Mark. Sorry folks not going to make the Pud Run. I've been feeling crap since i left Wales 12 hours sleep last night and feel like i've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson.

Not even unpacked the bike.

Hope you all have a good day (I'd be Fecking surprised if you didnt)

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Hope you start to feel better mate... Sounds a lot like what my parents had a couple of weeks ago.

Don't think I am going to be making this either.... Call me a wuss if you like, but it's gonna rain all weekend and I am running a brand new front tyre.... Not a great combo..

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All have arrived safe and sound tonight and the tents are up inspite of the wet weather.

So far there's Vix, Tenko, Roy, Dan, Liz, Mojo and Scat.

Catch the rest fo you at Clay Cross tomorrow unless anyone needs me to pick up from the Fishpond in Matlock Bath??????

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Admitting defeat...first one to bed at 12.50. Everyone is well oiled and Dan's been doing some interesting tricks with maltesers :shock:

Anyone coming tomorrow ...bring a camera. Backmail photo opportunities in abundance :twisted:

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I`ve come into work this morning as I`m snowed under. It`s raining cats and dogs here and I`m guessing it is where you are so I`m assuming the ride out is off. I`ve just had Derick ring and he says the same as me. We`re wimping out peeps. Like I say, I don`t mind getting caught out in rain, but seems daft setting out when it`s pouring down.

Have fun whatever you get up to and I`m looking forward to the "blackmail" pictures

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Guest akey

Yes its raining here so we will can the ride out, however if anyone wants to come up for pudding and party anyway we will be at stratstone clay cross as planned to guide you into our place.

If the weaher improves we may ride out this afternoon or even tomorrow morning (short one).

Party time :cheers:

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Hope the weather does improve for you guys. Bit of a treck in the rain, just for an afternoon so I`ll pass this time Mark. Bummer isn`t it, brilliant last weekend, sunny and warm all week and now when we have a planned event the heavens open :roll:

I was a good boy this week....honest God. :D

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Well even though the weather has been the pits we've had a cracking weekend. Lots of laughs (in fact my sides still hurt now!) lots of chocolate, and LOTS of alcohol with a few broken heads along the way.

Many thanks to everyone who braved the elements and a special thanks to Dan who made a special trip over to drop off a mega BBQ. (Still to be christened)

Hope everyone has a safe journey back.

The next thrilling episode will be the Beetle Drive.

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I'm home!

I've never spent so long so wet! Dan, TheWife and I got drenched on the way up on Friday during the last 20ish miles, then the showers this morning turned into heavy rain as soon as everyone got their gear on to go home. I was soaked to the skin again within 5 miles and pretty much tried to grin and bear it. I accidently turned off onto the A42 (could barely see and couldn't work out why Dan and TheWife had their indicators on, d'oh!) but found my way back to the M1 where I realised it had stopped raining. Had a quick 'comfort' break (although I'm sure I was less comfortable afterwards) then did the cleverest thing I have ever done. I pulled out my dry gloves from my bag to swap for the sopping wet ones I had on. The last 50 miles got progressively brighter, drier, then sunnier. By the time I got home to MK there were people wandering about with t-shirts and shorts on!

Had a brilliant weekend and we managed a really nice ride out. Was really good to finally meet Vicki and Willow, Akey, Keithg24, Sheepy, Scat and Techno. Willow, thank you thank you thank you for your magnificent provision of food and bevs, as well as lots of laughs. Can't wait for MFN now!

My videos of the Malteser slalom and bouncy castle olympics will be hitting a youtube near you as soon as my phone dries out and lets me use it again ;)

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Fab weekend, thank you everyone :)

Too tired to write too much... and just keep giggling at 'the list' lol...

Great to meet you Jo, and good to see the others again xxx

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What a good time had by all and we got to show our faces!!!!! even though I was the only one sober last night because I was elected by the hubby to drive you lot still didn't faze me!!! lol Nice to meet you all and hopefully we will be at MFN with a tent and probs the kids. Josie xx

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OH yers top weekend even if i was soaked and froze most of the way home, the laughs we had far outweigh the pain of the ride home rock on the next sober weekend with the TMBF reading circle

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What a good time had by all and we got to show our faces!!!!! even though I was the only one sober last night because I was elected by the hubby to drive you lot still didn't faze me!!! lol Nice to meet you all and hopefully we will be at MFN with a tent and probs the kids. Josie xx


lol nice to meet you again josie... i apologise for everything I said and did!! See you at MFN... dont forget to post the vids on youtube!! haha

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Wil also agree it was a top weekend did we expect anything else really.

Nice to put some more faces to names, thanks pen and mark for letting us into your home and me into the van :D

Thanks jogwills husband( i aasume) for keeping the bouncy castle up :lol:

Never did I tink that a pen and paper could be the source of so much amusment!

And pennie nice grub....gonna have to try to do those potato efforts, but no more roast garlic!!

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Just want to add my thanks to Pen and Akey for their hospitality yesterday!

Family stuff prevented me from taking fullest advantage of it all but that roast garlic . . . MMMMMMMM!

Good to see so many faces, old (not in terms of years, of course) and new.

Looking forward to the rally immensely too.

Hope the Black Pudding went down well this morning (with some of you at least!)

Happy Days!

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