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Module 1 - members test experiences

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MOD 1 test was last Thursday

Two days before the training school phoned me to say that my test and been cancelled but luckily another location had become available. Both test centres are about an hour away from home. I wasn’t too worried by the change a training pad is a training pad I thought. Also I was looking forward to the ride there as I have really enjoyed having the opportunity to ride a bigger bike during the training. I usually ride a 125cc.

So we set off about 8am, a real mixture of A and B roads, some duel carriageway and then through busy rush hour city traffic. Arrived at test centre about 9.15-9.30. Was calm all the way through the ride, in fact the concentration helped take my mind off the upcoming test.

I went with a fellow trainee so was up first. As we were a little early the examiner said we may as well get started. I went outside with my instructor and watched the other trainee run through his test. This is when the nerves started to hit me and I really wished I was first up rather than have to wait any longer. Nerves didn’t settle any when we found out he had failed.

My time came and the examiner looked at paperwork, licence etc. Nice friendly bloke actually, not what I expected for some reason.

So on to the test pad.

Manual Handling

Deep breaths and through the gates and park facing forward into the bay. Then push bike back into next bay. Straightforward despite shaky hands/limbs, support the weight, don’t drop it and make good clear observations.


I always found the start off is crucial, set off too fast and possibly overshoot the turning for the cone, set off too slow and you are in a world of wobble. Fortunately In my mind I could hear my instructor saying 2000 revs, 2000 revs. So up to 2000 revs, gently let out the clutch and remember turning at the right time. No real issues here, as I said for me was all about the start.

Figure of Eight

Through to figure of eight, kept revs at 2000 using blue cones as markers, twice round and ride over to examiner.

Slow Ride

Again revs up to 2000 just keep good clutch control and roll to a stop in between cones.


Now this was the biggy for me, my nemesis and ironically the move I have practiced the most on my 125. Why I hadn’t been told by my instructors was that the white lines we had ben practicing in were not as wide as the 7 meters on the test centre grounds so I actually found this ok. Set off at 2k revs with correct observations and a final look before making the turn. Round we go and bring it to a stop. Much relief after I could finally put my foot down ‘legally’

At this stop the nerves seem to go and I thought the worst of it was over

Controlled Stop

Round the corner at about 20mph through the cones and controlled stop in between cones. No problems here.

Emergency Stop

Again round corner, picking up speed to 32mph wait for the signal and stop quickly while maintaining control. Came to a stop, shoulder checks both sides and move on the final manoeuvre. Went through speed check at 32


The track layout was the opposite to how I have been trained so instead of swerving to the left we were swerving to the right. Out of the corner, twist the throttle to the same speed as the emergency stop, swerve missed the cones and come to a controlled stop. Called over by the examiner and asked to exit the gates. Going through gates and I forgot where and how to park. Just stuck it in the main car park facing forward. Don’t know why but I just didn’t listen to what he was saying to me. Fortunately he didn’t seem to care where I had park, and I fessed up and told him I didn’t actually take in what he had told me. He just laughed.

Now through to the office and the shaking starts again. Joy of joys he tells me I’ve passed, one minor I was only doing 31mph for the swerve but was within tolerance. I really thought I was going just as quick if not quicker than the emergency stop. I was so happy and relieved in was over but didn’t want to make to much of a fuss as the other guy was clearly fed up after his fail, he will crack it next time though I’m sure.

The ride home was a bit ropey if I’m honest, two stalls along the way and cut across a mini roundabout white disc. Are stalls marked down in the MOD 2 test?

The test moves themselves were fine and I knew I was capable but it’s the nerves that got to me just like I knew they would and I know they will on my MOD 2 asweel. Not sure what I can do to combat that really. I could be the most competent rider in the world but under test conditions I’m going to be a shaky quivering mess. Just have to get through one more test now, I’ve come this far.

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Are stalls marked down in the MOD 2 test?

May be a minor but what they are looking for is how you recover it. If you flail around and then stall again and again and then throw the bike down in a fit of rage that's probably a fail. A nice calm recovery with checks before you set off no problemo

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well so far ive had a couple of lessons in the yard, my biggest problem was the U-turn.

When i went for my second lesson, i was told to keep the revs high and use the clutch/back brake to control my speed. Until then i always use the throttle for speed. But i tried it the way the instructor said and its just completely turned everything around.

I was doing all slow speed maneuvers with ease and doing them consistently.

However stupid it sounds, listen to your instructor.

I now feel confident that i will be able to pass the mod 1. I will be practicing on my bike and i will nail it!

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MOD 1 passed today.

10:30 at instruction carpark, warm up practice with three others, all good. Then off to test centre, all in car, bike on trailer.

At test centre, instructor put lower seat on for me, I was going first, and I'm only little. Nervous wait of twenty minutes, then it began.

Examiner came out, really nice guy, documents check the outside to start.

Lots of lifesaver checks as everyone says.

1st was the manual handling, I found this hard as bike way heavy, but kept it upright and pointing in right direction, took a second to compose myself and take a breath.

Next, slalom and figure of 8, all good.

Picked up minor on slow ride, little quick.

Emergency stop, A ok, didn't have to go again 57km

The the dreaded obstacle avoidance, went too slow at 46km, so asked to go again, bang on 50km.

Through gate, neutral, side stand down, then........... Once finished I got the shakes, my instructor had to take my helmet off!

PASSED with 2 minors, 1st go. Now to prepare for MOD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First time post!

Passed my Mod 1 on the first attempt at Kirkcaldy on Wednesday this week (Wilson was my examiner), after doing my DAS training with ProScot (literally never been on a bike before starting the course). Was a bit nervous given that I didn't have any entirely successful test runs previously, but I managed to get through it with just one minor - stupidly stalled right at the end of the slow ride but that was it, and I was already in the blue cone box.

Mod 2 next Friday. Feeling quite good about it.

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Just got back from the test centre. Looked like the test was going to be cancelled due to the wind, but I assured the examiner I was happy to go ahead. Sure enough I passed. Big weight off my mind. Mod 2 next Friday. Cannot wait!!!

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Been lurking here for a while but finally registered, so here's my story so far, been riding motocross from a young age (now 33) and decided in August I'm sick of lugging the bike about, I'm going to do my bike test and do some green laning, so Sep 3rd I do my CBT, instructor says I appear to be a natural on a bike but will be interesting to see me on a big machine, so a week later I turn up for my 1st lesson on a 600 Bandit, 90 mins later through wind, rain and sun lol he says I can't see what I can show you and I want to book your mod 1 & 2! Ideal! Was nervous about hazard avoidance but my low speed stuff had been perfect, gets to the test centre and suddenly I realise I'm shaking! Oh not good! Sets away manual handling, slalom, slow ride and I start to settle down feeling ok, line up for U turn which are so easy, look to far round for lifesaver, panic as Ive turned slightly left toward line, snatch it right and put foot down!!! So angry with myself but it's good practice now! Hazard avoidance turned out to be easy so rebooked and last week turned up with no nerves and passed with no minors, Mod 2 this week and whilst I don't know Darlington, it shouldn't matter as I know how to ride. Fingers crossed

Edited by OverhandZeus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Failed Mod 1 this week. Had 4 dry runs the day before and never made one error. Day of test I was a bit nervous but was breezing it until the emergency stop.

60kph through the trap and the examiner just come up and said "just turn the bike and make for the gate". He said it was was just a little bit too much distance and that if it was wet he would have gave me it. I thought I had pulled up really quick and assumed I had locked the back brake on the ancient bandit I was on but no. My instructor was shocked and thought it should have been a minor but hey ho. Re sit next week. Now I AM nervous.

Pig sick.

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  • 4 weeks later...

After riding 125cc for quite a few years I decided to take the plunge and do my das.

Hadn't rode at all for about 3 years due to a family break up.

Did 2 days training just to get used to the bike again (Honda 600) but then had to wait 3 weeks for a mod 1 slot.

I was reasonably confident on the day, a few nerves but surprisingly calm.

I suffer from a condition called essential tremors that make my hands shake like an alcoholic without their fix, even though I don't even drink lol.

When my name was called for my details I had to reach into my pocket to retrieve my wallet, my hands were shaking like always.

At that point, one of the trainers with another school with his pupils started laughing at my hands shaking and commented in front of everyone when I signed my name, that I was gonna scribble all over the page.

This put me on edge, and the more I try to stop my tremors the worse they get.

We set out onto the mod 1 setup and the instructor says to me " I have got other tests after this one, but if you need to take your time because your nervous, you can"

I explained that it's a neurological condition and that I wasn't too nervous. Then I set out on the test...

Cut a bit of a long story short, I passed with zero faults in the hammering rain with speed of 62kmph on emergency stop and 58kmph on the swerve.

Everything on the test felt like automatic, everything clicked into place, did the best U TURN I've ever done.

The strange thing is that once I'm on the bike, it's the only time my hands don't shake.

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one of the trainers with another school with his pupils started laughing at my hands shaking and commented in front of everyone when I signed my name, that I was gonna scribble all over the page.

Well that guy is a massive dickhead. Although was probably hoping you would fail to mess up your schools pass rate so you socked it to him good with a zero minor pass 8-)


The strange thing is that once I'm on the bike, it's the only time my hands don't shake.

I wonder if it's a similar reason to when people with stammers sing they generally don't stutter? The brain is a weird place! Congrats on the pass, good luck for Mod 2 :thumb:

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