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Everything posted by Phooey

  1. Cool ... should cover my ZZR600 then ... think I'll give it a try.
  2. Does it cover your bike well enough mate. I have one given to me from Argos that covers the front well enough but leaves the back very exposed. Do you use it on your fazer or your firestorm?
  3. Thanks guys. I was a bit worried about the cheaper one's not being up to the job but I too have heard of 'very' expensive ones being as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I might try this one out http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130694059795?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648 This maybe one of the rare occasions where you don't necessarily get what you pay for!
  4. Bit short on money but I want to get a cover that will offer some protection ... Is this cover any good or will I be wasting my money? Thanks guys. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/7400768.htm
  5. Thanks guys ... appreciate your thoughts.
  6. Well, I currently keep it in a wooden shed and initially intended to use it for both winter and summer. The wife suggested saving for metal bike shed about £1000 but I didn't know what was best hence my post. Like I said it is where it is for this winter but from summer onward I was hoping to get something more suitable for both summer and winter. It seems, unless I am totally missing the point, that wooden shed is best for summer but not winter and vice versa! I am easily confused
  7. Thanks guys. Seems like tucking her up in a nice blanket in a wooden shed with a nice full belly is the favoured winter option. I will still be riding in the winter except for the really bad days! (I rode her back from a friends last night and the wind was horrendous ... couldn't keep a straight line. lol) Anyways, thanks for the storage advice.
  8. Guys, I am not lucky enough to have a garage for my bike but I do have a largish wooden shed (8' x 6') that it lives in. But, I have heard that storing in wooden sheds is not good for the bike in the summer months because of water condensing in the tank and causing rust. Now I understand the science behind this but is it really as big of an issue as some sources are implying. No way can I afford a metal shed at the moment so if it is a problem what are my alternatives?
  9. Merry Chrimbo to all ... i intend it to be a very merry Chrimbo! .. hic!
  10. I tried the washing up liquid and it didn't touch it ... even a whole bottle. tried the cat litter and it took the top off but nothing else. Cant afford nitro My local garage (I get on really well with then) gave me some break cleaner. Will try that when it stops raining.
  11. Thanks guys ... and petrolhead dude
  12. Thanks guys ... WD40 probably not too effective as it is a big patch. Car been sat there for a bit. Will try the fairly liquid. Was going to try that but I didn't want to spread it over a larger patch than it already is. Thanks guys.
  13. So I have just got rid of an old car that was sat on my driveway and I now have a patch where the oil has dripped and my driveway is a lovely rainbow colour. (Tarmac) I am hoping to pick up my bike tomorrow and obviously don't want to be riding over oil patches getting into and out of my drive. So, what is the best way to wash the oil away? I thought about simple soapy water but I don't want to just spread it around! Your thoughts please.
  14. Years ago I came up with a new way of manufacturing components for mine shaft lifts while working in a engineering company. My reward for saving the company millions and millions of pounds was dismissal for serious breech of company rule while I 'wasted' time on my own projects. And to top it off, I wasn't allowed to take my idea outside because I didn't own the idea, the company did! Because it was done on company time! I guess what I am saying is be careful that anything you come up with on company time might be considered to be the intellectual property of the company.
  15. Well done missch. Relax for mod 2 ... my instructor said just imagine you are out for a ride round the block and think of the examiner's words in your ear as being your sat-nav!
  16. And customs officers on a VAT mission. And bailiffs when armed with a court order. But not landlords or their representatives. To the OP: Surely the best step now is talk to your landlord and voice your displeasure, and insist that he ensures it never happens again. In fairness, is it possible the workmen thought you were out? Maybe they even knocked (quietly) and you didn't hear them? Yeah perhaps they could have.. But what person goes out and leaves their door unlucked? Plus my motorbike sitting slap bang on my front garden is a dead giveaway haha Firemen can enter if they believe that there is a fire and police can enter only if they believe that there is a crime being committed or someone is in imminent danger ... they would need the landlord to be present for any other reason. Bailiffs can not force entry even with a warrant! The police HAVE to be there for a bailiff to force entry and then only after confirming that the person on the warrant resides at the premises. I know this because we have received several bailiffs letter for someone who doesn't and never has lived at our address. The CAB and police both confirmed that even with a warrant they can't force entry! Do you know how the work men gained entry? Was it through the unlocked back door or did your landlord provide them with a key?
  17. Congrats Jo. It is a great feeling indeed to pass!
  18. And from a bike forum too!
  19. I agree with the comments about your website. I think I would want to convert the little Handyman pic into a format that can make the background transparent. It will not have that white box around it then. I have liked you Facebook page too. I have a number of friends up north who will see it and hopefully like it too. Good luck.
  20. I rarely drink coffee but for those who think that Tea is an English thing, coffee was drank about 100 years before tea got to Britain. Coffee about 1550 and tea about 1660.
  21. Today, I have decided to give the Nob of the day award to ... the local council. Outside my son's school is a road. Nothing unusual about that. This road, called Elton Road, is a one way street. And this one way street has parking spaces controlled by parking meters on one side (being very close to the city centre it is nearly always full) and enough room for a single file traffic flow. No problem I hear you all say. It is a one way street and single file is all that is needed. Except, at the bottom of the road where the NO ENTRY sign should be to stop traffic coming up the 'wrong way', some clever ar*ehole of a bureaucrat has decided to put NO ENTRY EXCEPT FOR BUSES! Every morning is a fu..... nightmare trying to deal with dozens of school kids from 5 - 18 AND having to contend with service buses driving on the pavement and causing the kids to run for their lives, often into the paths of cars trying to get down the road. What clever ar*ehole thought up that idea? Who ever he or she is, gets my NOB OF THE DAY award! I have contacted my local MP who assures me that she will speak to the council office. Yeah I bet!
  22. Good on ya! I remember doing my CBT after 30 years of being off of a bike and got back into it really quickly and, like you, I couldn't wait to get back to Mod 1. It's a great feeling
  23. I think I would do a CBT now and get yourself a 125 to get to work on and then spend the next 6 months until you get to 24 gaining some road experience. Pass the theory and as soon after my 24th birthday as possible, take a DAS course. You can move up to any size bike whenever you want to and you never have to take another bike test.
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