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Everything posted by onesea

  1. Going back to the doors thing, I went to a Roller coaster park you know Alton Towers and the like. I would leave the ride and hold the gate open for the next family in the que. Getting fed up of holding it open for 10's of people I would choose an opportune moment let go and join my family. I got quite practiced at my timing I could split family up with great ease without the gate touching anyone.... One guy went to do the rage bit as I split him and his girlfriend, then girlfriend joined in as she had walked into shut gate expecting him to hold it open for her....
  2. The Three Tuns. http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160106_093450_zpscefsxjdk.jpg
  3. Flynn my parents did not stop worrying when I moved out. I just have to report in when I arrive at my first destination to say I am safe (I still do in my middle age). After that its not that they worry less its just that they cannot worry when they do not know all your movements so it eases the burden. It works for my daughter as well when she goes back to mum I worry less than when she is with me. Although sadly with her mum it works more the other way round, when my daughter is with me she seems to worry more...
  4. onesea

    France trip advice

    I have not ridden in Europe but did similar after Europe trip in car. The other tip some one gave me for there car was if there is a roundabout, wait until there is some one to follow to make sure you go the right way. If in doubt or you get confused in traffic follow the car in front till you can stop and think things through...
  5. Inside knowledge of the IOW always appreciated like an affordable way to get a motorbike there and I bet its not Lymington - Yarmouth! Depending on when you work this group might be good: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1625261391095072/ Many are the same as the Coffee morning and its not always weekdays.... There have been rides most days over the Christmas Period...
  6. Does that mean the Castle only needs to be in the background so when I start my deteriorating circles to the entrance I can stop where said landmark is identifiable and in shot? Thanks GOG seems there is more miles to do this year and maybe a camping trip to get a decent score... A couple of observation not complaint the links from the photo thread could do with correcting...
  7. They get kind of upset when you announce audibly you "will not give to terrorist organisations its a voluntary contribution your asking for".... The boat near buy then crops up "You mean mean that was only a donation" at least the next 3 did not "give" either.... I could go on not my favorite organisation....
  8. Have you been reading the national trust and English heritage guide books then! Ideally ones that are signposted and easy to find One of my memory's from this years challenge was riding in ever decreasing circles till I found the spot.... The piers where easy others kept me amused, but not fun riding lol
  9. Best getting to see my daughter for the second time this holiday, even if it was 2days after Christmas. Worst EMail from X Wife n Christmas Day changing above times completely meaning cancelling the plans arrangements I had made...
  10. Oh do not be so cruel it does make good watching, even when hes in the right he some how positions himself so you think he wrong.... Plus he makes me feel better about the quality of my riding :D
  11. Throttled location updated thanks.... Google let me down Stu thanks a few of those will be added over time and I will certainly be using that one for reference....
  12. I took some old walking boots, ended up using the shoes I drove there in..... although I note when I went up to do my Mod 1 and 2 my instructor commented they liked to see Motorcycle boots or sensible shoes at least... As pair the link above really
  13. Remy: Thanks for that one its been added it loks like a great stop just the right place for rides in wales.... Or stops on me way north... Throttled: Thanks for those suggestions a fair few I could tick off from my wanderings in cars but, I have not been to Scotland for a whilst been by boat, train, coach car with caravan and tent but never by bike Thanks for the complement on my Idle pondering... Throttled and Remy great ways to post suggestions places easy to google and get relevant links.. Always good to know the reason to visit a place.... Looking forward to the 2016 tags might give a few ideas...
  14. I work away and often see places posted that are good places to visit by bike, then forget about them.... So I started a map... Which if your clever enough can be popped into your SatNav for easy reference.. The code was quite simple Red not visited by me Green visited and liked then other colours and simbles started cropping up.. Most have notes to help me remember.. The routes are roads I enjoyed or want to go and visit... https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=ziyGwW9BboFc.ke-cTRsli1OY&usp=sharing Why am I posting this? the reds are slowly turning more green in my area particularly.... I could do with some new places. So I thought others might like or have suggestions...
  15. Not going to disagree to much but, it seems gloves are a bit of a fetish of mine... Set 1 Where ok but I stuffed the lining up when wet and never got it straight again (Leaving them outside the garage in a puddle over night did not help)... Set 2 are gortex but I cannot get my gear to seal round them so I either have a wet sleeve or or the glove slowly fills up. Warm and easy to put on and off when cold. Set 3 are summer gloves Set 4 are lidels best and are very warm but again same problem in rain. Set 5 where given to me and are leather medium weight summer gloves Set 6 are gortex with inner cuff and outer cuff (inner cuff stops water going in the glove, outer cuff stops it going up my sleeve) brilliant in the rain and long rides but swines to put on and off round town.. About the only ones I do not use often are set 1...
  16. You do not need them when you drive a landrover, passing a cyclist in 2nd gear seems to leave them in a thick black cloud of doubt....
  17. If you're planning on riding in the rain I'd suggest spending a tad more to get some with gortex/drytex /nonbrandtex wet cold hands make you miserable really really quickly Having started 12 months ago I kind of agree but do not. I have 6 pairs of gloves now 4 are waterproof but only one set of those keeps my hands dry.... It was getting a design that works for me. I know my gear has changed over last year as L learned what I want.
  18. It would not surprise me looking at the "road salt and all the other crap" if its actually the start of corrosion due to electrolysis (Galvionic corrosion). When alloys corrode the residue often looks like salt... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xzLqXxXiYJQ/TuUeHeeeLEI/AAAAAAAACKU/e5XMu8DW6Do/s1600/7346-7406-MAST+CORROSION+COMBO.jpg Quite common on boats where alloys meet, make sure any rubber/ plastic/ washers/ gaskets inserts are in place... http://image.thefabricator.com/a/protecting-magnesium-alloys-from-corrosion-magnesium-alloy-plate.jpg
  19. If you have not got your ticket grab mine PM me it seems I cannot give it away!
  20. For those that have yet to get tickets... viewtopic.php?f=3&t=58925&p=911666#p911666
  21. I know the feeling yesterday I awesome for finishing a couple of levels on a platform game, I know it will not last long.... I think its already worn of with mummy...
  22. Having never been there I have not got a clue when or where would make a good meet.... Other shows I visit EVERYONE met on the hour at the Guinness stand, there where so many people there that you could never find who you where looking for but spent the next hour chatting to random people... Sadly mobile phones kind of destroyed the ritual to a greater extent.
  23. I have to agree with the OP some of the instructors take the Mic with the amount of training required before doing MOD1. Being told that yo would need to do the same amount of training having had your CBT and 2000 miles under your belt as you needed when you had not ridden a motorbike in the UK does not in my mind add up...
  24. I have a few Christmas songs lost in my phones several thousand I listen to when I am riding. Some days I enjoy them but that is not normally between March and October when you have not been force fed them..... I worked in Trinidad for a whilst and they had 100 days of Christmas on the radio.... Day no 1 they allowed them selves 1 song in 24 hour hours and built it up.... As it seems here its lets get Halloween over so we can start Christmas in full...
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