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Everything posted by onesea

  1. I know your issues having just succumbed and fitted heated grips.... I am out tomorrow and will be taking several pairs of gloves with me, I plan to try them all on each section... I have 2 pairs of Gortex gloves one set has always been my favorite winter gloves but the palms are well insulated and I think it might defeat the object! If my summer gloves work like suggested I will be asking about them myself!
  2. OK I have done some googling does it have to be a motorcycle? Can it be a scooter Selection is greater and the budget could be lower Does this include collection costs? if you buy a bike and cannot ride it home?
  3. onesea

    ebay shits

    For me its some heated grip... Good price said to be next delivery 24 hours Royal Mail receive tomorrow if ordered in the next 5 hours... 6 days later it arrives (well I have to collect in the morning form the post office)... Seems there is nothing you can do..... Jsut bad feedback which will probably bounce back at me one way or other...
  4. I do this for Sat Nav at the moment.... You have to be careful of such instructions as "take the roundabout". Also when you get to double roundabouts it can struggle to keep up with the instructions... I have found google the best for routeing although it does "find a faster route to accept this route tap the screen now" which is kind of annoying.... I have Google and CoPilot and Google is far superior in my opinion...
  5. Now able to compare NikWax https://www.fruugo.co.uk/nikwax-visor-proof-equipment-waterproofing-125ml/p-3570279-7537119?gclid=COLUwsPr3soCFdQaGwodd0gJYA Against Storm: https://www.infinitymotorcycles.com/pro ... wgodoooBTg My opinion Storm if superior in the Rain and Fine Drizzle. When you put it on you can smell its got a polish or similar type base... For me in the Rain it Will be storm every time... Cannot vouch for its bug dissolving properties yet....
  6. I keep toying with the idea I like the look of it and functions but its totally round by all accounts so you need to stop it rolling (important if you sail).. Secondly its not waterproof when charging (as far as I can tell), I would like one I can plug in mount on bike and forget so it lasts all day not just a few hours.... As some one else said there are others out there that are in similar price bracket... https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#tbm=shop&q=action%20camera&tbs=vw%3Al%2Cmr%3A1%2Ccat%3A155%2Cpdtr0%3A926347%7C926348%2Cprice%3A1%2Cppr_min%3A70%2Cppr_max%3A120 The Garmin and Polaroid are 2 I like the look of. The I know nothing about them other than every time some one posts I have to have a look.....
  7. I think today I will nominate a bright red Audi... So there I was coming round the corner out in the middle of the road so can be seen as early as possible... Knowing the car park is there and doing the 40 mph speed limit... If he goes now that will be OK thinks I easing of no he waits he looks then he goes.... Bugger hard on Anchors then who sees me and stops.. I do my best to go round the front whilst breaking hard... I hear my soft pannier scrape along his bonnet... Look in my mirror and he is pulling away and gone.... My scariest one to date....
  8. Some thoughts for the wise.... If your heading to a "pub" make sure it still exists... https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Old ... 4Q8gEIGzAA This one is no longer a pub and the roads I choose getting there can best be described as poor.... I wen through 2 floods and countless meters of mud covered road with bike sliding like a good un.... All that to find no Pub..... Google before you go is my suggestion....
  9. George and Dragon http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160131_120220_zpsgd4cltuu.jpg Ludgershall Castle http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160131_132550_zpslaxjp89h.jpg
  10. Wagon and horses http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160128_163913_zps3j3j7rur.jpg Royal Oak http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160128_162539-1_zpshcbm1wko.jpg White Horse http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160128_150147_zps3csrwlkw.jpg Black Bull http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160130_155337_zpspdyhi2f9.jpg Donington Castle http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160130_123513_zpsip9nh0sk.jpg Berkhampsted Castle http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/TMBF%202016/20160130_140455_zpslfeqfsmw.jpg
  11. Well Photobucket was the decision, better the devil you know.... Yet its down completely at the moment had a couple of tags to upload and its not working at all...
  12. It would be appreciated nothing here seems to make it easy upload from phone direct link on laptop tablet... Pbucket does do it but adds are getting more common and annoying..... The suggestions so far well I am staying with the devil I know....
  13. I keep pondering advanced training the problem for me is my free time Weekends and week days are best described as random.. It can be hard to commit to far in advance it was hard enough getting it sorted to do my test...
  14. Did it afew years back with a caravan in the spring, most nights we where glad of the heater... You could get lucky or unlucky... That time of year I would plan 2 or 3 trips North South East and West... We had planned on Switzerland or South of France for our trip but the weather was such it best to go north and we where VERY pleased about that...
  15. The car was parked from what I could understand.... I was out tagging on my way home internet reception was poor so I was relying on CoPilot (Always a bad idea). I did not get passed I asked a mum on her way to collect child, the postman and the bus driver for the way round plus 2 others walking no one could tell me an alternative route.... So I just went the other direction till I knew my way home as Copilot had it in its head I mussed pass that bus LOL
  16. Do these pair do deserve a nomination? http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/20160121_165849_zpsf3tlarzx.jpg Apparently he had been stuck like that for an hour and a half
  17. Presently I use photo bucket, it used to be a cracking way of posting to forums sharing large photos etc... Now its become slow clunky and strewn with adverts. Yes I have an add block but the phone app is becoming increasingly annoying... Can anyone else recommend a simple system of similar type? I know there is google and one drive or which ever but they always want to take over and copy EVERYthing on your computer... What would you recommend? Or is Photobucket as good as it gets
  18. Horseshoe Inn http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/20160121_164136_zpsgxc0sssy.jpg Old Wardour Castle http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/20160121_155006_zpshuyrlksk.jpg
  19. Paul The New Forest is in Hampshire but its basically on the Hampshire Dorset border.... For the moment it is idol pondering but getting less and less idol as time goes on.... The thing becomes next step how to mount phone, GPS and charging point on limited handlebar space... Can it be REALLY quick release and small or being to trusting they will stay on the bike, tank bag is no use as I would not carry it with me....
  20. I am bad for it far to trusting.... GPS Yup I would probably do that, phone no well unless I am going to be quick, well maybe.... I do it often enough with the bikes keys (its OK they are normally hidden by my gloves ).... I guess I was hoping there was a option for a small VSR out there and that it would work on a bike to keep things simple.... I have similar for the boats domestic battery and it makes life fool proof... As for something wrong with me you would not be the first to say that and not just the X Wife (although I would like to think most say it in jest!)...
  21. You both lost me about there , I know I am an unashamed coward when it comes to this stuff.....
  22. OK Yesterday I fitted my first bike mod Handguards... Cheap ones from Ebay that needed a little tweaking but it seems to of gone well (for £18 I cannot grumble)... Now I might be hooked looking at other Mods I would like one that is hi on the list is USB charging. I like the look of this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Motorcycle-Sc ... =undefined but..... I know what I am like I would leave something plugged in over night and find I had flat battery... Similar with extra lights I might like to add later I like the look of these (Or similar for cost effective extra lights): http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/like/13145922 ... ue&ff13=80 Again same concerns.. What I would like is a small waterproof magic box's that I can connect to the battery and once the alternator is charging (over 13v?) the relay? switches and gives power to the lights... I really do not want to have to start breaking into my wiring loom I will carry on without if that is the case... They must be out there Oxford have them on there heated grips...
  23. Jest I learned the hard way from sailing cold, tired & hungry any 2 of the 3 will bring on the third.... Its amazing how a cold days sailing or biking will munch through the calories, burning energy to keep warm... Am I the only one that really does not need a balaclava this is my second winter and I really do not feel the need for one. For my body and legs I play with different layers some combinations work better than others today I was out T Shirt light thermal top rugby shirt thin fleece all covered by jacket with liner in. The chill is still there but I am not to bad, my bike is naked though. Heated grips for me did not help keep the tips of my fingers warm, they did make my hands to warm, today I fitted hand guards initial thoughts are an improvement but need more time to really tell... For me where a car is available I do not want to ride any colder, to much ice about for my liking. I guess I am a fair weather biker ice and snow will put me in 4 wheels, being lucky I have the choice...
  24. I hope you find it have posted it in one local FB group, possibly worth trying a coupe of others... Fingers crossed for you as others say seems all to common around Southampton.
  25. I was doing some looking round for affordable places to stop over and I stumbled across this little place. Seeing as its near one of this years Tags it could make a great one night stop particularly for a small group: http://www.portlandbunkhouse.com/index.php I am not linked or related etc etc..
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