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Everything posted by onesea

  1. As others have said take your time. My MOD1 and 2 did not go smoothly but I passed. Reason being I convinced myself I was going to fail or had failed on both very shortly into the tests. I then relaxed and did not care. Except I decided I was going to do the speed required on the hazard avoidance on second attempt I went a little too quick. VERY VERY hard to do but just relax you know you can do it. Yet it's a test and you will make mistakes. Oh and keep piling the miles on on the 125 go to a carpark don't worry about the cones just play. How tight can you do a U turn? A circle a figure of 8? On my YBR and now the 600 I can just do a U turn at full lock with feet off the ground (on a good day). It can be handy in towns... I tried weaving as tight as I could, breaking on one brake at a time, doing speedy circuits round the car park I just played with it. Another that improved my clutch control was a car park with gentle slope and doing hill starts in traffic. SO MUCH EASIER SAID THAN DONE but Relax and maybe enjoy.
  2. Good luck and fingers crossed for the weather and sheltered training ground for you....
  3. So true, some areas are very aggressive others more polite. I loved Trinidad within reason when I was there you walked out into slow traffic and it slowed to let you cross. Driving if there was a gap they expected you to pull out and slowed to let you out. If you did not do either and they stopped you would find yourself they chastised you for not doing it. In the uk I used to flash, to people pulling out of side roads into my direction of flow not crossing other traffic. Then have got so fed up of dithering idiots that make you stop I now do not flash just ease of a touch or leave appropriate gap. If they go for it I just let them, if not it's no loss to me. Then in my local city (Southampton) they drive very aggressively and I have become accustom to that. I would rather drive/ ride in London.
  4. Kind of like me and sailing, you can win a race by coming first or having the biggest smile I would be amazed if I finish 1 group then would not be surprised if I got one from several groups lol.... You know what they say.... Its all about the bike, the bike no peddles....
  5. A cool tunnel.... http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150104_130927_zps8bd09b1d.jpg
  6. There are no regions denoted by regional boundaries as such - There are just 'Groups' of tags. Loomies stays in the group it is in! Is Loomies even listed I was there yesterday! I also got PM saying the one Christchurch has moved just failed to read it properly So below picture will not count.... http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150104_164749_zps9cdd5391.jpg Oh well third time lucky Still got a tag today... Just cannot post 2 tags 1 day at opposite ends of M3 Edit: To add I am not being sensible about this I have one Black Lolly Pop, One Red Star, One Blue Lolly Pop and one pub...
  7. Yesterdays Ride out... http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150102_120603_zpsc5f09644.jpg Todays little Juant.. http://i1326.photobucket.com/albums/u654/onesea/Bike/20150103_140448_zps2e1adda7.jpg Worth some time here if you like your Military history...
  8. I have not gone back, from my working out there is either a ferry ride or a 1.2 mile walk... Seems Grumpy is on the case... They have done a good job certainly if you like history the Winchester one is worth more than the 5 minutes I gave it.... This leaves my next question do we edit our original picture post to add more or do we post a new one each time???
  9. Once I have recovered my phone I will put today's Tag up did 160 miles to get it. Well actually 60 the other 100 where for the sake of it Hmm can you ride down that track last time I was there it was for Cyclists, Pedestrians and the "Road Train". Cars Iam sure have to stop at the Car Park. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.71923 ... a=!3m1!1e3 Although Google says you can drive all the way. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/Hiker ... d50.720226 If allowed I would not be trying the approach to the Cafe... https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Mud ... 426e212212 Or have I got something so very horrible wrong I often do!!!
  10. Not certain how it works for younger drivers its been a while since I can call myself that I know for me on this bike a lower excess actually reduced my insurance.... The theory being I was going to look after it was explained to me... Either way well worth playing the search engine game looking for your lowest quote... Are you a site assistant in the leisure industry or a bouncer at a pole dancing club, always worth trying both....
  11. Thanks guys I should also of asked that I guess the Number 5 in my number plate counts. As for the one on Hengisbury head I go take a picture and see what the powers that be decide. I did not realise how regional some pub names are...
  12. The Royal Oak [album]1337[/album] No 5 displayed on number plate
  13. OK simple questions for the experts... 1) Can you log the same pub name several times? Seems there are several Royal Oaks round here ... 2) How do you upload pictures is to the forum or via Photobucket or similar? 3) "Beach House Cafe" - Mudeford Quay: I was going to do this one today but the cafe concerned is on Hengisbury Head Will a photo with Cafe in background across water be enough? Or do we have to jump on the ferry/ road train/ walk in our gear to get nearer? Any one up for a ride tomorrow? With near beginner..
  14. Spare bulbs, headlight deflector? I guess I should have these and will get/ take them... Reflective bits on my helmet, ah well its going to be a 7 hour crossing so if they have some in the shoip I might take my time and make them look pretty.... Really not going far on the French side by comparison. I just hope there is no ice on the roads .
  15. Its one of those where I have to go over there at some point soon so why not take the bike? As I understand I will need: Spare bulbs, headlight deflector? Do I need reflective bits on my helmet as well?
  16. OK I passed my test 3 weeks ago my full licence has just arrived.... I am now pondering a little trip to France on the bike before the new year.... I recall the insurance and breakdown is already included for the bike I have full licence so what else do I need? I was thinking Portsmouth Cherbourg? Any recommended places to stay etc etc etc
  17. I grew up in one and have lived and visited 1 or 2 and I am struggling to think of one worse...
  18. Sorry to hear your not so good news. I think I was lucky to pass mine the other week. Much easier to say than do but as with any exam relax... I nearly failed my mod 2 through stupidity not doing what I would normally do as it was test conditions.... For the MOD 1 I practised the in a big empty car park on the 125 weaving round the parking bays seeing how much lock I could get on how small I could do a U turn how tight a figure of 8 I could then finding what was comfortable. I tried braking on front brake only then back brake then both brakes, I spent a good whilst just playing around. My instructor noted my improvement next lesson. I cannot give you any solid advise on the swerve bit my instructor used to get me to weave around manhole covers, white lines etc when on the roads doing less than 40mph. I did the same when I was on the 125 just to get used to doing it, always traffic permitting (although its a great way to get the car behind to give more space ). For my swerve test first attempted I was well under speed. Second attempt coming out of the bed I was WAY off pace I thought stuff it if I am going to fail its not for going to slow. I gunned it I got up to speed and swerved ok but looked at the blue cones and thought I have to stop for them! I ended the manoeuvre with the back we wheel slightly off the ground! Good luck on Christmas Eve fingers crossed for you...
  19. Just when your cleaning it in a hurry to go and get your new to you bike make sure you dry the visor and Pin lock 100% or you get mist between the two... Dont ask how I know....
  20. I moved down this way 15 years ago and Southampton drivers are about the most aggressive bunch of idiots in the country in my opinion... Insult there football, call there city a dump do what you want they don't care... Just do not be in the wrong lane or try changing lanes or drive at a speed they don't like (to fast or to slow). They will threaten to kill you, get in front of you and slam on to try and get you to rear end them or try and stop the car and get out to carry out there threats it just routine. On one occasion one numbskull could not pull out in front of me (I had no where to go and for all my breaking nearly hit the car) I hit the horn, he went to open his car door to "speak to me". I rolled forward and put the Landy bumper to stop him opening the door he proceeded in trying to climb out over his girlfriend. Not some where I am looking forward to going on a bike.... Nice to see you got one up on them!
  21. I would like to give my first nomination to the Elderly Lady who in the middle of an empty forest road came to a full fairly firm stop. I was thinking horses running and waited, in the end she called out of her window. I road up and she started berating me as she does not like bikes light behind her. Down went my visor and I rode on passed..
  22. Yes I passed, How did you know!! 5 observations, One for not going fast enough (dazzled by sun with wet visor and could not see much never mind the speed signs), I did not tell him I have NO intention of making that mistake again :D A couple for poor signalling, although unlike in my MOD 1 I did keep both wheels on the ground for the whole test Result is I passed so happy chappy, bike shopping tomorrow...
  23. onesea


    As a divorced dad I cannot see much more. I think it also might be one of those things my daughter forgets to tell mum about, so we need not be seen doing.... I asked after one of our adventures (my daughter was asking to do it again ) did you tell mum about that day? (I had not had any nastiness about cold tired wet dangerous etc ) Oh no she said I forgot , do I have to??? You tell your mum what you want I do not mind EITHER way I never ask her to not tell anything but sometimes afterwards I ask (if she has), some times she tells me she won't! A smart one (At age 7.5 but fits clothes 8-9 or maybe 10 ).. Fully agree RE new Lid....
  24. onesea


    Watching this thread with interest. I am divorced and my daughter is interested, well will be until mummy finds out. When I first mentioned the bike my daughter thought it a great idea. She became less keen, turns out the X told her how dangerous they are (probably worried about her maintenance ). If mother finds out she will go nuts, daughter probably will not say. My thought is also what gear? As this will only happen 2-3 times a year if we are lucky I really don't want to go spending a fortune. Yet if I need hard hat boots gloves clothing etc so does she, just thinking like x wife here... Could be bloody expensive few hours...
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