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Posts posted by Westbeef

  1. Ugh I have known tits like this also :roll:


    What I wouldn't give right now to be mortgage free, No idea how people manage it. Fair enough spend a small amount on yourself - small in terms of the amount given to you anyway, and use the rest to make yourself secure.

    Beefy right now I'm envious of you even being ON the ladder! :P I can't see a time in the near future where Jay and I can say the same...

    First thing I'd do with that sort of money is give a load to my mum to get her out of any debt / pay her back for helping when I've needed it and get her out of the horrible bit of London she's in..

    Then find me and Jay a nice house we could afford a mortgage on and put most of the rest into that. Keep a little bit in an ISA and savings for emergencies (Car dying, pipes bursting etc)..

    The depressing thing is even £200k couldn't buy us a house round here :crybaby:


    It is difficult and made 100 times harder if you already have moved out! Hopefully they do some good offers with these new homes they're building as promised.

  2. What I wouldn't give right now to be mortgage free, No idea how people manage it. Fair enough spend a small amount on yourself - small in terms of the amount given to you anyway, and use the rest to make yourself secure.


    they have to pass through a very dangerous zone that most people dont even realise they are doing.

    Take two sets of people in identical circumstances. One has a 95% mortgage, the other has paid a load off and only has a 20% mortgage..

    They both lose their jobs and cant pay... guess who the banks will repossess first?? its a lot easier to sell a house and recover a 20% debt - not so easy to sell a house and recover a 95% debt, especially after the occupiers have trashed the place because they are bitter its being repossessed.

    so, be warned people, if you have high equity in your property and you fall on hard times, the banks wont hesitate in taking your house away...


    Sorry my comments were relating to when someone is given a large sum of money. If they have the chance to totally clear the mortgage I don't know how they don't. For the risks like you mentioned above.

  3. I'm getting a hose tap put in under my sink for the same purpose, can wash the bikes round the back and car on the front. Not sure if that's an option for you but saves the tap connectors, some don't seal properly on certain types of taps.

  4. Oh that's a good idea because I am sure there will be someone coughcoughGINcoughcough that needs petrol.

    Need to look for a lunch spot too


    So long as no one has a Panigale. I managed a tank and a half on a ride where one of those needed 3 tanks. And its wing mirror started falling off.


    My uncle has a 1299 Panigale, had it 18 months and still hasn't run it in! Such a waste :crybaby:

    This sounds like fun, I'll come if I've got a 'big' bike by then :D


    Chances are I'll be on a 125 so don't be put off by that :)

  5. Post up some photos and videos of riders wives and we can all chill ;-)

    Beefy's wife after the second one is born:



    That's what it's like after I've inserted little Beefy!

    Also first one was sunroof, second is looking that way. It's all in-tact 8-)

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