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Posts posted by Westbeef

  1. Hi ppl

    Just to update you all as this site has helped a lot and as mentioned I had my 2nd mod 2 today got 2 minors for hesitation 2 minors for positioning and 2 minors for right hand life savers fo in total 6 minors so I passed yay full a2 coming my way and already to hit the road for a ride out on the weekend


    Excellent mate!

    YOu say A2, double check that - it should be A on yours! I only mention it as Liveware Problem mentioned a similar thing :)

    (A2 is restricted)

  2. I was under the impression that it's actually illegal to ride (or drive) with L plates if you've passed your test? When you passed your instructor should have crossed through the plate or removed it for the ride back.

    but Hoggs, I hear you say, loads of parents stick L plates on their car then never bother covering them when they use it without the learner. Well they are dirty wronguns and you should kick their wingmirrors off as you go past*

    *don't this is also illegal


    Im pretty sure it isn't illegal, I think it's just frowned upon.

  3. Sky are now supporting the event :). Skys CEO got wind and its sorted.


    Do you think that is because of the bad publicity Sky were getting over it?

    Either way, good result for all....


    No doubt, a post was made on Facebook by someone who'd started a petition with the response from the CEO. :

    Deleted re Sky and Roughleys as Sky are now supporting the event and donating to Roughleys 3 charities - people power works :) Great news for Roughley's Bike Show 2017

    Sky are now supporting the show and its three charity beneficiaries.

    (Please share this wherever you can).

    I received this email this morning in response to my email to Jeremy Darroch, the CEO of Sky TV, on Wednesday.

    "Dear Mr Hulse,

    Thank you for your email of 15 February about Roughleys Bike Show which takes place close to the Sky Contact Centre in St Peter’s Square, Stockport over the August Bank Holiday.

    I was sorry to read about the challenges experienced in recent years securing a suitable location for this popular charity event and I apologise for the concern caused by Sky’s enquiries regarding support to find a suitable alternative venue.

    From your note it is clear that St Peter’s Square is the ideal location for Roughleys Bike Show, and Sky is pleased to support the event taking place there again this August. For context, I understand that our local management were concerned about the safety of Sky staff as fire evacuation points are compromised during the event, and were trying to find ways to stay open to support our customers. They were seeking to work with the Council and the organisers to explore alternative options.

    However, as you have said, it appears that the best solution is to hold the event where you have done so in the previous couple of years. Consequently, we will close the Sky Contact Centre in Stockport again this August Bank Holiday and Sky will make alternative arrangements to support our customers from other contact centres.

    Thank you also for making me aware of the impressive achievements of the NABD over the past 26 years, helping more than 11,000 people with disabilities to enjoy the freedom and independence of motorcycling. I understand that Roughleys Bike Show is also a long term contributor to the Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity and the Together Trust. I appreciate that the continuation of the excellent work by all three charities is reliant on donations, like those they receive from Roughleys Bike Show. As a gesture of Sky’s support of the event, and to say sorry for any inconvenience caused, we will be making a donation to the three charities of £1,500 each.

    Yours sincerely,

    Jeremy Darroch"

    I have written back to Mr Darroch to express the thanks of Roughley's Bike Show and the NABD for his speedy and most positive intervention.

    I would ask now that any petitions or protests in connection with this issue are brought to a halt, as this is a most amicable and pleasant result.

    As I am off to France on holiday in half an hour I would appreciate your help in spreading the word on Facebook & Twitter.

    Rick Hulse

    NABD Chairman

  4. I did think about dropping gear in the corner but yesterday I did it on a straight, full throttle got to 55mph let go of the throttle for a second then tried to hit the throttle again and it cut out and hesitated then pulled it back


    How long is it taking to start accelerating again once you open the throttle?

  5. The only reasonable complaint would be the blocking of fire escapes, but surely they can find a way to avoid that happening without forcing the organisers to move the event!


    Very easily, Sky aren't exactly in the middle of the square - they're right on the edge.

  6. Is it fuel injection? I think it's normal for them to be a little less smooth on acceleration - which means it'll feel like the first part of the throttle turn does nothing then it jerks back to life.

    N.B. I think someone needs to confirm this though.

  7. Nice one! When's the rest of the test then :)?

    The Hazard perception is pretty stupid, I was spotting hazards too quickly on my practice tests. It's not designed at people who already drive so you can miss out on points if you click a little too early. Luckily I noticed that on the practice and just waited a second before I clicked any hazard.

  8. Very local to me this, the show is great each year so it'll be sad if it has to move on. However SKY are a business and they have been closing the office for a day each year at a cost to themselves, the article says its over £100k each time. Drop in the ocean to someone like SKY, they really should suck it up or embrace it and get involved with the show.

  9. I've gone down the inside of lane hoggers before, usually to prove a point. I drive a 1.2 Punto and if someone is going to sit doing 65ish in lane 3 then I like to show them ridiculous they are by flying past in a slow Punto. Don't like to make a habit of it though, if they're that oblivious to sit in lane 2 or 3 when others are clear, they definitely aren't checking their mirrors when they finally move over to the left.

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