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Posts posted by Westbeef

  1. Thinking out loud here...

    The o-ring is there to prevent the lubrication (thats put in during the chain manufacturing process) from getting out and to prevent dirt, water and dust from getting in.

    We lube our chains to lubricate the surfaces between the sprockets and chain (and to keep them from rusting and looking bad)

    The lube we apply doesn't pass by the o-ring. (Or does it??)

    If lube can pass the o-ring then so too could water and dirt and once water and dirt is inside the chain is doomed.

    So, for an o-ring chain to fail it suggests a failure of the o-ring seal, not lack of or choice of chain lubrication?

    Is that how others see these things working??


    That was my thinking, that's why I thought the chain may have not been assembled at the factory properly.

  2. I should be happy for you, but now I'm worried ive got limited time left on the forum before I'm banned. :mrgreen:

    *Starts to form a protective wall around beefy*

    No! :evil: He survived the Trial by MegaWatt, he gets to stay!





    Why you disliking saving me :( you should be trying to save me too! Please.

  3. I have some Weise ones for the exact thing,go over my office wear. They're thick enough and armoured (Ive slid in them at 30mph and still good for use). They have braces to hold em up too and they're a little baggy but makes sticking them on easy. They don't seem to do the ones I have any more do but similar, they're £100 new but I got these second hand for a fraction of that. Also I'd say they're properly water proof, Ive used them in all kinds of weather.

    Similar ones To mine


  4. :mrgreen:

    Id charge £100 and tell the buyer that its come from china and you're taking a gamble. It might run for a while it might die in a month. For £100 you can't go wrong! Id be the best Chinese bike dealer going.

  5. Now how on earth did this work!

    I got put into the dog house for putting my ninja in the front room with how dare you ....... show respect..... think I will still marry you?...

    The response from me was " aw darling i love you so much and you are so rare that I would throw a million poke balls to catch you ❤ " random attempt at sucking up

    You know your looking for a new bike? (i expected flame wars and belittle)

    Go put a deposit on one you want and I will get it for you as a early birthday gift

    What just happened!


    You made more stuff up.

  6. I think you're always going to get some surface rust on your chain in the winter, but it's not a problem if you keep on top of it. I lubricate mine weekly - I clean monthly. I got a Motul kit for £15, it had a decent brush, chain cleaner and chain lube in. Got all the rust off mine perfectly.

    As far as ACF50 goes, don't put it on your brakes at all and you don't need it on your chain/sprockets either.

    From there anything metal is pretty much OK to give a coating, Obviously aluminium parts won't rust anyway but I give it a little coating. Gear linkage usually gets some rust on so I pay particular attention to that area, I've also got flakey paint on my exhaust so I give that a good coating too. You can brush it on if you want, I just spray it all over though.

  7. Sometimes it will start and then just cut out straight away, this morning it did that 5 or 6 times then started and I managed to ride to work, although it did cut out and then start again on the way, would the ignition barrel cause something like this?


    I'm not sure, maybe - the vibrations can move the keys. If you've got it stationary but engine running, try wiggling the key to see if it cuts out.

  8. Ive got a textile winter jacket and a summer one, I've only got one set of trousers at the min which are armored over-trousers, nice and thick but a bit too hot in the summer. Going to invest in some leathers for the summer, but they'll be 2 piece, until them I'm stuck with the extra warm trousers.

  9. I think the rear break does need to activate the lights as part of the MOT.

    My spring had disconnected from the switch and the MOT tester put it back on for me and mentioned it. I assume he wouldn't have even noticed if he didn't test it.

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