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Everything posted by mojobanana

  1. Pics... probably in the wrong thread as they're all of the track.. not sure where Mr Marv's thread is tho... http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory040.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory037.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory029.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory027.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory016.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory012.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Mallory006.jpg
  2. Of golach dressed for a quiet evening drinking beer? Boy, that's an odd request...
  3. Hiya, nice summary Dan! Weather was a bit poo, even considered hopping in the car to get to Towcester! Biked it, but visor kept getting completely covered every time I cleared it and decided I'd probably be home at lunchtime. Decided to head up to Mallory with the others and it dried up quite a bit. Good day in the end. Good to have Roy and Ian to ride back with to Towcester, made the run seem a bit quicker in the drizzle. Got in at 7. Just put the cover on the bike fully expecting the sun to be shining tomorrow so we can all go out and play again! Good to meet Ant (monkeyass), see you again soon!
  4. Hi Ant, no need to ask! Of course. We'll be at the cafe at Towcester from 10ish onwards and be leaving there 11 - 11.30 ish so turn up when you're ready. I'll PM you my number so you can give me a shout when you arrive or let me know if you're on your way. There should be 4 or 5 of us at the cafe then a convoy up to Mallory to meet a few more by the sounds of it. Seeya there! EDIT: And bung a hello in the newbie's section!
  5. Hi Roy, was wondering whether you'd be going to Towcester then Mallory or straight to Mallory. Yep, I'll be at Towcester for 10ish as well. Seeya there.
  6. Have to admit, slight change of plan as I'd been trying to put myself in two places at once. I'm staying up here over Easter then will probably head down to Wales the weekend after. If it's sunny I'll be biking. I love that road over to Llangattock, I take it in the car all the time. Will defo try and arrange some time down in Wales over the summer though
  7. How does this plan leave the guys coming up from Portsmouth? 10.30 ok for you? PM me if anyone wants my moby. I'll be there from 10.30 onwards.
  8. Gonna chuck my two pennies in! I was taught to get the revs up and constant, find the bite and pull away slowly then use the back brake to slow down the speed if I needed to. Then shoulder check, find a spot behind you to aim at and start the turn. If you start going too quick in the turn then you have your back brake at your disposal. I got told off for having it on all the time because it meant even with my clutch at the bite I was really struggling to get round. I think it's one of those things that different people get taught in different ways and it all depends on what you're comfortable with. The important thing is that you get round! On the measurement thing, have you got a tape measure handy?
  9. I am. I'm going to be at the cafe for around 11.30, have a cup of tea and a natter and then anyone who wants to head up to Mallory go from there. It's only an hour or so ride from there.
  10. It's Mr Marv Mojo!! And it's not a track day. It's proper racing. The forum sponsors him!!! So be warned, it will cost to get in.... I suspect £15 tops... Probably more like a tenner. Sadly, my memory not being what it was, all I remembered was 'Mallory' and '12th April'...
  11. Right, Korben mentioned someone's doing a trackday on the 12th at Mallory park, so could maybe take a ride up there after meeting at Towcester. It's 49 miles from Towcester to the track. Sorry, can't remember who it is and had a quick look but can't find it anywhere on the forum even though I know there's a thread.
  12. Hiya minnie, small world! Whereabouts in Ebbw are ya? My folks are near the cemetery.
  13. Hiya Tim, well, I was planning to go down on the Saturday before Easter Sunday and then come back up on the Monday or Tuesday. Probably Tuesday to be honest, which makes that 11th to 14th April.
  14. Can't make it, last minute change of plan so now my 'enhanced rider course' is over that weekend. Gutted as I was really looking forward to it. Next time though
  15. I'm in! And I'm a token girly (as well as Vicki and the kids) so you're not all lads. You'll be getting a castle for 16 at this rate Korben! Bagsy the best bedroom!
  16. I'll suggest between 11.30 and 12.30 if people fancy a ride out from there.
  17. ....with the bike the folks live near Abergavenny (Ebbw Vale) so could quite likely pop down if anyone around? Be good to explore a few roads round there too.
  18. Let's make it Sunday 12th then. Location is http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... 5&t=h&z=16
  19. Sorry! Can't make it folks, I got a phonecall today asking if my advanced rider course could be moved to that weekend and if I don't change the weekend then I don't get a certificate Bad times. Bit gutted because I was really looking forward to this. Still the summer to come though and hopefully I'll be a better rider after the course.
  20. Soz, meant to say I think the cafe's called Tim's and it's north of Towcester up the A5, past the A43 roundabout... not more than half a mile up on the left. There's the super sausage place towards MK that I think is more lorry-ish.
  21. Mojo's first meet! As I was bimbling up the A5 a week or so ago and passed a hoooooj cafe with about a gazillion bikers outside. Thought, 'hmm, looks good'. So, was wondering if peoples fancied a meet, chance for new and old to get together for a cuppa and a good old chinwag? Don't know if anyone wants to suggest a ride-out from there as well, I'm not massively familiar with the area apart from a really dodgy road from Silverstone to Aylesbury. Towcester's off the A5 near Northampton. Fairly central I've posted as a Saturday, but happy to shove it to Sunday if that's better.
  22. I'm in! Roy, can I meet you at yours? Let me know what time you're off and I'll be there.
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