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Everything posted by mojobanana

  1. Two from today, I pulled over to take a photo of my display as I noticed I clocked 5000 miles today... (yes, sad I know) http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Image049.jpg And one in a random village on today's ride, think it may have been Wansford. (bex is hiding behind Yammy, furthest left) http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/Image050.jpg
  2. Neil, I've taken your number from contacts (mine's in there too), I'll text you if I'm coming up as it's a nice hour and a half ride from my house. I may be there around 11 though.
  3. It's a tough life matey. Just stay strong, get through it and soon you'll be back at work
  4. I'm a definite possible. Hoping to get the week after the beetle drive off work for a little biking trip (route as yet undecided) so could probably include this in my ickle journey! Fingers crossed for good weather!
  5. Not sure if this has been posted before, but just came across a mention on the BBC website. Llangollen Bike Show
  6. I'm sure that's why I was so ill on Sunday morning... you lot and your snoring!!! I was surrounded!
  7. Blimey, that's one heck of an underground map! Sorry Couldn't resist
  8. Sorry to hear about TC, hope he has a speedy recovery. I'm getting there WF! Just going to eat me dins and head off to bed, but Willow's magic medicine did the trick I'm really grateful for Liz, Louise (hlb2) and Dan's patience today though! I don't think I've ever had a hangover where I've been left incapable of speech before... must be my age...
  9. I did it back in April. It was a two day course run out of Silverstone by BSM but they've sold off their motorcycle training business now. I found it quite useful, I'd only been riding for four months so I appreciated the chance to get a bit more training in certain things like road positioning, counter-steering etc. without the pressure of a licence test. It is quite hard to fail the ERS and there are different levels of passing. Perfect riding gets you an A, whereas I got a B. I also did get a reduction in my insurance, but not all insurers seem to have this scheme on their lists. The level of pass has no bearing on the level of premium reduction. I am definitely considering doing the RoSPA thing too though.
  10. Just got home. Brill weekend, so glad I made it there yesterday apart from this morning's utter inability to even speak. Apologies for not showing my face to say g'bye to y'all, but you really wouldn't have wanted to see it. Thanks and sorry to Louise, Liz and Dan for helping me with the tent and not objecting to vomit corner too much. And Willow, official forum mum, you cured me, thanks! I shall now attempt to replenish my bodily fluids in time for the Beetle drive, can't wait! There will be more rain, no doubt...
  11. Aww... You sound like and old married couple.. Bert and Ernie anyone? Absolutely sloshed with rain in S. Wales this evening. It's rained pretty much constantly since around 12noon, which happens to be around the hour that I entered the country... oh dear
  12. Don't think I can cope with camping tomorrow night! I really don't want to make myself any iller than I am already, especially as I'm on the mend (sorry to sound like a complete wuss!). Plan at the moment is meeting you lot up at Rutland water on the Saturday then riding on and camping for Saturday night if I was feeling ok enough (don't think I could cope with a downpour, even with my new tent/sleeping bag combo). Will keep posted on Saturday's plans and hope it doesn't rain too much
  13. My SV had bungs on when I got it, they seem huge, but I'm so glad they're there because I know I will drop it at some stage! Pics here for your perusal. It's a part-faired, K5. They're R&G bungs, but I have no experience of any other type. http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/CrashBung3.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/CrashBung2.jpg http://i452.photobucket.com/albums/qq247/mojo_banana/Bike/CrashBung1.jpg (And my bike's a bit dirty..!)
  14. Perfectly normal, I've only been riding for 6 months and still get that sometimes. You'll build up your experience and you'll get more off the, "Woo hoos!" and less of the, "Eurghhs!"
  15. They do seem a bit non-plussed.. not good to dump on the little people, cos someday they be big
  16. One thing I do is stay one gear lower than would be comfortable at the speed I'm travelling at. That way, if I need to slow down quick then I've got tonnes of engine breaking. Plus, if I'm pulling into a gap between cars it means I'm not slamming my brakes on which might annoy the driver behind. PD, be careful when you go up to lights because technically you're not meant to go in front of the first vehicle. It would take a particularly jobsworthy copper to pull you over for that though! EDIT: great thread though.
  17. Ah! Good idea nice run and great location. There's another car park on the north-shore, but it doesn't seem there are as many bikers at that one. Plenty of room at Edith for bike parking immediately inside the entrance to the car park on the left hand side.
  18. Horizon! In MK, based at the bowl. Very friendly, run by Martin who is very cheerful and hands on. Passed my test with them 6 months ago and they sorted my u-turn out for me. Number's 01908 694333
  19. Hey Susie, not your fault at all! We just need lots of crates of beeeeeeer and us lovely tmbf peeps. And a barbecue. Is the one Dan made still at Willow and Akey's?
  20. I've got Sidi Vertigo boots (like the look of the Alpinestars though) and they have vents. Haven't had an issue with hot feet with them yet. Wet feet, yes. Hot feet, no. (the vents have a habit of opening up when it's raining.)
  21. Or HG are doing a few deals over the weekend, open days on the 4th with some dyno tests running at some stores apparently. Got an email from 4theride today.
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