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Everything posted by mojobanana

  1. But still you pressed submit... lol I think it's a matter of personal preference. A couple of instructors have told me to hang my heel over the peg and stick your toe out so it's next to the brake lever, but I'm much more comfortable with the ball of my foot on the peg. I then shift forward to brake. I think I started doing that to avoid using my back brake so much (at one point it was the only brake I used) and now it just feels normal. I don't like having my toe stuck out either as (stupidly) I feel like I could catch it on something. If you want to keep your foot over the lever you could look at adjusting its position. If it's lower then you could keep your foot there and not worry so much about pushing it down constantly and 'braking' accidentally.
  2. that's a fab picture, great composition and love the colours. Looks kinda grainy too, or is that the resolution? I remember you mentioning you did stuff on film as well as digital...
  3. Thought rick was on a 650? that's what his radiator cover says anyhoo....
  4. Ooooh! That means we get to give kolw the bumps!!!
  5. Aw bless, some lovely pics there. Lori said there was a bit more in the paper so can't wait to see a copy
  6. 23rd would be out for me, going to a Christening... I'd be up for it otherwise never been to Hunstanton
  7. And when I say camping, what I really mean is scare the kids having taken refuge on the sofa at 4am. Kidding, will have a warmer sleeping bag by then
  8. *mojo rolls her eyes and thinks of all the incriminating photographs that can be taken* I'm in!!! And camping with the beetle drive
  9. Hello! I have a few photos so I'll be slinging them up later. Right now, my bum hurts, my feet are aching, my wrists are wondering what the claming heck I've been doing and I'm a bit peckish. But I had a great day! Was fantastic to see so many bikes and new faces, all to make Mikey smile. I'm not surprised he's exhausted, I am too! TMBF should get a massive plug from Lori's local paper and also the website, the guy was really keen on showing us bikering lot in a positive light. I didn't mention that Lori has a habit of reducing us hard-but biker types to blubbery messes! We should be in the paper on Tuesday, so you local lot need to buy lots of copies! Although the article should be on the website shortly after too. Thanks again!
  10. I'd never been on a bike before either, got it without any major problems (apart from the other guy binning his van van on a bend on the way back to the centre) and I'm sure you'll love it. Good luck
  11. OK, see ya there. If I'm not waiting then I can't make it although I'll try and text if I can't. Will be there otherwise
  12. Been checking the weather for the past few days and was a bit miffed that heavy rain was forecast for Sunday in the Lincoln area. Looked today and sunny spells forecast. Yay! I've told the weather to stay, so we should have glorious sunshine :D
  13. Hiya, what time will you be passing Shortstown? Where I met you before?
  14. I am! I was telling my mum about the ride last night and saying if everyone makes it then I think we're edging towards 30 bikes!!! :D :D
  15. Have a look here... http://www.themotorbikeforum.co.uk/view ... 12&t=22547 There are links to the local rides, pretty sure there are a few more coming from Notts.
  16. Just one question, how are you going to get it there? Cos without a CBT you're not allowed on the road and they'll probably take a dim view if you roar up for a CBT on your own two wheels...
  17. Hahaha... examiner with a sense of humour! As long as you did the manoeuvre safely then you're ok. Simple as. I went wrong on my test, I was asked to turn right at the first roundabout then left and the second and I got it into my head I should turn right at the second too. I still passed cos I moved across three lanes of traffic having looked plenty and signalled properly. I then stalled twice, but stayed calm and I honestly think he didn't notice. He ended up guiding me all the way around the roundabout saying "the car drivers won't expect you to go all the way around so let me go in front then you can pass me." Nice guy really! At the debrief after the test he didn't even mention it! Well done though! Best feeling in the world! I didn't stop jumping up and down on the spot for about an hour after I passed! Yay!
  18. I have put the details up of the meet in another thread... viewtopic.php?f=12&t=22547 locked at the top of the general meet folder.
  19. Kept meaning to post about my R25 in here... but used it on the pudding run and I got drenched on the way up and on the way back, but the contents of my bag stayed completely dry, not a drop got in. The rain was so bad it was bouncing back up. We stopped to refuel for the way home and when I put my bike on the sidestand water came pouring out of the radiator. I could barely see and was just trying to keep the white line under my wing mirror so I knew I was still on the road. Torrential rain! In other words, it was quite wet. Can vouch for these bags. Good stuff. EDIT: paid £85 for mine off the Kriega website including delivery. Looked on ebay but everyone was pretty much charging the same as Kriega. Haven't looked at bike shows though.
  20. I'd never even touched a bike/moped/scooter before doing my CBT but it was the best thing I've ever done!
  21. Hi folks, well, it's all set up, Aston Arms in Market Rasen car park at 12 noon. Location A is meeting point, Location B is Willington Woods Car Park http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... 8&t=h&z=14 We'll meet there and then ride on to Willy Woods to meet Mikey. Lori's advised that Mikey will be fine with all the bikes and noise, but please ditch the lid before going over to say hi (not too hard as I usually can't wait to get mine off so I can hear again!). fleat will be there from 11.30 and I suspect myself, Dan, TheWife, kolw and... poss Stephen and Gem will be there not long after. If anyone wants a mobile number from me then please let me know. We'll organise ourselves in the carpark and hopefully head off by 12.15 - 12.30. Anyone who wants to make a donation on the day, I'll be collecting grubby fivers and Rosie will have the cheque for any donations made via paypal. Not compulsory to make the donation!! Peeps attending so far... (sorry if I've missed anyone, added the possibles too) mojobanana MtotheJ fleat nman1 cleedubber Korben Tinkerbell Dan and TheWife lee4 (poss) Tigger Steve365 kolw parapanfan Roadrunner yorbandit bex Phatdad and TheMrs TC Rosie and kjabusa Shortie and Mr Shortie Stephen and Gem (poss) The Jade Mongoose and Louise Walney Frankie Mr Miller croup7 WalneyFrankie fatcontroller and debs rick Super Gran Rennie and Susieque Links to regional rides... Northwest: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=22344 Midlands and Lincs: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=22346 Cambs and East Anglia: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=22342
  22. I think you're right on your assumption. If you had passed the van in the correct road position then you would have caused the oncoming traffic to stop - major - but you didn't which caused you to pass the van in the incorrect position. It's the kind of thing that you wouldn't think twice about in the real world.. just carry on. I think I had a similar thing on my first test too and I really didn't know what to do. Luckily a gap came in the traffic and I could pass easily. I think if you've been driving for a while it's easy to forget that the best thing to do sometimes is stop and wait. Good luck with try no.2!!
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