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Everything posted by Picollus

  1. Ah ok, I'm just gonna order the bugger and hope it doesn't mess up the integrity of the helmet I don't really go very fast, reckon I'll be ok with it on the side instead of the top?
  2. Hey guys. Now, call me stupid but I can't work out how to affix a camera to my helmet... I haven't bought one yet, but I've seen the one I want on demon tweeks and it comes with loads of adaptors for frame mounting, etc but I don't see how it would stick to my noggin. What's the deal?? Halp!
  3. If you insist on this, you realise you will also need a tin of white spray and a stencil with a US military star on it
  4. Hoggs is basically saying, you need to wear all of the gear, all of the time...
  5. I had an NSR 125 super sport. Mate had the same bike. We were the coolest kids in town. I did have a 90cc before that but it was a ped and you said bike...!
  6. This thing about the pressure gauges and warm tyres is so important and so often overlooked. I paid about £50 for a racetech gauge (prices vary wildly from£20-£hundreds) and have tested it with the local garage which is a 2 minute slow ride away. Totally different readings. Ignore garage gauges, they're left out in all temperatures, battered by misuse and are about as much use as sticking a finger in the air.
  7. Not just a thumbs up, but a genuine "heh" from me. Was out loud and everything!
  8. Need an option for "Have yet to crash but have had a few moments which required a change of CKs shortly thereafter and it's clear it's likely to be only a matter of time before a crash if things continue to deteriorate".
  9. Was this before the days of offering counselling and whatnot? I had a disaster relief experience myself and even though I still get nightmares, I suspect that without the counselling later it would have been a whole lot worse.
  10. Bloody Michael Ryan, responsible for buggering up gun ownership for other people. I was quite young at the time but I do remember it well. Also remember our cadet rifles in school being swapped out sharpish for the newer cadet GP (single shot 5.56) rather than the semi auto 7.62 we had been using) after that.
  11. I know what you mean! Sometimes I could close my eyes and it seems like my first day of boarding school was just the other day. Then I remember it was over 30 years ago! Time flies sometimes.
  12. Yeah it's all a bit Alan partridge. Meh.
  13. Yeah, i don't ever do well on that acceptable age thing tbf. Ignore it, it's one of those silly rules like no brown in town that means nothing these days.
  14. Don't talk about looking fine in your leathers, we'll never be able to prise six away from your messages....!
  15. That's good to hear you don't have too long left to wait. In the meantime... just keep swimming... swimming... swimming...
  16. I do weightlifting, a lot. I have worked out with a number of professionals including fitness models and people sponsored by USN and grenade and the like. If a professional trainer says your form is correct, that is the person to believe. The bike thing I see irritating, the university thing is worrying and the fact that he's even doing it when being contradicted by a professional independent observer indicats to me that you thoroughly need to re-assess this situation urgently. I'm sorry things are tough for you right now and I only need to think back a short while for when I was emotionally reaching out desperately to anyone that'd have me, seeking everything from validation to comfort. But this is not healthy. Given your past mental health issues, this is the last type of person you need in your life. Sorry to be so blunt but I've been there myself in the relatively recent past and I am speaking from very painful and hard won experience. If you have a counsellor, talk to them as soon as you are able. If you don't have one, PM me and I can put you in touch with a number of national charities who work to help people find the right kind of help.
  17. Your not too far from Dorset....... Ahaha but TE isn't gullible Besides, I suspect my current paramour may not appreciate that thought!
  18. I don't know any biker women 22 years younger than me who would be gullible enough to... well, yaknow
  19. Amazingly, we do. But reread what you post before sending and remember anyone can read these forums.
  20. Picollus

    Mod Gig

    Show us on the post where the mod touched you....
  21. Agreed. Imagine investing five years of your life and literally hundreds of thousands of pounds on cars, houses, etc only to later discover that someone was manipulative, deceitful and thieving. Oh wait, that's me...
  22. You're young but you need to learn that someone making constant belittling comments and criticising something, anything, like that in a new (!) relationship should be an immediate red flag. It doesn't matter if it's about your bike, your music, your clothes, your taste in food, your cooking, whatever. It's not acceptable and demonstrates a need to control and a strong issue relating to their self confidence. Tread very f**king carefully kiddo. I'm serious. This isn't about bikes, which I suspect you already know.
  23. It's obvious that with your experience, knowledge and past relationship with the group that you'd be an excellent chairperson, were you to put a little time to it. Don't worry about the feelings of others at all. Instead consider the question as to whether you want to do it. If you do, go for it a shame I'm sure any muttering will clear up very quickly once they realise your wisdom and eloquence on the subjects at hand. In perspective, I am treasurer of a community project, I actually didn't want to do it but I took it because I was needed. I genuinely dislike it and every comment about it now sets my teeth on edge. This is a shame because it used to be a joy to me, something where I knew I was doing good and truly enjoyed being an active member rather than an officer. I'm an excellent treasurer but I bloody hate it and there's no one else I can saddle with this burden at the moment on what Is an annual appointment. Do not let this happen! If you want to do it, or if you think you'll enjoy it, give it a crack, but don't let something you've always enjoyed being on the periphery of become a chore for you.
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