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Everything posted by houdini

  1. I dunno if Ive got to work at the mo, my lifes a bit up in the air at the mo. lol
  2. Bloody hell you been taking lessons off whizzkid on novels? Gave up half way through, blimey lol. ASSUMPTION DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Half the people who come off come in here at nighjt and say dunno what happened but I thought he was gonna....... Your not a fortune teller by day are you? Dont be on two wheels then. Your riding a 125 right now? Youve got the detaiils of what you need to do, erm do it. Fixation on the car in front leading to going too fast, well thats an easy fix, move yer damn head around, mirors speedo road mirrors speedo road etc etc Centre stand? Not for me to be cruel but why not? Ask your instructor because its a technique, your not lifting the damn thing, shifting body weight should do it; honest now ask em to show you and practice, your gonna feel a reet wally trying to get an excuse. Rear brake waiting at lights? They teling you to press it or not? You holding it on the front? Uturn and front brake, was your right foot feathering the rear? Your mind will tell your body that its capable before you go into panic mode and grab a handfull. Do you need more time? Nah bud, just screw yer head on, its like youve come on here saying I was the dogs danglies but the bike just wouldnt do as it was told; your in control of it so control the buggar lol. Calm yer breathing, have a good old chat with yerself inside yer lid and enjoy it but think everything through. 8) ps just for you, been scrolling backwards n forwrds to read your list of cockups lol so eventually got to the end, your surname is tolkein isnt it
  3. pre ride pee Drew? I thought that was your way way of cooling down on the go, splish splosh
  4. Doesnt it wind you up as you approach another biker that he / she cant even be bothered to turn their head lol. I think nodding is great 8) 8) 8) 8)
  5. If your asking on bike gear as well as kit then yeah a db screen is great. A can is only for the brave or the stupid, Im still trying to figure which one I am I say keep the pegs, got billet ones to go on but the rubber inserts do a good job and Im no longer into going fast Uprated bulbs, intergrated rear lens, undertrays, crash bungs etc etc lots to do on yer bike, make it yer own
  6. Okay Okay (its thread btw) Got a one piece undersuit which is great in winter, no need to change outta leathers, no winter / summer change required. Normal socks do me just fine I go pinlock, havent tried hyperoptics but wanted one, got pinlock instead and works a treat. Even though I got slated by a certain female last saturday from my boots squeekin you cant beat sidis. Got sliders to allow air in, I love em. Now its summer 8) we can think of summer clobber, seen too many t shirt n short brigade out last weekend; keep yer leathers on! Its gonna hurt otherwise. Im happy sweltering walking around rather than enjoy the delights that is gravel rash so invest in a good two piece, wandering about in leathers isnt that bad in this heat, honest
  7. If I put what makes me go mmmmmm Id get banned
  8. Yeah why not, big happy family n all that 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  9. What was all the fuss about then Glad your happy, this is a usual bugbear with em, yours now will last the lifetime of the bike so treat yourself to a kitkat 8)
  10. Will ask Jota, hes had his supercorsa plugged with no probs.
  11. Hope y'all had a good time, will get down there at some point.
  12. Ya cheeky buggars, but your quite right, doing a long 13hr shift tomorrow to make up for skiving Friday hehe
  13. Guess what, Im seeing it lol Jota took a piccie of me which, well didnt show me as the tall dark handsome type I thought I was http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j286/houdini_2006/DSC02448.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j286/houdini_2006/DSC02455.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j286/houdini_2006/DSC02450.jpg http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j286/houdini_2006/DSC02462.jpg Crackin day, great roads that I didnt know of, mostly a case of lets go hmm this way lol
  14. houdini


    Its down to yer clutchless shifts ya heavy handed bugger It didnt damage the lump itself? Not too bitter pill to swallow if it hasnt left debris around inside.
  15. Wont be joinin ya but have a good un, brighty sunshine and 22 degrees forecast 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  16. Thats only 50cc more than Ive got, bit of a swine I can barely hit 90 innit Okay slightly different bikes but thats pretty damn fast in anyones book 8)
  17. Too right, damn good race
  18. Yeah I saw that, was like woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, I'd of needed a lie down after that lol
  19. for gods sake mick, you wanna see me blow my top??????
  20. Even though I cant do owt about it (you wanna seer satire read this!) please continue this via pm. I can see both sides here, genuine misunderstanding so lets all leave this post. Pud run been and gone, end of. Next subject please
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