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Everything posted by MtotheJ

  1. Hmmmm should be ok. Supposed to be coming back from uni that day for the hols but will try and come home on Saturday for the ride
  2. You'd be surprised! There was someone near me who had a Honda Cub stolen! If you think about it, modern bikes are likely to have immobilisers, alarms, datatag etc. Whereas an old bike is likely not to have any of that!
  3. To be honest, for a trip to the shops, e.g. leaving outside Tescos/Morrissons whatever, then you'll be fine with a disc lock. Everyone says it and ive said it numerous times, but if someone wants your bike then theyre going to take it! The security we buy is a deterrent more than a prevention. A disc lock will stop a casual thief but if someone wants your bike then a chain and a disc lock aint going to change their mind. Id say the only time a chain would be worthwhile is if yure leaving it outside at night. Then get a cover, chain it to something anchored and chuck the disc lock on. There is a reason why we have insurance
  4. Well done Chris! Now is when the real fun starts
  5. Also, if you ride at high speeds with the visor open then it can force moisture between the visor and insert and therefore cause it to mist up. Like others have said, take out the insert, give it a clean and dry, then see how you get on.
  6. The general rule i think is any drop from hip height on to solid ground, youll need a new one. If there are any doubts, get a new one! Get her to bloody pay for it though, she dropped it!
  7. you went out and stayed dry?! I dont think it stopped raining for 5 mins where i was. Fortunately went out for a ride on Saturday so I wasnt too fussed
  8. I fins leathers are one hell of a lot colder! Mine are quite 'holey' though for ventilation so that probably doesnt help. Get some textiles, especially with the NEC show coming up you can pick up some good deals.
  9. What Frankie said Or, ive heard that Cold Killers are supposedly very good. A bit pricey but they do the trick apparently. Think I may invest in the bottoms myself soon.
  10. MtotheJ

    Speed Up ... Dies

    You need to change up earlier?...
  11. Should be around and up for this, although i wont be able to move well due to the amount of clothing to keep warm!
  12. I had a similar problem...although i am still a fair bit bigger than you! I had to go for custom leathers in the end. I went to a place called Harpers (i think theyre only based in London and Southend though )and got a custom Wolf leather suit and am very chuffed with it . I think your best bet is to do an internet search for custom leathers in your area or ask a local shop if they know of anywhere? Orrrrrrrrrr you could try ladies? I was recommended this but didnt have the balls, you may be a braver man than me!
  13. Fozzie has one on his bike (Monky Knuckles old one) and it sounds awesome! . Dont know about quality or what not but it looks and sounds good
  14. Yeah, the stalls weren't too great Yup, we got home fine thanks . Although Gem couldn't stop shivering for a couple of hours! Was nice to see you all, will have to go for a ride again at some point
  15. It was a bit eventful! At least he was ok though, he managed to keep it upright which was the main thing i guess!
  16. I think Skittles mum took a group photo of us lot but i dont think there were many other pics. You get home ok MK?
  17. I was thinking of the content of this thread being very different when i opened this Now, as a result of this, i can't help...sorry!
  18. My driveway is on a bit of a slope so i cant back it in, would be right hassle. Manage to just lock the bars to the right and roll out backwards and im ready to ride off I found it hard to remember when riding not to drive head first, down a slope, in to a parking space, as i kept forgetting there was no reverse gear
  19. I agree Well, it stands for that more than the Bandit anyway! Id go for the CBR anyday. Especially as you have been riding the YBR so its not like it's going to be your first bike. CBR all the way...why even have the YBR as an option? Are you mad?!?!?!?
  20. Look good But not in red to match the bike?
  21. A bum bag is a bit gay as it is (although i see the appeal i couldnt wear one) but one that matches your bike?....and jacket if you got it?! You mights as well call yourself Julian Clary!
  22. Look at the Kriega ones, not bulky at all and fully waterproof so you wont need to worry about your laptop getting wet or anything.
  23. Any idea of what time you were thinking of heading back Andy?
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