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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. This bird, who clearly isn't a Kawasaki fan
  2. That is terrible. But also unfortunately why the test is necessary and not a reason to change it. Needless to say though, no-one expects a family member to go off for a mod 1 and no come back. A very rare incident which along with the circumstances in which it happened makes it sad.
  3. I'm glad it's not just here it's like that then, the things I've seen (The worst was shit around the rim... I was as concerned for their health as I was disgusted) Anyway, today's office nob is the office manager who sent this very British peeved email: ....if they'd taken the time to investigate the start and end of the trail they'd actually see it started at the office bin and ended at the outside bin. ie once again the overnight cleaner has just dragged a bag along the floor and out of the office with it leaking all the way. Double points for sending it to 'all employees', which she's told people off for before because it emails everyone... the chairman, the private equity investors...... So now the people funding the company thinks that everyone is walking around throwing coffee everywhere for larks.
  4. Our local Tesco is always cheapest and the clubcard points means this stingy dad can treat the kids to the cinema a couple times a year without having the remortgage the house for the privilege
  5. I'd argue that if this is the case you would have a better standard of driving than what we observe on the roads on a daily basis
  6. Right, our posts crossed somewhat. Just to pull you up on something you've said - And to say I was going in excess of 70mph is not necessarily a fine-able offense until you hit something like 79mph. I have no idea where you have got this idea from.
  7. Hi there, a couple of observations. Please note that I am not a lawyer I'm not sure what difference this would make, unless you want to attempt to claim they made up your numberplate and happened to capture your vehicle in doing so I don't believe a NIP has to state the speed. The Notice of Intended Prosecution is asking you as the registered owner to identify the driver at a particular time. That will probably come next I imagine. Please note that not providing the identity of the driver is an offence and seen much more dimly than the speeding. Either way you have to identify the driver by law. You will of course have a right to see the evidence. I'm going to assume that the manner in which you have posted the question means you know it is you and your vehicle involved anyway?
  8. My argument wasn't about two wrongs making a right. It was more that registration plates (other than the fact that every country that has ever introduced them have got rid of them) aren't some magic problem solver that people seem to think they are. And I'm not massively convinced it's a big problem anyway. I'm well aware that others here disagree, but compared to the costs of damage caused by motor vehicles (both covered via insurance and the drive offs) it's tiny. The closest thing we have in this country to registration marks on bicycles is London Hire Bikes. Every single bike has a registration number stamped on it, directly traceable to the person that hired it at the time. A FOI request a few years ago showed that no-one had requested the hirer details due to an incident.
  9. I enquired about it not long after passing my test, and just yesterday they emailed to say they'd added another date. But aside from the distance I'd need to travel each week when I looked again at the proposed syllabus I think I can do most of that in my own time as I go along.
  10. Now someone has just cooked fish in one of the microwaves. Guess who sits near the office kitchen....
  11. Was that the Bridgwater one, out of interest?
  12. Do you mind if I ask what do you do for a living? Office monkey (product management to be more specific) We have a shower room that's used by a mix of people who cycle in, run in and for some reason some people who get the bus in and feel the need to shower here rather than at home. From what I've gathered from casual questioning it is the latter group who do the towel draping. In true office politics style I've followed the agreed international process: Stage one: put up a terse note Stage two: sent a company email asking for a bit of politeness Stage three: chuck items on floor in disgust Stage four: place items directly in bin For anyone who thinks I should just have a go at those directly involved, I did identify one culprit and had a word.... they subsequently left the company. I must be scarier than I think I am.
  13. Each of my work colleagues who drape their wet towel on top of the clothes rack rather than actually on a hanger, making all the clothes on the rack damp with their body damp. I started just throwing their towels on the floor, I'm now upgrading to putting them straight in the bin.
  14. see I understood that straight away but I know how they work and what it all looks like and most of the time a picture (or video) says a thousand words "> Funnily enough when I read the bit on manual transmission it made sense.... but only because I'd already watched a few youtube videos in the past
  15. As an example, does this section on automatic transmission that I just randomly selected give you a good understanding? I'm sure there's some mechanical types that sit there and say "that makes perfect sense" but I'm left trying to work out what a v-belt and a v-shaped pulley looks like, especially after it has been split in two
  16. I've got the ebook version and I think it still thinks you have a chunk of mechanical/engineering knowledge. It doesn't really explain the why, just the how. When I'm trying to understand things I get a fair bit of use out of YouTube videos, because at least they can also show me visually the bit they're talking about, which helps. If you took the book and allied it with research elsewhere (such as videos) you will probably pick up a lot
  17. See also: car drivers what about them? at least they have a reg plate which more than likely points you in the right direction A quick Google gives you the answer. https://www.google.com/search?q=car+accident+driver+gave+false+details&oq=car+driver+false+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0.6353j0j7&client=ms-android-wileyfox&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 And that's before you factor in car park dings. Someone once remoulded the nearside wing of my car in The Mall Cribbs Causeway car park in Bristol. It wasn't a pedestrian or cyclist... (There would have been a fair bit of blood) Cost me several hundred pounds to sort. And I keep saying one benefit of driving the old car we own now is that I can just shrug car park dings off, even if they are still annoying. And... What about the thirty odd quid that is added to every insurance policy to cover uninsured drivers?
  18. If they give you correct details!! Unlike the prick that rode in to the side of our door on the car and gave the wife false details leaving us with a nice big deep scratch and dent to get repaired! See also: car drivers
  19. This will mess with cyclists best times etc so please don't do this That depends on your privacy settings. Strava have got pretty hot on that lately and you can say you don't want activities to appear on leaderboards. Plus you can delete once you have your relive video.
  20. I missed this post first time around [mention]misspoppy[/mention]. Really sorry to hear about both of these. It's totally OK to feel down in the dumps, it is a big deal and it only seems like a humdrum thing after you've passed it all. The whole "you'll wonder what the fuss was one day" is a noble sentiment but it doesn't help anyone in the here and now. When I failed my first mod 1, I was surprisingly OK but it's because I knew I'd ridden like a total sack of spanners that day. From the start of the day I felt stiff on the bike, and I failed relatively early on in the slalom. On my second mod one, I somehow passed despite knocking a cone over on the hazard avoidance. Until I had been told I had passed, I was angry and upset at myself inside my helmet. I know that if I hadn't have gone home with that pass certificate I would have been upset for some time. And I remember how I felt years ago when I failed my first driving test. I get it. If you need to reset your goals reset them - normally I'd tell people to keep pushing for that unrestricted licence and save the later cost and aggro (in fact, I was telling my wife this just last month), but if cost really is a factor right now and you really will be happy for a bit longer on your scooter then doing the A1 probably will still suit you. You'll save money on later CBTs and there is all the time in the future if you want to upgrade. Good luck whatever you choose.
  21. Well come on, you know that's not accurate and you're bending the situation to your argument. If a cyclist is going along and there is a hazard in the road they need to avoid, they are entitled to the full width of the lane the avoid that hazard. If I do a lifesaver and you're there itching to go past me, what am I meant to do? Brake to a near stop? That's probably more hazardous all round. Anyway, I'll play your game. What do you think is a safe passing distance from a cyclist travelling in a straight line at various speeds (20mph, 30mph, 40mph, 50mph, 60mph)
  22. Or if you want an alternative thought experiment. Next time you're at a train station, look for the solid yellow line near the platform edge. When a train pulls in to the station and people are getting on to it, walk in the space between the yellow line and the platform edge. Now wait for a fast moving train that isn't stopping to come through the station. Walk in the same space and observe the feeling and sensation as it blasts through.
  23. Drop an orange on a bowling ball and observe the result. Drop a bowling ball on an orange and observe the result. You're welcome.
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