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Everything posted by SometimesSansEngine

  1. I can only assume Marion Calvo would have been OK.... up until the point he retaliated and pushed Martinez on the live track towards oncoming riders
  2. I'll buy you a red shellsuit from the charity shop and you can put that over your motorbike kit.
  3. You can keep your own score on your profile For the leaderboard, I don't think [mention]Hoggs[/mention] is paid enough by us playing to justify jacking in her job to keep it updated full time
  4. [mention]Hoggs[/mention] If there's bonus points on offer for worst photo then I'm in. Actually, even if there's not I'm still in
  5. If it really is a fog light, I'm going to go with "no". Some info/scientific research on triangle of lights tactic for conspicuity can be found here https://scienceofbeingseen.wordpress.com/2018/12/08/17-strategies-alternative-drls/
  6. He thinks everyone has had enough of experts, so he probably wouldn't be interested in using a helmet and safety gear
  7. Also a reminder of how much Google knows about your travelling habits
  8. Cheers, was from a test ride today and was a new noise to me
  9. Right, this won't be what it's intended for but try this. Sign up to Strava. Yes yes, I know it's for exercise. (Could also consider endomondo or mapmyride, but I have less experience of them) Then sign up for Relive and link it to whatever account you've just created https://www.relive.cc/ Now when you post an activity it'll convert it into a flyover video for you. Example video on this page here Any use as a solution?
  10. I've got to be honest [mention]Mississippi Bullfrog[/mention], whenever I see you've posted on here I know it'll raise a small chuckle. I hope you know I'm laughing at your honesty and not at your misfortune.
  11. According to a few posts on here it makes your wheels explode
  12. Sitting here wondering if [mention]BabyD[/mention] has been storing up pics or has had one long day
  13. I know this may be hard to diagnose without being sat on it. But what do you think would cause this noise that's almost like a train going along a track? "> It seemed to go as the revs increased/shifted gear, but as far as I could tell it wasn't specific to any one gear. I could feel any vibrations as it did it, just the noise that was quite obvious. Honda Hornet 2004, in case that makes any difference
  14. All of those situations would be terminal on any type of tyre, and require the same amount of effort if you wanted to try and save the tyre?
  15. Tubeless all the way now on my bicycles. In winter when you're commuting 10 minutes is a lifetime. Ok , I didn't even know tubeless bicycle tyres existed . So if you get a big hole from a piece of glass that the Slime won't seal does that mean that they have to be replaced ? You inject sealant in which will get most small holes. Anything bigger would have seen you needing to boot any tyre and bin it when you got home anyway. If that happens on the road you've still got the option to boot it (using a proper tyre boot or a fiver) and put an inner tube in to get you home. You do need tubeless compatible rims though, and learning to put them on requires a few tricks but once you know them you're an old hand at it. I won't go back now. No punctures since I've had them and much comfier to ride on (as you can run them at about half the pressure of tubed tyres)
  16. I wouldn't bother to put it in a pushbike either. I've got Shwalbe Marathon tyres that have a Kevlar puncture proof strip called a green guard .In two sets of tyres I've never had a puncture . Besides , it only takes 10 mins tops to mend a puncture and if you carry a spare tube even less time. So I just can't see the point of filling inner tubes with this crap . Tubeless all the way now on my bicycles. In winter when you're commuting 10 minutes is a lifetime.
  17. Sorry Was it not captured on camera?
  18. Nice one [mention]EX7EY[/mention], has it rained as little as I promised? Are you tempted to go for a full licence?
  19. Do we get a YouTube upload? Please tell me there's a YouTube upload
  20. I have a guy at work who is a "music lover" that I've taken to task more than once for spending more time poking fun at other people's music tastes then talking about what he himself loves. I know which is more constructive. He's the sort of guy who if you mention a song you like is likely to tell you that the band is a sellout (never understood that) or tell you the song rips off some unknown track he knows.
  21. I'm a massive Eurovision fan. I just love the whole thing and I'm never ashamed to admit it. I love the technology & co-ordination they need to use to do such a broadcast, and that that's the reason the whole thing started I love the characters it attracts I love the bad music I love the crazy music I love the good music I love the props I love the overuse of the smoke machine I love the overuse of key changes I love the foreign lyrics that are bonkers when translated I love the English lyrics that are just bonkers from the outset I love the cheesy presenters and bad rehearsed jokes they crack I love reading social media when it's on, getting slowly more drunk as we go I love the voting, and doing my own criteria such as best gimmick I love Jon Ola Sand I love when other people don't "get it" I miss Terry though. Graham is alright but there was something about Terry's chuckle throughout it. Also to be fair Graham has it harder to be funny nowadays as you've seen most the crazy already in the semi-finals so it's hard to do wisecracks that are new by the time of the final.
  22. I get my first points at this pub and then this happens... https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/somerset-news/fire-crews-evacuate-30-people-2669049
  23. They were also the size of my head when I was a kid
  24. Lol so the lack of a nail wouldn't suffice Prosthetics and make up, innit. Never watched Casualty?
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