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Posts posted by Bogof

  1. With the engine running check you have 13.2v or more at the battery terminals.

    If you don't, you have a charging fault.

    With the engine off check you have 12v or more at the battery terminals.

    If you don't, you have something drawing power from the battery.

    My money is still on changing the battery though :lol:

  2. hi guys my son picked up a bike Saturday, secondhand but it keeps loosing power took the battery off charged it up, bike started up ok drove it to work today then went for some fuel bike started up then lost power again . battery is flat. can anyone help.


    Replace the battery.

  3. No, I think that's totally what they are doing - trying to make the tests as horrible and difficult as possible so less people are tempted to do it...


    If people can still pass the test without accessing ANY formal training, the test is too easy. Too many newly qualified riders are becoming KSI statistics in their first year, so we should all be grateful that changes are being introduced that are designed to improve the standard of riding.

    And it's "fewer people", not less :P

    And congrats murraymints :lol:

  4. Hi Guys

    Wondering is there any little mods i can do to make my Derbi Terra Adventure just a little bit faster tops out at about 62 mph

    maybe boring out the pipe going to the cylinder head or something


    Shaun Riley


    You could try riding it down big hills...

  5. Is this showing full bike entitlement? Oh it's a provisional driving licence(don't like cars). Don't want to have the run around with the dvla if they have screwed it up. Hopefully they have got it right..thanks in advance for any help...


    Yes. The photocard shows full entitlement groups. The paper counterpart shows provisional entitlements.

  6. Its been a loooong miserable winter & its now the middle of April & biking season.

    With very little activity in the NW ride out section i'm wondering are people biking or are their bikes tucked away?


    My bikes are still in Kent, and I'm a little more NW than you are... need to get them up here and get out soon though, the roads NEED ME! :D

  7. Trying to change chain and sprockets on the divvy 600, basically the front sprocket nut is totally solid. I have tried heat, then a breaker bar on it but it's not budging. Anything else to try?

    are all Yamaha bikes from the 90's going to have the same nut? would cut it off, but can't find one listed on ebay or wemoto, but plenty of fzr etc.

    Any suggestions appreciated



    Is it reverse thread?

  8. Hi Guys

    I have noticed every now and again my off side rear indicator on my Honda cb 750 (2001) is stopping working but the bulb is fine, when i take the bulb out and replace it it works for a while then stops again

    Any help would be great




    Check both the bulb and the holder for corrosion, and check the indicator is securely bolted to the mounting point. Corrosion can be an effective insulator so if there's any present, clean it off.

  9. do i really need an instructor,


    1 in 10 newly qualified riders are dead or seriously injured in their first year after passing their test.

    Making sure that you access proper training just might make the difference and keep you in the 90% instead of the 10%, particularly as the experience of others shows quite clearly that training is fundamental to keeping you safe on the roads.

    Some people pass the test without any training (other than CBT). Statistically, they are more likely to join the 10%.

    In my view, the answer to your question is obvious :wink:

  10. Ok so I apologise if this os already on here if it's the wrong place but I've been reading that they are think of changing the test structure around and incorporating mod1 and 2 together is there any truth to this or has it already happened??



    there are changes to the testing regime, and to the types of licence on offer along with the size of bikes permitted at various stages. However, the test will still comprise off-road and on-road elements.

    See here... http://www.motorcycle.co.uk/getdoc/d40e73c6-62d9-453b-b2e8-13da29830697/3rd-Driving-Licence-Directive.aspx

  11. Hey, you know its illegal to leave an unoccupied vehicle running right?

    Regulation 107(2)(a). This states that no person shall cause or permit to be on any road any motor vehicle which is not attended by a person duly licensed to drive it unless the engine is stopped and the parking brake is effectively set. Exemptions to the requirements of this Regulation as to the stopping of the engine include a fire brigade vehicle, the engine of which is being used for any fire brigade purpose.


    How many motorcycles have a parking brake fitted?

  12. the challenge will be getting close enough to Tower Bridge to get it in the photo with the bike......I often drive around that area and there's b*gger all places to stop.....all the roads are Red Routes...... Unless of course you could get the bike on one of the river boats.....or you time it so's the bridge is up and the traffic is stopped..... :lol: :lol:


    Pavement :P

    Isn't that where the pedestrians are?..... :wink:


    Not usually when I ride my 'Storm on the pavement. :P

  13. the challenge will be getting close enough to Tower Bridge to get it in the photo with the bike......I often drive around that area and there's b*gger all places to stop.....all the roads are Red Routes...... Unless of course you could get the bike on one of the river boats.....or you time it so's the bridge is up and the traffic is stopped..... :lol: :lol:


    Pavement :P

  14. Not at all, however all the advanced training in the world won't stop a car running into the back of you at traffic lights because yummy mummy is too busy shouting at the sprogs in the back to realise you've stopped, or boyracer is too busy trying to show off to his mates. Apologies, but I do feel the car thing is relevant, if only to increase the awareness of other road users, and therefore to reduce the KSI's you quote.


    Read Roadcraft. Every RTC involving 2 vehicles could have been avoided if EITHER party had taken a different course of action.

    To use your example, had the rider been more aware of that particular risk, he may have positioned himself more to the side of the lane, or he may have noticed the car speeding towards him in his mirror and moved. He may have accepted responsibility for his own safety instead of sitting there waiting for an opportunity to scream "car driver at fault"

    I'm not suggesting that car drivers are never at fault, simply saying that all road users have a duty to look after their own safety, and no matter how "at fault" the other party is, it's small comfort to your family if they have to arrange your funeral knowing that you were somehow "blameless".

  15. but that again is putting the onus on the biker once more. Why is it up the biker? Why shouldn't car drivers be subjected to the same?


    Simple. Nobody is EVER more responsible for YOUR safety than YOU. The moment you stop taking responsibility for your own safety, is the moment your family need to check your life cover is sufficient.

    The car driver argument is a distraction, and not relevant. KSI statistics point the finger firmly at motorcycles and their riders as being the most vulnerable group. Are you suggesting that the authorities should ignore the numbers and target car drivers simply because it would be seen by some to be fairer?

    Personally I'm quite happy that they are concerned enough about the KSI level amongst newly qualified motorcyclists that they are trying to do something to address it. The fact that horse riders, for example, are not being affected at the same time doesn't concern me.

  16. I understand what you are saying, but how is making people jump through more hoops improving rider safety, when a big cause of accidents, i.e a car ploughing into them because the driver hasn't been paying attention, is left untouched? Would you not agree that car driver training requires a serious overhaul as well?


    More tests = more training = more chance of survival

    A big cause of RTCs is a failure to accept that in a majority of cases there is usually something the rider could have done to have avoided the collision. Anyone that fails to recognise that should read Roadcraft - its the police training manual for good reason


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