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Posts posted by Bogof

  1. I need to obviouslt take gear etc..up but never ridden with a rucksack on (going to the girl's straight after) so is it much different ridiing with a rucksack? Or should I just try and avoid having anything on my back?


    No. Just make sure you keep the straps tight so it doesn't have chance to wobble around and you won't even know it's there (unless you carry a pile of house bricks, then it'll be just like having a pillion)

  2. Should discs have a bit of give (movement) in them? from the joins of the inner part. obviously not from the bolts haha.

    I have one solid and one with play in on the front wheel.

    However just bought a spare set and bother have play on the front, guy said they should have and are called 'floating'



    Yes, in a word. The "cotton reels" that "rivet" the 2 parts together should be loose, allowing the disc to move slightly, hence the "floating".

  3. But a dealer should have some form of experience, and the bike should be pdi'd from a dealer, even without the shite quality parts a bike would be dangerous if not put together properly. I do understand type approval, but if it's not assembled to a set standard how can they justify saying it's safe for road use.


    The same way "they" justify allowing people to buy and fit hundreds of after-market parts on ebay, often with no experience etc blah blah.... :D

    And having read some of the horror stories about "dealers"... and having had personal experience of a "dealer" refitting my back wheel such that it failed the MOT a day later due to the way he had fitted it, do you really think a "dealer" is any better at bolting bikes together?

    If you're that worried about novices working on safety critical components, do you feel they should stop selling brake pads over the counter? :wink:

  4. i have been advised to drop a tyre size on the back of my thunderbird 900 2002. from 160/80 x 16 to 150/80 x 16. has any one got any veiws about this other than it will speed up my turn in and that more makes of tyre are available? or is it simpy a ploy by the dealer to empty his shelves. i will be changing both front and rear in the near future and i fancy avons. thanks in advance for your advice.


    Personally I would ALWAYS stick to what the bike manufacturer recommends, since they designed the bike to take that size I figure they would know best :wink:

  5. Makes you wonder why the EU is hell-bent on attacking the bikers?

    "Attacking? By introducing safety enhancements? Faulty logic alert!

    Bikers should wear hi-vis clothing to make them more visible to other motorists?

    That is seemingly one school of thought. It seems to work for HIghways Agency personnel, police officers, road maintenance crews etc. Again, a safety enhancement, so it should be welcomed maybe?

    Wouldn't it be a reasonable idea to require all motorists to have a proper eye test every 1 -2 years? I can remember (I no longer ride) the famous phrase "Sorry mate, I didn't see you" whilst I was getting comfy on the tarmac!

    Faulty eyesight is NOT the problem. Low conspicuity IS the problem. Motorists recognise the issue which is why (mostly) they switch their headlights on in times of low visibility.

    The problem is not the biker, his clothing, the speed (or maintenance) of the machine it's the incompetent's behind the wheel with no grasp or understanding of what their role is.

    The problem is a lack of understanding, so you're almost right with this one. But it's actually a lack of understanding and accepting that in EVERY RTC either party could have avoided the collision had they acted or reacted differently. The sooner people stop blaming the other party automatically, the sooner they will start to learn from their errors.

    Welcome to the forum :D

  6. But.! ........ 'Someone' (yeahh, yeahh, yeahh) Has told me today that because of how long I have had my car licence that now I have passed my CBT I can ride a 125cc WITHOUT L plates. Is this correct.?


    'Someone' is wrong - but I suspect you already know that. :lol:

    The CBT certificate "validates" the provisional entitlement on your licence. The ONLY way to legally get rid of the L plates is to pass the A group test.

  7. I'll have to be vague just now as I'm working on thedescription I was given. It's a tubeless tyre and from what I understood from the description one side has came off the outside rim.

    I'll see if I can get any further info.

    Sorry it's so vague.


    It certainly won't have just slipped off of its own accord for no reason. If it has been run flat then it could conceivably come off, but I wouldn't even attempt to refit it. Buy a new one.

  8. sorry for the late reply, I haven't looked on this thread for a while.

    TBH I cant tell from the picture, they just dont look like they are in bad shape i s'pose. I had a warped disk on the front, and it was so warped that it was rubbing when it went round, so the acceleration wasnt smooth, something i really only noticed when accelerating (speeding up) or braking. I didnt really notice it when sticking at the same speed (not sure why that is though)


    Thanks for the reply, but really you didn't need to, since I was apparently only being sarcastic. :D

    If it affected acceleration that wasn't warped, it was BENT! :shock:

    I suspect mine are warped on my Firestorm as the front brake pulses when applied hard. I'll carry on riding slowly for a while I think, new disks sound expensive :P

  9. It was more the way it was said, with the sarcasm, that I personally wouldnt have said 8-)


    There was nothing sarcastic in what I typed. Are you maybe confusing sarcasm and irony?


    Nope, definitely not confused. Give me a brake will you :lol:


    Erm, sure...


    Strange request, but whatever floats your boat... :lol:

  10. better explanation of hard??... lol.... ok only other way to explain it would be that it feels like the pads are down to metal but they are not... theres very little squeezability in the lever...


    That's as it should be!

    If they are soft and squidgy you have air in the system (or the brake lines are bulging) and the brakes won't work as effectively.

  11. hi all ,can somebody give me the measurements of the cones used in the mod 1 test (i don't mean how tall they are but the distances between them).I'm practicing on roads and car parks on a factory estate using half tennis balls as cones .i know the distance for the slalom and fig 8 but not the avoidance part.i have evnings this week and next weekend then the test on tuesday.thanks,steve


    1. Click on this http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/PracticalTest/DG_178328

    2. Scroll down that page.

    3. See links to PDF files.

    4. Clicky on links

    5. Enjoy :P

  12. The same thoughts were going through my head when reading that but I wasn't going to put it in writing :lol:


    why not? you could have put someone straight on what to look out for and educated them a little :?


    It was more the way it was said, with the sarcasm, that I personally wouldnt have said 8-)


    There was nothing sarcastic in what I typed. Are you maybe confusing sarcasm and irony?

  13. they dont look warped or anything, but if they were you would feel a difference in the bike especially under acceleration and braking if its severe enough (brake lever will not be smooth. Not a great description, but you will know what i mean if you ever encounter it)


    I'm genuinely interested by your comments above, since my experience of warped discs is minimal. So how can you tell they don't look warped from the pictures that were posted, and how would you be able to feel a difference under acceleration? I can understand how it'd feel different under braking, but acceleration just confuses me.

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