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Posts posted by Bogof

  1. Also what area do you check when making a lifesaver?


    Have you ever had a bike cop follow you for any length of time? If so, THAT is your blindspot, where he sits!

    You're looking for anything that you can't see in your mirrors that may pose a threat to your safety as you turn or change lane position. Once you get your head round that, knowing where to look comes easily.

  2. Do I have to tell insurer I've passed my Mod 2 or do I say when I next re-insure?

    I have read that it will cost me ~£40 for any change to my insurance which seems a lot when my insurance only cost £120 - TPF&T for a YBR 125


    You have to tell them, failing to do so may invalidate your insurance.

    And you may find the premium increases, as newly qualified riders are a far greater risk.

  3. It worked, i shall not reveal the problem as its really embarresing :oops:

    So i made way home i left about 10:40am and got home at 6:00pm, i still enjoyed the journey ended up being about survivakl with only a limited amount of funds :lol:


    So was it your kill switch? 8-)

    Sounds like a bit of an adventure... glad you're still smiling about it :lol:

  4. Just dont stand near it when you do it for too long... I was on my arse soon after wondering why I felt light headed and dizzy :lol:

    It then just peeled off when I got a bit of it up then put more petrol on it.


    You peeled your arse off? :shock:

  5. Hi all, next week I've got my mod 2 in Wakefield... Does anyone have any info on the test routes... I would like a little bit of info to practise on my 125,, not from area,so would like to ride down this weekend and check area out :cheers:


    Try... http://www.dropthel.com/testroutes/Wakefield_Motorcycle_Routes_30-34.pdf

    But... I wouldn't rely on them too much, since the DSA changed the routes to allow for Independent Riding and no longer publish them which is why the link above is non-DSA. The reason they no longer publish them is simply that in their view candidates at test standard shoud be able to ride confidently and safely on all types of roads and in all types of traffic, even if they have never ridden that particular road before. Also, the routes are subject to change at the whim of the examiner for any or no reason at all.

  6. What is wrong with the qualifier statement? I wanted to exclude emergency stops where the vehicle in front can stop and the it is totally the vehicle behinds fault if there is a collision.


    I don't agree with the first part of it. Whenever a vehicle stops on the highway it automatically becomes a hazard. They way you have worded it nobody could ever stop, not even in an emergency. :P

    I would vote Yes, but only if the fullstop came straight after the 's'

  7. I have added a poll to the thread as I think this is an interesting issue.

    I would emphasis that I have no intention of making the same mistake again and I have learned a valuable lesson. But I do think you have a responsibility to other road users when you stop.


    I can't vote. I want to vote yes but I don't agree the emphasis you placed on the qualifier statement for a yes vote

  8. I also thought that unless it is an emergency, you should make sure it is safe for you to stop and that you are not going to be a hazard or inconvenience other road users.


    In an ideal world you are correct.

    However we live in an imperfect world and share it with people that passed their test years ago and still think the middle lane is the "fast" lane, that indicators are for other people to use, that fog lights should be switched on in September and off in May, and that the road ahead belongs to them as they "pay road tax every year".

  9. I assume stopping at an empty round a bout during a test would be a fail or at least a minor.

    I have always used and checked my mirrors to make sure any manouevre I perform, including stopping is safe for roads users behind me.


    It should be neither. The Give Way signs don't mean you can't stop, and if the driver feels he needs to stop in order to take in and process all the obs info including moving traffic, signs, road layout etc, then it's best that he does that at a Give Way than halfway round the RBT and have to switch lanes unnecessarily which could be more dangerous than a pause at the entrance.

    A competent and courteous driver would hopefully never assume that the driver in front is familiar enough with the road to know where he's going without having to look first, and so be ready to stop if/when the driver in front decides to.

    As someone else said "Drive such that you can stop within teh distance you can see to be clear" - note the lack of the word "assume" in that quote from Roadcraft.

    What WOULD be a fail under test conditions, is blasting your horn at someone who dared to stop at a Give Way. :lol:

  10. Hi I'm looking at buying my first set of leathers today was just wondering would it be better if I took my boots in to the shop so wen I try on the leathers I can see way the boots look like with the leathers. Or will the shop get funny about me going in with my own boots.?


    I would think it's better to do so. I would if I thought the boots might cause a problem with fit.

    And if the shop get funny about it, there's other shops so walk away. :P

  11. I've had my full car licence since 81. my question is when i first got my bike about 82 on provisional entitlement it was a 250cc. I've been off an on bikes since but not for about ten years. I'VE been told i can no longer drive a 250 but only a 125 and then only after taking a test??. what's up.


    Your provisional entitlement is worthless until you validate it by gaining a CBT certificate. It is NOT a test, it is training to get you to a required level of competency.

    CBT is valid for 2 years. So unless you pass the test, you need to redo CBT every 2 years to carry on riding on a provisional licence.

  12. i hate to say it but if you hit some one up the back side its ALWAYS your fault regardless of the circumstances because you should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS leave enough space and be travelling at the right speed to stop in time.


    No it's not. Twice it's happened to me, and neither was deemed to be my fault :lol:

  13. all the other lights work perfectly, will check switch etc in the morning will update you tomorrow, and yeah everyone hate Chinese imports but for only 200 pound i couldn't complain :]


    I don't. I had one, my son had 2. Worth every penny we paid for them too :D

    Check plugs/sockets on main wiring looms. One or two had a habit of working loose on son's Skyjet and caused loss of power to lights etc

  14. hey,

    i was wondering if anyone could help me. My indicators where working perfectly all day and then suddenly at the rounder bout they stopped, Ive had a look at all the wiring and nothing was wrong. could anyone help?


    Check fuse, flasher unit connections, switch, bulbs.

    OMG, a Superbyke... the thread will now fill up with people that have had little or no experience of Chinese bikes telling you that they're crap etc blah blah.

  15. anyway, got new Michelin tyre on.

    roughly how many miles is best on a new tyre before going back to usual driving habits (not that i'm a speeder)


    100 is the figure usually quoted, but it's also about getting the tyre through a couple of heat cycles and ensuring that you lean enough to cover the whole tyre etc

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