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Posts posted by dynax

  1. I think the Mongolians and Genghis Khan weren't to far off.

    A man found in possession of a stolen horse must return it to its owner, add nine horses of the same kind. If he is unable to pay this fine his children must be taken instead of the horses. If he has no children then he must be slaughtered like a sheep.


    Could they be slaughtered like pigs instead, coz you can't educate pork :lol: :cheers:

  2. Then I would have been a big a dick as him!

    I was polite and asked to go through - he could therefore see I was being sensible. I could have just gone through straight away and easily at that!

    However, I thought asking (and making sure he was aware of me - He could have informed the two wide load drivers as well) was the correct thing to do.

    This has not changed my attitude - If faced with the same situation again, I would do exactly the same and ask politely.

    Shame there were no cops around (they never are when you would like to see them).



    My apologies GOG, now that you have explained your initial intentions, then you were perfectly in the right, but the way you made it sound in your first post, was that you moved to overtake regardless of the situation, and got miffed by the drivers actions for blocking you, now that that's been cleared up, happy days :thumb: :cheers:

  3. Get a sack of carrots from a farm shop, string them together and hang them up on the hedgerow, the horses will smell them and want to stop to eat, that will get them horse riders frustrated without causing damage to anything, can't be prosecuted for feeding the wildlife :lol:

  4. yes - He was doing his job but.,.... With a little bit of consideration, he could have let me go past without any bother!

    You could apply your logic to filtering and the cars in front deliberately block you - After all, they are just out driving.



    Filtering through traffic is totally irrelivent to the scenario of being prevented from passing by an escort for a wide load,

    the escort is there to stop idiots like you endangering yourself, that is why they are there, FOR YOUR SAFETY :roll:

  5. Have you had the speedo calibrated, there is a good chance that the sprockets have been changed, and the speedo will not give a true reading of your actual speed :thumb:


    Isn't the Speedo connected to the front wheel and worked off revolutions ?


    Yup, had a bit of brain malfunction, was thinking how a car's one is connected through gearbox :bang:

    still worth checking the sprockets though, could well have been changed and geared down for better low gear response, and sacrificed some of the top end speed :cheers:

  6. If they took out all the crap from the cells, chairs,tables, tv's etc, they could have more beds in each cell, and be like a prison should be :roll:

    take out the beds too, let the fekkers sleep on the floor :twisted:

  7. Yesterday on the way back from The Stag Cafe (tag), there were two 'extra wide' loads with an escort van behind them taking up both lanes of the A14 with a huge double queue of traffic behind them. So after (safely) filtering to the front I moved over to the right rear corner of the van with a view to passing the wide loads. However, the van driver also pulled over to the right, blocking me. So, I had a rethink and pulled across to the left and drew level with the nearside window of the escort motioning that I would like to go through (there was plenty of room for a bike but not a car). He shook his head at me and then got on his mike. Obviously, he was taking to the load drivers as the rearmost moved over to the left a little (blocking that 'filter lane') and the lead driver moved right - totally blocking the lanes. I just waved (kindly) at the escort driver then, approaching the Cambridge junction, took the M11 slip - powered past and back in front of the convoy.

    So my nomination is the escort vehicle driver for being a totally inconsiderate knob-head!



    I think you should nominate yourself, he was doing his job :thumb:

  8. My Xena is Chinese made, i bought her new nearly 4 months ago, it has been nearly a month since i last rode her, took her out today, and she started on the button, did all the pre ride checks, tyres,oil,water,lights etc, all 100% as they should be, in short Chinese bikes do get some bad press, but then there are some nice gems out there to be had :thumb:

  9. Have you changed the fuel filter if it has one, is a carb or efi model, if carb it cound have some crud in it,

    copied from MCN,

    Build Quality & Reliability 4 out of 5

    Both mechanically and cosmetically, the Yamaha XV535 Virago is a highly regarded motorcycle and has the longevity of successful sales figures to prove it. Gripes are rare but include carb icing and corroding regulator/rectifiers but, on the whole, the Yamaha XV535 Virago is a solid motorcycle to buy. But keep that exposed V-twin and all that chrome in good nick to maintain value.

  10. certainly looks like a fuel filter, but the arrow usually indicates direction of flow, this one seems to indicate the orientation of the filter itself, as above check for smell of fuel, good luck :thumb:

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