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Posts posted by dynax

  1. my mate did a favour for a leprechaun, so the little chap offered him a wish.

    " I want me knob to dangle on the floor," says he, so the leprechaun chopped his legs off at the knees


    He should have been happy with what he had, i would be over the moon if mine touched the floor when kneeling :lol:

    mind you i would be happy if it touched the floor when laying down :shock:

  2. I use Auritech, my large oppo keeps telling me I shouldn't spit on them, this is a man who let's his dogs lick any scratches/ wounds he might have because dogs have natural antibiotics in their saliva :scratch: ( these are dogs that have also eaten rabbit shit etc :shock: )


    I can't figure that one out either, but then again i have never seen a dog with a sore arse :lol: :thumb:

  3. I am now seeking legal advice, after suffering mental and emotional trauma, the op will be contacted in due course, to a settlement, regarding this unnecessary pain and upset, due to not providing, the afore mentioned photo requests, in previous posts on this subject, due to the negligent behaviour of the op, i have been advised by my doctor, to listen to a looped recording, of " My heart will go on ", by Celine Dion, in an attempt to regain some emotional stability in my life, i shall of course, keep members updated on my health situation, and if the worst should happen, i have made provision of my wishes, in my last will and testament, thank you, now where is that recording :shock:


    F*ck me, I want compensation for your excessive comma usage.


    You can never have too many commas :lol:

  4. Marked started chatting to em .... he’s currently gagged and tied up in a travel lodge room with a mouthful of feathers and a sore arse .


    I wasn't aware you was there with him!

    Did you not think to untie him before you left?


    I will do ... still using his credit cards at the minute.


    Not buying more latex ladies :lol:

  5. I am now seeking legal advice, after suffering mental and emotional trauma, the op will be contacted in due course, to a settlement, regarding this unnecessary pain and upset, due to not providing, the afore mentioned photo requests, in previous posts on this subject, due to the negligent behaviour of the op, i have been advised by my doctor, to listen to a looped recording, of " My heart will go on ", by Celine Dion, in an attempt to regain some emotional stability in my life, i shall of course, keep members updated on my health situation, and if the worst should happen, i have made provision of my wishes, in my last will and testament, thank you, now where is that recording :shock:

  6. The lights are out of sequence, there's a traffic light controlled roundabout near me, and the lights are out of sequence, where approaching traffic will go green,amber,red, when it turns to amber, the waiting traffic lights change at the same time, and the waiting traffic can be on green, while the stopping traffic is still on amber :thumb:

  7. Grab him by the throat, slap him around the face a few times, tell him to stop talking bollox, tell him that the evening should be about him, trying to make her feel the most important person on the planet, and if he doesn't listen, give her the number of the Samaritans, coz she will need it :cheers:

  8. Firstly apologies to anyone who,might have been waiting, secondly, not quite a disaster, could have been worse, the ride into Rotheram was fine, got into sheffield centre, no problem, then the bloody roadworks, sat nav was freaking out, and tried sending me onto the motorway, went to meadowhall 3 times via 3 different routes, plenty of cars trying to kill me, then got to the point of having had enough, and pulled over, reset the sat nav to take me home, still not happy and tried sending me to the motorway, saw a distant sign for Barnsley, started in that direction, a few miles down the road, see another sign for Rotheram, heads in that direction, eventually get to an industrial area, but the road was like something you would see on an oscilloscope, at which point one of my panniers jumped off it's bracket, and got wedged under the back wheel but still fixed to the bottom part of the bracket, got that back together, but was a bit wary from then on, trying to avoid any big bumps, then something started rattling, haven't found that yet, then coming back into Doncaster, more people trying to kill me, my first major ride out, was certainly an experience, and not altogether bad, but i think i will try and avoid long midweek rides, i should probably save these runs for Sunday afternoons :lol: :thumb: :cheers:

  9. Looking good so far, moved Xena to the front, camera gear ready :thumb: , later this morning will give Xena a dust and polish ( any excuse to caress her gentle curves ), and should be setting off around 12-30ish :thumb: expect to get onto Snake Road around 2ish, and heading towards Hope Woodland car park, :cheers:

  10. Have you drained out the old oil, if not do that first, if you have, then just add the fresh oil :thumb:

    . If I understand the OP's question then I am assuming that they wish to switch from one type of 2-stroke oil to another although it is not entirely clear. I'm guessing that the concern is that the two oils will have an adverse effect on each other when mixed . My answer is that I actually don't know . I stuck some castor based methanol in an MZ once and the petrol turned to jelly . So yeah , play it safe and drain out or use up as much of the old stuff as possible before sticking in the new.


    Never crossed my mind it could be 2 stroke, but i would still drain the old, and refill with fresh :cheers:

  11. I wouldn't wish ill will on anyone, but i bet the bright sparks behind this, would change their opinion, if a loved one of theirs had a fatality, in between these so called refuge areas :shock:

  12. Depends on what bits you've painted, and if you cleaned and prepared the metal properly, used a primer or not, but at the end of the day, if you're happy, that's all that matters :thumb:

  13. I saw one this morning!!!

    On a 125, as he went round the roundabout in front of me, he put his foot out and then back on the peg once he'd straightened up.


    I wonder if that is from a lack of experience/confidence, there have been times, when i felt a bit unstable, but managed to correct, without putting a foot down :thumb:

  14. Never had anyone shake their head but have had a few who don't bother to nod .... We are all part of the biggest club in the world being motorcyclists but Harley riders seem to be a club within a club, I used to work with someone who rode a Harley, every time anyone got a new bike he would never say it was nice and never got into discussion about it, he would just say "its OK but its not a Harley" each to their own I suppose


    Brand snobbery, i suppose many years ago, it was a big deal to own a HD, but nowaday's not so much, as they're now made in China :lol: :cheers:

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