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Posts posted by dynax

  1. The market is flooded with all sorts of accessories, and unless you can compete with prices from China, you will struggle, as a viable business, if you run it as a hobby, you might make it work, but don't expect to get rich, or have a stable income, it just won't happen, i buy quite regularly from China, and most items arrive within 2 weeks, but i'm in no hurry, and i buy well in advance of when i need it,

    but with all that said, there are niches, and if you find the right one, you could do well, do your research, look at what is currently selling, and for how much,

    it won't be easy, but wish you well, but don't go into blind :thumb:

  2. A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop and says, "About 2 hours."

    The guy leaves.

    A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around at the shop full of customers and says, "About 3 hours." The guy leaves.

    A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks, "How long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop and says, "About an hour and a half." The guy leaves.

    The barber who is intrigued by this time, looks over at a friend in the shop and says, "Hey, Bill. Follow that guy and see where he goes."

    A little while later, Bill comes back into the shop, laughing hysterically.

    The barber asks, "Bill, where did he go when he left here?"

    Bill looks up, tears in his eyes and says, "Your house!"

  3. A cat died and went to Heaven. God met the animal at the Pearly Gates and said, “You have been a good cat all of these years. Anything you want is yours for the asking.”

    The cat thought for a moment and then said, “All my life I lived on a farm and slept on hard, wooden floors… I would like a real fluffy pillow to sleep on.” God said, “Say no more.” Instantly, the cat had a HUGE fluffy pillow.

    A few days later, 12 mice were simultaneously killed in an accident and they all went up to Heaven together. God met the mice at the Gates of Heaven, with the exact same offer that He made to the cat.

    The mice said, “Well, we have had to run all of our lives… from cats, dogs, and even from people with brooms. If we could just have some little roller-skates, we would never have to run again.” God answered, “It is done.” All the mice had beautiful little roller-skates.

    About a week later, God decided to check on the cat… He found her sound asleep on her fluffy pillow. God gently awakened the cat and asked, “Is everything okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy?”

    The cat replied, “Oh, everything is just WONDERFUL… I’ve never been so happy in my life! My pillow is always fluffy and those little “Meals-on-Wheels” that You have been sending over are delicious!!

  4. Can't see me filtering very well on that - or going round corners with any kind of pace.

    Plus - do we really need more nobs on jetskis buggering up the waterways?


    I do agree with that, but could be ideal for 1st responders, having a blast around the lakes, the waterways aren't much of a problem, max speed on most rivers and canals is 4 mph, but short crossings like the IOM, or IOW, save messing with ferries :lol: :thumb:

  5. I think you have consider them as a consumable item, if it is out all year round, i think a year is pretty good, you could try and keep it out of sunlight, uv can do a lot of damage, buy some sprays, to help reduce the effects of uv, you may need to reapply once or twice a month, depending on the weather, have a look at some of the oxford covers, usually available from most outlets and online, Halford's usually stock them as well as J & S :thumb:

  6. The whole point is that the case is evidentially flawed with no continuity of evidence.

    Playing devils advocate how do we know that the camera operator didn't write the reg number of the same model bike that went passed him after the alleged offender.

    This for me is not a moral dilemma of telling the truth or not it's a case of exercising your legal right. The principle of the FPN is that people admit guilt before any form of trial which we are allowed under law to have. The assumption is you're guilty which is totally wrong.

    Under British law the prosecution have to supply evidence that proves the suspect is guilty. This particular case does not meet the threshold.

    Regards to double standards my children have been told do not speed, do not lie, be nice and treat others as you would have them treat you and own up to.yoir mistakes.


    That's all well and good, but if you weren't speeding, he would have no reason to write down your number, and as for two identical bikes passing, unless they were side by side or within inches of each other, they would both have to be speeding, so fair cop, at least one would be caught, or they were both within the speed limit, so once again no need to record reg numbers :thumb:


    You'reissing my point. No we shouldn't speed but if the authorities want to prosecute then they have to have ALL the evidence not some of it. And for the record the bit of paper he wrote the number on is evidence and has to be exhibited and presented at court. I very much doubt it is still available. Like I said case is evidentially flawed.


    I agree it is flawed, and the evidence should be presented accurately, if it's not accurate, there should be no case to answer, but knowingly trying to avoid any penalties when in the wrong, is where the moral dilemma arises, and this where most people get annoyed, ok everyone tries it on at one time or another, but there has to be a time, when you put your hands in the air, and say ok it was me, if you're innocent by all means fight it, but trying to bluff your way out, just admit it and move on, saves a whole lot of time and expense further down the line, anyway i'm bored with this now, time to change subject for me :thumb: :cheers:

  7. This is where you get to haggle, if another company is giving you a better deal, tell your current one, ask them not to match, but can they better it, even if it's only a few quid or they reduce your excess, that in itself could save you in the long term, or chuck in some other benefits, life cover, or breakdown cover, make them work for your business :thumb:

  8. Because if you done something wrong you should... It is called honesty, and is generally seen as being a good quality to have.

    Or do you teach kids to lie about everything they do cause they can only be told off if they are caught?


    A case of double standards, we bitch and moan, at kids for breaking the law, but what else are they expected to do, when the people who they should look up to, and lead by example, break the law themselves, :scratch:


    The whole point is that the case is evidentially flawed with no continuity of evidence.

    Playing devils advocate how do we know that the camera operator didn't write the reg number of the same model bike that went passed him after the alleged offender.

    This for me is not a moral dilemma of telling the truth or not it's a case of exercising your legal right. The principle of the FPN is that people admit guilt before any form of trial which we are allowed under law to have. The assumption is you're guilty which is totally wrong.

    Under British law the prosecution have to supply evidence that proves the suspect is guilty. This particular case does not meet the threshold.

    Regards to double standards my children have been told do not speed, do not lie, be nice and treat others as you would have them treat you and own up to.yoir mistakes.


    That's all well and good, but if you weren't speeding, he would have no reason to write down your number, and as for two identical bikes passing, unless they were side by side or within inches of each other, they would both have to be speeding, so fair cop, at least one would be caught, or they were both within the speed limit, so once again no need to record reg numbers :thumb:

  9. I think these are two separate issues to be honest. If the authorities can't provide evidence why would one admit it? After all we're innocent until proven guilty or not in the case of FPN's.

    Unfortunately speed doesn't kill people. People kill people through lack of skill, exoerience or knowledge.

    As a driver I have years of experience and I am highly trained on a bike I have little experience so ride within my limits.


    Because if you done something wrong you should... It is called honesty, and is generally seen as being a good quality to have.

    Or do you teach kids to lie about everything they do cause they can only be told off if they are caught?


    A case of double standards, we bitch and moan, at kids for breaking the law, but what else are they expected to do, when the people who they should look up to, and lead by example, break the law themselves, :scratch:

  10. @fastbob not worth a great deal, but some great stuff still being made, Mamod are still in production, but Wilesco lead the market, take a look https://www.wonderlandmodels.com/brands/wilesco/?page=1

    You're right , lots on eBay with low starting bids , nothing on buy it now. I think I'll buy one again . Loved the smell of oil , meths and steam .


    Just be wary if you buy used, get the boiler pressure tested, although they are models, they are like mini bombs, that still pack a punch when they go bang :thumb:

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