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Posts posted by dynax

  1. Fair enough. Maybe we should have the death penalty for speeding too - I mean, it *would* stop me from doing it :-)


    Were not talking about speeding though, we are talking about criminals KNOWING that if they are stealing and being dangerous, you know, riding on footpaths, attacking people with knives, armed with guns in some cases. they know the risks -.its not comparable and you know its not. These little thugs are terrorising people up and and down the country

    We are talking about tactical responses to stop them. Cant really boop a driver off their car for speeding can you

    If you dont want to run the risk of being knocked off your bike then dont ride round on someone elses property hurting innocent bystanders. What then, would you suggest? They are just allowed to continue because heaven forbid, one of the little angels gets injured.


    I say stone the scrotes to death and place they're heads on spikes along London bridge


    Yeah, then put candles inside them on Halloween :twisted:

  2. Sod all this 'tactical contact' rubbish; Just issue police drivers with large magnum hand guns (dirty Harry style). That should be enough to put the thieving scrotes off once a few of them are rubbed out. :-x


    No discipline and total lack of respect, when i was a younger kid :lol: , even though i got caught a few times for misbehaving, we always had respect for our elders, and we used to count ourselves lucky, if we didn't get a clip round the ear or frog marched home :hitfan:

  3. Get a big one, when i did my CBT, after 10 mins on the bike, the instructor said to me " you've ridden before", i said yes, but over 20 years ago, he said " you can tell, it doesn't take long to for it to come back" :thumb: :cheers:

  4. For the piss takers: Have you ridden one?

    I'm definitely a sports bike rider but I really enjoyed having a Goldwing. Just like every bike out there - ride it like a codger and it'll dawdle along, put in a bit of effort and you can get a good old shift on.

    Plus, you can fit so much beer in one of those things. :-)


    Who's taking the "P", if i had somewhere to keep one, i would have got a trike version, save all this messing with L plates and CBT :lol:

  5. This is what really sucks with roadkill, you can't legally take it home for yourself as you could be prosecuted for poaching, but anyone else not involved can take it away, stupid law imho, i could make a killing selling roadkill on the market :lol:

  6. I would like to see these so called superior hunter's, go up against one of their prey unarmed, see how big and brave they are then the chicken s**t scum :twisted:


    Yep pheasants can be quite ferocious when they're in a bad mood.


    Not just pheasants, just ask Tippi :lol:

  7. Need to hunt them more, they is way too many around


    I’d like to hunt and shoot hunters who just kill animals for their own amusement


    I would like to see these so called superior hunter's, go up against one of their prey unarmed, see how big and brave they are then the chicken s**t scum :twisted:

  8. You don't need to join a club, you can do it by getting your own licence from the canals and rivers trust, then get your own insurance, when i got my dinghy for fishing, the insurance was about £30 for the year, but i got a 30 day explorer licence, as i used an electric outboard, if i just used oars the a full years licence was around £35, and that was rivers and canals,

  9. did you manage to pull many wheelies on the way home :lol: :lol:


    Almost. Bearing in mind these are Harley parts so I could hardly lift the box !


    are you sure about that, looks like something Q would knock up for Bond, ground to air missile launcher :lol:

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