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Posts posted by dynax

  1. I don't know about the legality of the contract, but if the seller sold the bike which should have also had a full MOT, i would think that could be cause for concern as to the road worthiness of the vehicle, trading standards might not be too impressed, i would contact a solicitor, you may have a case to sue, under a breach of contract agreement,

  2. It makes no difference as to the style,make,type of bike, someone owns it, nobody has the right to attempt or even steal anyone else's bike or property, most people work damn hard for their possessions, if it was up to me it would be 3 strikes, 1st time cut off a finger, 2nd time cut off a hand, 3rd time feeding the fishes or the tigers :twisted:

  3. Thought it might be nice to share recipes of what you like to cook and bake :thumb:

    Pulled Pork, i usually get a cheap cut with plenty of meat on it, normally takes 5-6 hours of slow cooking, high heat for the first 25-30 mins, then turn down to around 150 C, use about a 1 litre of hot water in with the meat, then every 20mins or so tease it apart, it won't completely break down for some time, add more water if needed but only a small amount at a time, then for the last hour and a half, mix some bbq sauce with some honey, the honey will caramelise without burning too much, the amount of sauce will depend on the amount of meat you have, and the mix ratio i use is 2:1 honey to bbq sauce, you will need to keep teasing and pulling, you may need to increase heat to get it to go sticky, took me a lot of trial and error, it can be a bit tough to pull apart at the beginning, don't rush it, it will break down, have fun :cheers:

  4. When i did my CBT, the other lad that was with us, kept getting told by the instructor to switch off his indicator, but as i was in front quite a lot i was always pressing mine just in case it was still on, and i was doing that on my own rides, after turning, press it a few times just to be sure,

  5. I can't say I have......@gin if you will go ahead

    ...... Is it mean to ask if you mean the one that's currently in 50+ Pieces?

    Cos if so, from here forth it's called Jigsaw :shock:


    So got my new steed him so do the honours...


    here's a couple The Flash, or The Red Baron,

  6. One advantage of paddock stands for overwintering is that it keeps the tyres off the ground. I'm not convinced it makes any difference to be honest but if possible when a vehicle is laid up I prefer the tyres to be raised.

    In terms of the plate to go under the sidestand I've carried a square of plywood for this purpose but I need to upgrade. A lot of the places I visit now have gravel drives and the bike seems to slip slightly as the gravel settles - a couple of times I've come back and found the stand right at the edge of the plate. I've seen plastic plates with a small lip round them which would solve this but I am sure there is an alternative that avoid the necessity of actually paying a silly amount for a little round bit of plastic.


    you can do the same with wood, just glue some strips round the edge of the plywood,

  7. Maiden ride done, thoroughly enjoyed it, went round my local streets, then took some minor roads to get me close enough to fuel up, without having to have much travelling on the A18, but it was fine managed the major roundabouts without issue, filled up with pay at the pump, to save messing with helmet, went on my again, back down the same way, but pulled into an industrial estate, place was empty, big car parks, so was able to practice figure of eights, U-turns, plenty of slow riding and clutch control, the bike itself is a very comfortable ride, suspension is great, handles bumps effortlessly, was able to go through all the gears, the braking is much better than on the YBR that i did my CBT on, probably because it is dual braking, next run out will be longer and will be going further afield with some long roads and just cruise :cheers:

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