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Posts posted by dynax

  1. It is strange there are three keys I must say. My 125 was a cat D due to being recovered (we presume, there were large scratch marks around the ignition barrel and the barrel itself was loose, plus the steering lock wasnt working until we fixed it all) but it had two matching keys.

    Is one for the new ignition, one to open the pillion seat and then one for ?? or something?


    fuel cap? :lol:

  2. Old guy in a McD's this morning - used the drive through then parked diagonally across the only 2 disabled spaces. Another disabled driver arrived and sat patiently waiting with indicator on for him to move into one or other. He ignored the second car so I wandered up and pointed out that he was in two spaces and the other car was waiting to park. The old guy told me to P off and mind my own business, and he can park where he wants cos he has a blue badge etc. much to the embarrassment of his daughter in the passenger seat.

    I went to speak to the other driver, explained the old guys attitude and pointed out another free space nearby.

    Meanwhile, the old guy still chuntering away, knocked his daughters coffee off the dashboard - and shouted at her as if it was her fault.

    Then as soon as she'd cleaned up the spillage he threw his empty cup out of his window and drove off

    In hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised at his nob attitude/behavior - he was in a qashqai :/


    I would have slugged him, a blue badge doesn't mean you can park like a twat, we had one, but since moving to wheelchair accessible vehicle it became redundant, we didn't need it as the wheelchair goes through the rear via a ramp, so we don't use disabled spaces as it's pointless for us, and as for parking anywhere, yes you can to a degree as long as you don't cause an obstruction, it is nob's like that, that give blue badge holders a bad rep :evil:

  3. Cruiser and light don't really go together, mine is a 125cc and weighs in at 172kg, the only thing i can suggest is have a look around, and try some for size, sitting on them, and feeling their weight and balance, will give you some idea, good luck, and hope you get what you want :thumb: :cheers:

  4. Well i did today, i got all geared up, and i was sweating before i even started, and was very tight and rubbing a bit, so went back indoors and removed the unnecessary item, was a huge relief, and felt much better, so in future on hot days, it will be the norm :lol: :thumb:


    until you smell your leathers in a month or so ...

    either shorts or base layers ..

    beauty is that if at stop and its hot you can remove trousers and still be decent .


    Maybe dynax goes to nudist places so he would stay decent :scratch:


    It's on my bucket list, if i ever get the chance to go, Croatia has some great nudist beaches :thumb: :cheers:

  5. Well i did today, i got all geared up, and i was sweating before i even started, and was very tight and rubbing a bit, so went back indoors and removed the unnecessary item, was a huge relief, and felt much better, so in future on hot days, it will be the norm :lol: :thumb:


    until you smell your leathers in a month or so ...

    either shorts or base layers ..

    beauty is that if at stop and its hot you can remove trousers and still be decent .


    I wear jeans, got a pair of RST ones, and they have some stretch in them :lol:

  6. The family of who ever gets murdered , nonced or whatever should be given the final say....

    Judge should say " you have been found guilty and sentenced to either life in prison or the death penalty "

    and the decision as to which is decided by the family of the victim .


    Why just the two choices? I think there should be more choice in the matter, you know, sparkle it up with a bit of razzmatazz.

    They're as good as dead anyway so I reckon there should be a wild-card option where the victim's family get to chose whatever they want.


    Thrown into a pit of Vipers, or a tank with Piranhas :twisted:

  7. There has to be a balance, and a punishment must fit the crime, capitol punishment should only be a last resort, and repeat offenders made an example of, how many chances do people need to change, the one's that do need to be eliminated, are the drug dealers and pusher's :twisted:

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