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Posts posted by JackieOWheels

  1. I didn't realise that it affects credit ratings, I better start using fake details then, not that I go on comparison websites a lot. Thanks for the tip @Bender!


    Its a routine check and is what's called a 'soft' search and leaves no permanent mark. This means it can't be seen by anyone other than you and the credit reference agency providing your credit score, and will disappear after 12 months. So it will have no impact whatsoever on your chances of getting credit in future, Benders making a mountain out of a mole hill again , the tart.


    Incorrect, I did searches 2 year ago and it went down, dug into it and a few had done full on credit searches, I had to enquire as the companies that showed up were bizzare and never heard of them, took a month via experian to get they were related to insurance quotes.

    It didn't nock it down by much I think it was 25points, I was gutted it noked it below the Mrs, I'm lucky my score is high but had I been borderline it could have impacted ability to get good rates on loans or no loans.

    Last year I searched using similar details and not a thing came up, and that's the way I will be fishing in future


    So it's best that going forward, when we use comparison websites to use fake details. I've done loads of searches when I do use it to see what would get me the best quote and each time I use it it would be recorded on my credit score. Lol, my lord!

  2. Just a pointer for using comparison sites, some of them slightly impact your credit rating, make up an identical John doe for searches then put your correct details in when you find what your happy with.



    I didn't realise that it affects credit ratings, I better start using fake details then, not that I go on comparison websites a lot. Thanks for the tip [mention]Bender[/mention]!

  3. @gymwitch no reason not to do your test, you can do it on your own bike if you are happy to stay with your 125, this is the route i am going as i can then lose the L plates and carry a pillion if needed :thumb:


    I think if i was going to take my test id deffo get a bigger bike. 😁


    It would be great if those that didn't want to do DAS could go a progressive route, and once passed on A1 would get provisional A2 and able to ride upto 400cc on L's :thumb:


    That literally used to be the old system Pre-2009 (i think), folk used to pass their test on a 125 and then told to wait and ride that for a couple of years before they are allowed to upgrade to any bike they wanted!

  4. Well that's an interesting question . When I worked at M&P in Coventry we had a chap called Andy Carlisle working with us on Saturdays and Sundays . We used to sell cheap and nasty Chinese Mini Moto's and Andy bought a yellow one for a laugh . The story goes that he took it for an MOT by walking into the test center with it under his arm in a bin bag . Astonishingly he got a daytime MOT so he started riding it to work on Sunday mornings . He actually used to ride this thing about five miles including going round Coventry Ring Road . I made a vinyl decal of a banana to go on the fairing and I remember that it had a reduced photocopy of the tax disc on the screen . And that's a true story . By the way , Andy Carlisle went on to be the current fastest bike rider around the Nurburgring and became a close friend of Guy Martin .


    Haha, I won't lie, I had to look up those two people you mentioned above so I had no idea who they are, I also watched the video of Andy's lap online, it was pretty insane! How he did that in under 8mins is impressive!!


    I can't believe you've never heard of Guy Martin . He's never off the telly ! Here's the two of them trying for the Nurburgring van record .


    He does seem to have done a lot of documentaries for Channel 4, I've not seen any of them :lol: Worthwhile?

  5. Great Fun on Small Bikes .


    Haha! I must admit those small bikes look fun as hell. Now I know what @Stu's riding on his profile pic.

    Are they ever road legal or do you only get to ride them in a track?


    Well that's an interesting question . When I worked at M&P in Coventry we had a chap called Andy Carlisle working with us on Saturdays and Sundays . We used to sell cheap and nasty Chinese Mini Moto's and Andy bought a yellow one for a laugh . The story goes that he took it for an MOT by walking into the test center with it under his arm in a bin bag . Astonishingly he got a daytime MOT so he started riding it to work on Sunday mornings . He actually used to ride this thing about five miles including going round Coventry Ring Road . I made a vinyl decal of a banana to go on the fairing and I remember that it had a reduced photocopy of the tax disc on the screen . And that's a true story . By the way , Andy Carlisle went on to be the current fastest bike rider around the Nurburgring and became a close friend of Guy Martin .


    Haha, I won't lie, I had to look up those two people you mentioned above so I had no idea who they are, I also watched the video of Andy's lap online, it was pretty insane! How he did that in under 8mins is impressive!!

  6. Riding school near me is still doing CBTs, but only if you can prove you are a key worker.


    Lol, surely to qualify to be a key worker you would have to be working during this crisis :|


    Correct, but how do you legally travel to your key worker job on a 125 if you don't have a CBT/your CBT has expired?


    I stand corrected, mind blanked that some folk may be in the position that their CBT would run out during this period too.

  7. Well solo rides aren't banned, so in theory we could just take a long way round to work/home to enjoy some of this nice weather that is coming round the bend.


    You can bet that if you get stopped Plod will figure out that you're nowhere near the direct route between work and home.

    I'm a bit stuffed on that lark as work is literally 2 minutes walk up the road.


    True, I would imagine we will have to play it smart and not take the piss too much, I live only around 5miles away from my work and there are several ways to drive home if I wanted to over the direct route but I do feel your pain Mississippi! :?

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