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James in Brum

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Posts posted by James in Brum

  1. Their website says that and that their supply chain is more ethical. They explain their thinking.

    I won’t present their thinking here because it would end up with people challenging me about what they say and I can’t be arsed. It’s an option and may be worth checking out.

  2. Lovely to read enthusiasm for the game :-)

    I adore playing on my bike which is an older steed. I have similar experience of disliking naked bikes at NSL and if I had ever sped at the upper limited of my bikes capabilities I am sure I would have been grateful for the fairing then too ;-)

  3. Since the weather is pants I decided to spend the afternoon in the garage making bird boxes. My wife was bored so she decided to join me. She's used the circular saw, various drills and borers and is now hooked on playing with power tools.

    Then we had a power cut, the joys of living in the countryside.


    Oh dear! not good, once you let them loose on tools and they discover the joys they start buying their own, and you know that they are their tools :shock:



    f**k me! I must have not noticed us being wrenched back to the fifties! Is this what the services change is about? To update the attitudes [mention]Stu[/mention] ?

  4. At the outset of this thread we were all asked to refrain from baiting, criticising and taking the piss it if each other on this thread.

    Some of us have shared deeply personal stories as shared vulnerability based on that. Let’s not ruin it now eh?

  5. I took the plunge and have ordered the sound recording equipment I have been hankering after. I want to create some audio content around mental health, some as training, some to go over powerpoints, some as podcasts.

    Going to have a go at getting it going. I’m going to need a websit which puts me off.

  6. Hi gang,

    My lovely bike seems all fine but once I have been riding for twenty minutes or so the engine does not slow as much as I would expect. It the isles at 3000.

    I can drag it down with a little clutch off whilst the brake is on. Then it sits where it should

    At about 1100.

    Any ideas. Gang?

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