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James in Brum

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Posts posted by James in Brum

  1. @Trooper74 perhaps they will get better sooner because I am further diluted!

    @Slowlycatchymonkey I don’t generally speed. It is all my fault I don’t excuse it. I was mega stressed at work and trying to be in early all the time those few weeks to keep up with learning a new role and managing COVID. It impacted my driving on empty roads, plus I was in the car rather than the bike which I had become used to. The car just seems slower at higher speeds than the bike.

    • Like 1
  2. Update, I took a speed awareness course for 1. 
    the solicitor advised waiting to see about the other four. Because there is four I will have to go to court if they follow through on prosecuting. 
    I have been hoping that they would just get lost in the system with COVID etc, sort of the universe looking after me. I was about three weeks from being able to believe they had vanished and I have have the notices that the courts have been advised. 
    who knows from here. We shall plead hardship because some of what I do I would not be able to do and it would not just disadvantage me but also the people I homeopath for the NHS (when I am homeopathing as opposed to leading the homeopathy). 


  3. C’est la guerre de les poissons. 

    we are about to see half the country proved correct. Still we find ourselves not discussing facts or expert opinions but calling names, gammons/remoaners belittling the people rather than the arguments. 
    it’s going to be interesting that is for sure. I was reasonably neutral about in or out but siding with remain. One thing I was not ambivalent about was I would not trust those in power not to line their own pockets at the expense of mucking everything up for the rest of us.

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  4. I’m sure you’re as soft as shite really @XTreme :-)

    The decision I have to make as head homeopath in the nhs require a degree of spinal fortitude. Not knowing any of you on here with the exception of @Fastbob whom I have met I choose not to behave as if we are mates in the pub who know how far we can push it. 
    Rae owned his own twattishness in his response so seemed reasonable to weigh in. 
    Maybe Mark should have a nomination because he is clearly finding the kind words in the MOTY thread uncomfortable.

    • Like 1
  5. Member of the Year for me is probably @MarkW, I think there have been times I have not necessarily agreed with what he is saying but I have always enjoyed the way he says it. I think he takes the time to write something and seeks to make it witty. In addition his bravery in talking about his experiences in the ‘how are you feeling thread’ started by @fastbob prompted me to also share and to face the vulnerability/exposure that offered. 
    Bob is still held in my high esteem but I voted for him last year.

    • Like 6
  6. Play with the revs, i’d put money (imaginary internet money) that you can make it pull in an exciting way. My ZZR600 is less pokey in lower revs, although good enough at lights etc, but when I get into the magic band of revs it feels like warp in engaging. 

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  7. I’ve only had a licence 16 months and bikes for 3 years. I think you are a biker if you ride or have risen a motorbike. Tribalism is fine when you feel in the tribe and bullshit when you use it to exclude others. 
    As for the mechaniccing bits, what a brilliant thing to be able to do, I try when I have time and opportunity with help from here but i also pay experts where I don’t have time or confidence.

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  8. I fail to see how checking that prospective riders have the skills to handle their bike safely is a bad thing. 
    it is of course possible to fail the mod one despite being proficient but you cannot pass it without being proficient and handling, slow riding turning, swerving and stopping suddenly. All good things to be able to do. 
    the argument it does not make you a good rider is a straw man argument. The point of the modular test is to seek for people to know how to safely ride their bike and not allow them on the roads with 100+ bhp

    • Like 1
  9. 30 minutes ago, Bender said:

    They won't be closed much longer though and they are trying to offer solutions.

    We knew that from the original post. The solutions weren’t adequate is what I understand and then the social media posts disappeared (we are told). 

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