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James in Brum

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Posts posted by James in Brum

  1. I’ve effectively been taking a break for the last few days because the interface is doing my head in. I though I had it right but now when I get the ‘unread recent posts’ up having created my own screen it shows all the posts for all of the threads that have not been read by me in order they are posted (a list of posts in chronological order regardless of which thread they are on).

    what I really want is a button and then all the threads that have posts on I have not read. Those have one link per thread, I follow that link and it takes me to the first in read post. 

    I’m only dipping in an out because it’s getting on my nerves, not read a post for a few days now. Not a flounce and I think you did the right thing in updating the software to make it future proof but for me it’s rather gotten in the way of using the forum.

    I only access on a phone these days. May try on a computer. When we getting the app?

  2. Hi gang, I need some help to get as much enjoyment and engagement in the site. I don’t find the new software intuitive. 
    if I press the three bars on top of each other, followed by active topics to the active topics sub menu and then press unread content I get what I want. All the threads I have not read. 
    problem is I have to do that each time I want to go back to the list of unread topics. Is there a way of having this as one button?

  3. I always preferred the Active topics. It was a list of topics across all sub forums in most recent order and the ones with posts I had not read were highlighted. I have taken to pressing the unread button. 
    I am not a configureator type person so will probably use this function as is and get used to it. I prefer the style of the old and the ease (because I new it), I’m not keen on things changing and there is a lot less text in view. That said I shall get used to it I am sure and I appreciate the forum being future proofed.


  4. I made it. Need to make sense of using it. Also need to confess I have not contributed. I had not realised the list was for those supporting the idea not for those supporting with money. I will chip a bit in after payday. 

  5. Not bike related but I think worth spreading the word.

    This is for anybody looking for a job in construction up here in Scotland and interested in having a look.

    Email from HR in where I work:

    Dear all,

    We’re hosting a recruitment fair for external candidates on Wednesday this week. If you have any family or friends who may be interested in hearing a bit more about ESD ,please feel free to share the link to the registration form.


    Registration will close at 12 noon on Tuesday 17th November.

    What is ESD? The homeopathy department I run is really taking it out of me and today I could have cheerfully told the NHS to swing.

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