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Everything posted by hammer5

  1. Created a sub thread so its easier to arrange a meetup for us from the Northwest so we can then ride down as a group and meet up with the other TMBF's. We need to be at Drayton Manor near Tamworth no later than 10:45am to start the official ride (11am) to the Armed Forces Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas Staffordshire. Anyone have a specific meet point in mind, like Knutsford services for 9am? Put your name down if your going and then we can get a clearer picture of who and when. BB
  2. hammer5

    RttW 3

    Who's going from the NW? Will there be a meetup place before setting off? BB
  3. cheers mate, i will be able to plan it fully. BB
  4. Only 3 votes and 2 for the 22nd. What's the plan, are we going for the 22nd? The 15th is now not possible for me as i need to attend a jobs fair in Manchester, why they choose a Sunday lord only knows.. BB
  5. It would make sense to meet you at Devil's bridge 10am point A, then leave on the route back splitting up and heading South when we meet up with the A65 on the last leg. Pitching it to my mates, as it looks a really really good ride BB
  6. I've asked a couple of mates and they are interested, what time would you be looking at meeting at point A? BB
  7. I've amended the route to add my home start location and end and it turned it into 235m 7hr route. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Kirkby+Lonsdale&daddr=Shap,+Penrith+to:Penrith+to:ca93bw+to:Middleton-in-Teesdale,+Barnard+Castle+to:dl11+6ed+to:hawes+to:Kirkby+Lonsdale,+Carnforth&geocode=FQ8TOwMdPlzY_ylLkwJYFYZ8SDHyEZJ3dbrLLA%3BFXYSQAMdNSXX_ymrPuJFKPF8SDGFXoPAEnDFcA%3BFdMlQgMdVvbV_ylJOAtnkFV8SDFO-2tKJsrbRQ%3BFbjlQwMdMg3a_yk7PFPjX6t9SDGJf6eQcUmpTQ%3BFU57QQMdj0vg_ykzzwaf6jZ8SDHA32ztnvkMBQ%3BFRTtPgMdJgnf_ylp78P4XkB8SDEcmuv2vQ9rfw%3B%3B&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=h&sll=54.505137,-2.3703&sspn=0.66819,1.755066&ie=UTF8&ll=54.479613,-2.3703&spn=0.668607,1.755066&z=9 Not sure if my butt can take that, if others from my area are going then it would be lazy and rude not too!! BB
  8. Any monkey hangers in here? BB (I'm an original head lander)
  9. Some excellent photos there, sounds like a really good ride with the lads. The cat on your(?) Yamaha looks stunning mate also the reg plate never any hassle from the boys in blue? BB
  10. Ok finally grabbed some pics Love this bike, love it.. BB
  11. Do we get a discount if we bring proper black puddings from the legendary Bury market!!?? BB
  12. How are you finding it for movement, is your head as snug as a bug in a rug or is there a little movement? Mine in the shop with a little pumping was extremely tight now its tight but i can wiggle it say a mm each way. BB
  13. ~I got them off the internet and they are pretty much perfect for my weird body shape, the 7 day distance selling period is over so its down to good manners and good business sense, i've just emailed them stating my worries and will see what they return with. I've stitched the zip back into the pocket and its better than ok, maybe it was just 'one of them' that happens, maybe the machinist had a bad day. BB
  14. You don't really need a black visor with it as you have the top gun flip lid inside, some people say it can distort your view IF wearing glasses i don't have that problem and my eyesight is bad. The pump helps a great deal and if its too hot a quick release of some air helps the ventilation out a little. The vents are pretty good a good blast of cold air is transferred around quite nicely on a hot day. Only minor gripe i have is the fitting i could do with being a couple of mm tighter so looks like i might need to grow more hair as i shave it (number 2)!! Other than that, great helmet and better than my old Shark Foggy rep. BB
  15. The stitching has come away on the pocket which is not a major issue, some bonded nylon thread will fix that, its the singular stitching on the rest of the suit has has me a little concerned... As and when i come off i don't want it falling apart. It feels solid enough so maybe a little paranoid due to the pocket, everything else looks perfect as i have gone over it, its just the single line of stitching as i thought it was meant to be double? BB
  16. Ola! I have these new leathers made by Prospeed which are an Italian company with apparently a good reputation. I've had these now for a week and i guess wore them for say 10hrs give or take and the stitching has come away on the pocket/zip. What concerns me is after reading about stitching here before i bought them i tried ensure they were of a strong stitch, to which i was ensured they were. Can you have a look at the images and give your opinion? Much appreciated. BB
  17. I've had my scorpion 1000 for a week or so now and in my opinion its a very very good helmet. BB
  18. You are correct, moving from 1 to 2 indicate left moving from 2 to 1 indicate right.
  19. what you sold the box on ebay? Wow talk about money making scheme, I'm going to go find that pizza box from last night lol BB
  20. I've just seen this on fleabay; http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/APRILIA-SHIVER-75 ... 5ad1b1f16a Any good? BB
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