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Everything posted by hammer5

  1. Do you want me to post it or send you some money via paypal/BT so you can buy a new one? And its Aprilia
  2. Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready Bikes ready bikes fixed bikes ready
  3. Polecat, have you managed to play your video's on say a PS3 or Xbox?
  4. And here was me thinking most bikers had a sense of humour.... PS: Ker5h doesn't care if your male or female, a hole is a hole to him!
  5. Study the night before and no study on the day, let the brain store the information as it needs time and studying on the same day can cloud most of the information already digested. And chill out on the morning, go for a long walk to de-stress get some fresh air and be as confident as you should be. Good Luck BB
  6. http://www.ehow.com/about_5082422_carburetor.html Ignore Ker5h he's trying to get a shag
  7. Not mounted it yet as the bikes in the garage for a replacement starter motor. I have tried it clipped into the nose guard thing on the helmet and it looks well but its going to be pointing where i am looking, which if the wife sees the video and catches me looking at all the women then that's a problem as i can't stop window shopping Once i get the bike back i will give it a go and let you know. Got me thinking, could you not connect it to a laptop set it as live view then play around till you get it right?
  8. is your md80 the copy version or the real version? copy version retails at £2 from ebay not so good batt length.. edit: I've just uploaded the video (edited) from this morning onto my facebook page; Linky: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php? ... 0308064030
  9. I received my mini dv S80 rip off from Ebay (HK) £7 inc p&p last night, powered it up popped in a 16gb sd card and its pretty impressive for the price, it's not HD but its pretty damn good. Downside is the power, 2hrs at the most but i am looking at either locating an external usb powered battery pack or something to enable me to use the power from the bike or easier just buying two more which will give me 6hrs recording for £21!! BB
  10. dont ring and ask them just go there and tell them they f*ked up.. Check if the weights have fallen off (balancing weights)
  11. hammer5

    changing brake pads

    you need to change the pads remove the fluid and take it for a ride down the motorway to bed them in before re-adding the fluid. On a serious note, i don't think you need too.
  12. Not sure whether it will or won't, Google doesn't provide me with a definitive answer.. Suggest?
  13. If money is not that much of a worry go for specially made. go for kangeroo leather, should last a good 10 years - if looked after Good luck!
  14. just dropped my bike off at the garage, they reckon a week or more before they can fix her.... I told them It's the pudding run so they will try to get it fixed intime... Fingers crossed....
  15. Is there meant to be an image? (test) Ok image's should appear!?!
  16. glad the indicator's fixed! Ok what TC is referring too is as we had to fuel up to get home this meant i had to remove the key from the ignition to open the petrol cap thus turning the engine off... Which meant i needed a push start, luckily for me there were two lads at the garage who were willing to give me a push - as TC & his little legs - carted himself off to the toilet!! They gave me a bump start and i say there waiting for TC to get dressed. As he was taking so long i put the kickstand down to rest my legs, once he got dressed i put it into gear forgetting the kickstand was still down and of course the engine cut out! So i had to ask the two lads to give me a push again.. Still not as bad as the guy who came pushing his bike in as he had ran out of petrol and his wife came waddling in about 2 4 minutes later looking slightly tired (chubby woman) and peeved off. Its all down to learning experiences!!
  17. No idea what you are on about mate? I must admit when you went over Matt i couldn't see you or the bike at first as you was so deep in the grass! Luckily it was just the indicator! (diversion worked?
  18. Brilliant day, excellent roads ridden with some pretty top class people. New starter motor tomorrow should be out in time for the pudding run , great day guy's and gal's excellent route planned Frankie, next time i will take (once i buy it) the HD head camera. TC: when i left you i was heading for Burnley town centre, i kept seeing signs for the M66 and thought ahh bollox and headed for it instead of going all over the back roads home! I live 4 mile away from the Bury junction hence coming off there. Great day guy's and gal's excellent route planned Frankie, next time i will take (once i buy it) the HD head camera. BB
  19. So....... who is going tomorrow for certain? (weather looking very good 20+ heat) but little rain at 10am Lancaster way..
  20. Weather report has changed from a little black cloud with two rain drops to a white cloud and the sun all the way through to full sunshine. Of course that could change anytime, but fingers crossed tomorrow could still be on.
  21. weekend after Wales, doubt it unless Wales gets rained off..
  22. So why isn't mine on it Sarg? I guess i PM the management
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