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Everything posted by Steve_M

  1. I can see the advantages if time is a constraint.
  2. I’ve just had a quick glance at this option wondering if it would give us more time in Italy on our tour this year. Unfortunately it wouldn’t work for us as the available dates don’t work with our ferry bookings. There is also the issue of cost. I may have misunderstood costs as I had already realised it didn’t work for us so didn’t try to look for the cheapest option. They appeared to be eye wateringly expensive.
  3. Or who you’re going to hit. Personal injury damages can run into huge figures.
  4. I’ve posted that site a few times in reply to people asking for bike advice. I’ve found it very handy to early discount bikes that I’ve considered.
  5. We’ve been lime plastering and decorating (well, my good lady’s been decorating) the hall, stairs and landing. With friends popping around tonight and my daughter visiting for a few days we’re spending today cleaning the place up … I’d rather be riding the bike.
  6. Looks a good job. Rather you than me, mind.
  7. Steve_M

    BMW R 9 T

    I’ve never thought of myself as part of a tribe I had every intention of not buying a GS when I was looking to replace my FJR. I had my eye on the R1200RS as I quite fancied something along the lines of my old VFR800fi but shaft drive. The bar steward of a salesman suggested I try the GS. It was a revelation just how good it is, and my pillion is over the moon with the elevated viewing platform that the seat gives her (something she missed on the FJR). I’ve just watched the Bennett’s YouTube review of the Yamaha 900GT. If I were looking to replace my FJR now, I think that is the sort of bike I would be considering. A stage between adventure and the old sports touring package (if only it had shaft drive!).
  8. Steve_M

    BMW R 9 T

    It has many disadvantages for two up touring. Inadequate luggage capacity, weather protection, insufficient legroom for the pillion, the riding position is not to my liking for riding several hours a day then, yes, there’s the pillion seat which my good lady would most certainly not be impressed with. Edit: suspension adjustment? I have ESA on my GS which allows me to set up for solo, pillion and or luggage at the press of a button. I can’t find any reference to ESA in the R Nine T’s tech spec. I would miss that. If I were, say, 30years younger and touring solo I would fit an aftermarket screen, bar risers, and throw over bags… or buy the R1250RS.
  9. Oh dear. It wasn’t quite so bad when I was unemployed ten years ago. Perhaps it’s a government initiative to show fewer people registering unemployed
  10. It’s something I wouldn’t mind getting used to but not at the price - just pleased someone else paid.
  11. My good lady’s daughters bought her a voucher for a local hotel. We (she?) chose to go for afternoon tea. My word it was posh. We’re now really quite stuffed and will be foregoing tea.
  12. I’ve gone back with a (relatively) polite, but clear response quoting the relevant sections of the act. Thank you,
  13. Excellent. Thank you. I thought it came under the sale of goods act, but I’m obviously out of touch having become accustomed to good service.
  14. I can cope with things going wrong from time to time but as the Customer Service people where I worked pointed out, the true measure is how you deal with the issue. So far, really not very impressed.
  15. At the end of January I bought a Karcher K3 power washer online from Homebase (my old Karcher had blown up after about 20years so I thought I’d buy like for like). I’ve used the new machine about a dozen times, mostly to wash the bike and car. It has now developed a fault. I contacted Homebase via their website (and how tricky do they make it to find the relevant form! ) and their advisor instructed me to contact Karcher. I emailed Karcher who responded with “if you live near Horsham you could bring it in for us to have a look”. My obvious response being that I live in Cumbria, what’s the alternative? Then Homebase asked for feedback on their advisor to which I gave negative feedback and referenced the sale of goods act.
  16. We went to see Scott Bradlee’s Post Modern Jukebox (ably supported by a chap who goes under the monicker “The Last Morrell”) at the Sage, Gateshead on Friday. I’m glad we went to see them as it’s a good show though I’m not sure I’d go to see them for a second time.
  17. House work, as in renovations. Actually, less renovation than “fixing up” at the moment.
  18. Sorry this is all a bit of a brain dump but I’m trying to reply in the gaps in house renovation work. ”snappy at the top end”? I doubt you’ll bother the top end of the rev range much. I’ve rarely hit the rev limiter on any of my bikes, even during track days. It gives minimal benefit and pretty pointless getting up there on the road. You can tour on any sized bike. It’s probably worth going to 900cc if you’re touring two up fully laden. I have done short tours two up on my Suzuki GSF 600F (Bandit) and several 400mile plus days on my CX500 (I was much younger then, mind). Most 600cc bikes can cruise comfortably at or above the motorway speed limit with little problem. You may find this tool a good reference for gauging the relative riding positions. Motorcycle ergo tool
  19. Bloody unemployed, spending their dole down the pub… Best of luck with the jobcentre.
  20. Back from buying stuff from Wickes, Carlisle. Whoever designed (I use the term loosely) the arrangement of items has a strange sense of humour. Self levelling compound? All grouped together. Except for the brand I want which is in the diametrically opposite corner by the kitchens. Laminate flooring underlay logically all grouped together by the laminate flooring. Except for the brand I want which is in the other corner (hidden behind the other end of the kitchen displays). Aargh.
  21. Probably. I suspect it’s from the 1960’s refit of the house. There are still indications of the builder’s spurs and Stetson around the place. The owner of the time thought he was being clever by setting up a fixed time and cost contract, with penalty clauses, with the builder. All it meant was that the builder took shortcuts as he ran out time and budget. The builder also used building practices from the period which we now know are inappropriate for a building of this age, which we’re having to deal with at great expense - not helped by the current round of inflation.
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