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Everything posted by littlecat

  1. bugger , lol, I forgot about the moo filter
  2. lol , yeah Moo, no close encounters with unwelcome surfaces this time
  3. probably in the wrong section , but im sure one of our lovely mods will move it if so..... just did my 2nd full track day...first one on a regular day , sharing a garage with 9 acu licence holders who were all mates of a mate....had a fab day...only regret is the shit organisation meant nowhere near enough track time for any of us,,,, heres a few pics http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_0687_zps5cdcc887.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_0684_zps13ff98cd.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_11541_zpsee9f0d61.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_0386_zpsbcc6bbbf.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_0427_zpsa61dcfd5.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_05921_zps218c9542.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_0601_zps162e9cbc.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_0632_zps6460015c.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v249/mightymidget/Donington_130729_04081_zps767730cf.jpg
  4. yep mines a 2000 , 5 pins , and I have 2 spare working ones at the moment damn sight cheaper than 159 quid
  5. my nob of the day is actually a nob of the week award and goes to the driver of the blue van who spectacularly pulled out straight across cotmanhay road on me yesterday evening , when id skipped out of work early to do my mum and stepdad a favour. my stepdad ( who has never been impressed by anything ive done my entire life) couldn't stop saying how amazed he was that I managed to stop....to be honest the only thought going therough my mind was 'I cant hit him , i'm not supposed to be here'. that said... it took considerable effort not to get out of the car and give him what for, as all I coulsd think after was if id been on the bike , he'd have been wearing an R6
  6. wheres the sign up list ??? ME, ohjay and chira straight on the list for this one pretty please
  7. I think he sometimes forgets ive only had my license 2 years and can barely touch the floor on any bike, much less my own, lol
  8. this would be with the mate who moaned like hell when he saw my cadwell pics on account of the fact my arse is still on the seat !!!( hes been racing for years and is wired wrong in the head ... loves the manx and the southern 100 )
  9. Wow littlecat, I am jealous of how many trackdays you've been able to get under you belt. Must be a good few? I take it your completely under the influence of trackday addiction actually this will only be my second full day, have done cadwell on performance plus ( which is half a day on track) one session at castle combe as part of a bikesafe day ( xmas pressie from my lovely man),#one full day at cadwell on a reclaim your tracks day ( birthday pressie from my best mate) and now donnington coming up, paid for by my bestie because he fancied doing it with his racer buddies and I think he secretly( or not so secretly as it happens) wants to coach me, and its my local track . am I addicted ...possibly...I find it much more exhilarating than riding on the road...the perfect environment in which to see what you are capable of ( and also what the bike is ) without the usual hazards or unknowns
  10. well start seeing them as a hazard again when you get on a bike, something that can cause an annoying minor bump in a car can spit you off or even kill you on a bike
  11. I would maybe suggest a little more practise on the hazard perception before you take to the road, its not there to be boring, its there to make you aware of the hazards out there, and believe me there are plenty . congratz on passing and good luck with the DAS
  12. no think outlon on Tuesday would be pushing it a bit....im at donniington on Monday for a focused events track day, with a load of mates who race ...omg...lol. not sure what that'll be like be im sure it'll be a helluva lot of fun
  13. passed mod 1 today on her first attempt. first time she'd ever been on the road on the 500 was the ride to the test centre today roll on mod 2 in a fortnight
  14. what he said.....been there done that , and waited over 2 hours for a recovery guy to straighten it back up with a large spanner
  15. lol, sorry but this thread has amused me more than anything in a long while...glad you're back on it , and no major harm done....still chuckling here
  16. would've been , but £20 a tickets a bit over budget for this month
  17. congratulations, and best of luck with mod 1 ( ps , ignore Zod..he has a 'funny' sense of humour)
  18. bugger, seen this too late would've been up for a run from Nottingham way
  19. ok , wont rush then, havnt got the bikes out yet anyway
  20. this one focussed events...and yes they will all be in faster groups, unless my mate carries out his threat to sneak into novice to 'coach me' ( read kick my arse lol )
  21. looking likely that me and ohjay will be there, feeling much better and it would be almost rude not to given the current weather
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